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Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection 중화방사의학여방호잡지

  • 主管单位: 中国科学技术协会
  • 主办单位: 中华医学会
  • 影响因子: 0.70
  • 审稿时间: 1-3个月
  • 国际刊号: 0254-5098
  • 国内刊号: 11-2271/R
  • 发行周期: 月刊
  • 邮发: 18-93
  • 曾用名:
  • 创刊时间: 1981
  • 语言: 英文
  • 编辑单位: 中华放射医学与防护杂志编辑委员会
  • 出版地区: 北京
  • 主编: 苏旭
  • 类 别: 特种医学
  • A review of thoracic radiotherapy target volume definition for limited-stage small cell lung cancer

    作者:Hu Xiao;Chen Ming

    Thoracic radiotherapy has been demonstrated in a number of clinical studies that can reduce the local recurrence rate and improve the long-term survival rate in limited-stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients and thus is an indispensable part in the comprehensive treatment of SCLC[1-2] However,many controversies have existed for a long time in the implementation of thoracic radiotherapy (TRT),the target volumes for radiation is one of them[3].

  • 核医学诊断工作场所辐射水平及防护现状调查


    目的 对我国核医学诊断工作场所辐射防护现状进行调查.方法 2013年2-12月期间,在东北、华中和华北地区分别选择1家三甲医院,用y剂量率仪巡测核医学诊断制药、淋洗、分装、注射、扫描过程中工作场所周围剂量当量率,光致发光剂量计测量放射工作人员个人有效剂量和当量剂量.结果 在放射性药物分装、注射和受检者摆位等操作环节中周围剂量当量率较高,分装时高达1.92 mSv/h,注射时距针管5 cm处剂量率高达1.2 mSv/h,受检者体表30 cm处剂量率范围为5.36 ~240 μSv/h,某医院护士手部当量剂量为0.01 ~0.02 mGy,部分工作场所存在人员路线交叉及注射后受检者停留在公众区域的现象.结论 核医学实践中放射工作人员应加强个人防护,提高操作熟练程度以缩短作业时间,应优化放射工作人员出入路线,加强注射后受检者的管理,以免公众人员受到不必要的照射.

  • Study on dosimetric and radiation safety performance parameters of helical tomotherapy unit

    作者:Ma Yongzhong;Yang Bo;Feng Zechen;Wang Hongfang;Wan Ling

    Objective To understand the functional status and radiation protection requirements of helical tomotherapy (TOMO) unit when it is applied in clinic treatment so as to promote the construction of TOMO quality control system.Methods A helical tomotherapy unit with a type of tomotherapy Hi-Art was employed as the radiotherapy unit.A series of tests and analyses on dosimetric and radiation safety performance parameters of the TOMO unit were conducted with the use of a A1SL ionization chamber,a set of solid water equivalent phantoms and other test equipments.The performance parameters were compared with that of a conventional 6 MV accelerator with a type of ARTISTE.Results The deviations of static and dynamic output dose were-1.51% and 1.18%,respectively.The values of PDD10/PDD1.5 and PDD20/PDD1.5 were 0.608 and 0.318 within the range of X-ray quality parameters calibration.Under the different field conditions of 40 cm × 5 cm,40 cm × 2.5 cm and 40 cm × 1 cm,the stability of transverse/longitudinal dose distribution curve was no more than 1.20% and the offset distance of Jaw width was smaller than 0.5 mm.Radiation leakage ratio of the treatment rotating center from the muhileaf collimator (MLC) was 0.20%.No matter the average or the maximum value of the leakage radiation from couch plane was less than 0.02%.Conclusions The performances and testing requirements of TOMO unit are different from a conventional electron linear accelerator,the quality control index of TOMO unit should be set seperately and tested strictly in terms of the specific requirements of the unit by complying with the QC programme.The reliable quality control system should be established and effectively implemented to serve the radiotherapy quality and radiation safety effectively in the tomotherapy.

  • A phenomenological model for the dynamics of cell cycle in responding to X-rays

    作者:Zhang Sheng;Ao Bin;Ye Caiyong;Yang Lei;Zhou Guangming

    Objective To establish a model to predict the cell-cycle process in response to ionizing radiation.Methods Human choroidal malignant melanoma 92-1 cells were used and the cell cycle distribution of cells was analyzed in 0-96 h after exposure to X-rays.A phenomenological model was constructed based on biological knowledge to describe the cell cycle dynamics in experiments.Results In the present study,a phenomenological model was constructed to describe the cellcycle dynamics of synchronized 92-1 cells in responding to various doses of ionizing radiation.The simulation results obtained with the model were consistent with the experimental data,demonstrating that the model had a good expansibility and could be used to predict the dynamics of cell cycle in responding to ionizing radiation.Further theoretical modeling of the cellcycle dynamics was made and the results were consistent with the simulation.Conclusions A phenomenological model was constructed which could be used to describe the dynamics of cell cycle of cells exposed to ionizing radiation and was supported by the experimental data.Because this model is easy to run by the written code,it has a good expansibility for studying the behaviors of cell populations under various conditions.

  • 神经上皮细胞转化基因1对细胞辐射敏感性的影响及其机制探讨


    目的 探讨神经上皮细胞转化基因1(Net1)对细胞辐射敏感性的影响及相关的分子作用机制.方法 运用实时荧光定量PCR检测辐射后细胞中Net1基因表达水平的变化;采用RNAi干扰技术抑制细胞中Net1的表达,用克隆形成率分析细胞的辐射敏感性;利用免疫共沉淀技术发现Net1的结合蛋白.结果 电离辐射损伤后,细胞中的Net1 mRNA水平显著上升(t=-10.52,P<0.05);与对照组相比,siRNA沉默细胞中的Net1表达后明显增加了细胞的辐射敏感性(t=15.31、11.65,P<0.05);无论在正常状态下还是在细胞受到辐照后,Net1都能与非同源末端连接修复蛋白Ku70、Ku80和DNA-PKcs结合.结论 Net1对细胞的辐射防护作用可能是通过与非同源末端连接修复蛋白相互作用来调控辐射损伤修复实现的.

  • 神经源性分化因子对小鼠放射性肠损伤的治疗作用


    目的 研究神经源性分化因子(NeuroD)对放射性肠损伤的治疗作用.方法 采用原核表达系统表达、纯化NeuroD与绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)的融合蛋白(NeuroD-EGFP融合蛋白),利用倒置荧光显微镜观察NeuroD-EGFP融合蛋白的体外进入细胞的效率.40只C57BL/6J小鼠采用随机数字表法分为正常对照组、磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)组、EGFP组、NeuroD-EGFP融合蛋白组,每组10只.除正常对照组外,其余3组动物经9 Gy γ射线全身照射后,观察NeuroD-EGFP融合蛋白在小肠上皮细胞内的分布情况和NeuroD对放射性肠损伤的治疗作用.结果 纯化得到了NeuroD-EGFP融合蛋白.细胞上清中加入NeuroD-EGFP融合蛋白后,可见绿色荧光聚集在细胞内部,表明其可穿过细胞膜进入细胞内.小鼠腹腔注射NeuroD-EGFP融合蛋白5h后,小肠绒毛上皮细胞内部有绿色荧光聚集.小鼠照射后3.5d,NeuroD-EGFP组小鼠绒毛高度高于PBS及EGFP组(F =49.49,P<0.01),隐窝深度及隐窝数目大于PBS及EGFP组(F=16.72、10.32,P<0.01).结论 NeuroD蛋白可促进放射后肠道绒毛及隐窝的修复,对放射性肠损伤具有治疗作用.

  • Mitochondria as extranuclear targets of ionizing radiation

    作者:Tong Jian

    According to classical theory of radiation biology,the main target of ionizing radiation damage is believed to be the DNA in the cell nucleus.However,the discovery of so-called non-target effects,such as radiation-induced genomic instability in the progeny of cells survived from irradiation and bystander effects on cells not directly exposed to radiation,has challenged the central dogma of radiation biology in recent years[1-3].Previous studies have demonstrated that extranuclear target also plays an important role in mediating the genotoxicity of ionizing radiation[4],but the details of the cytoplasmic effects on genomic instability in hit cells is largely unexploited,mainly due to the technical difficulties in selectively targeting the cytoplasm without affecting the nucleus.

  • Advances in the research on the biological effects of heavy-ion radiation

    作者:Dong Juancong;Zuo Yahui

    Heavy iron radiation offer significant advantages for the treatment of deep-seated local tumors in comparison to conventional megavolt photon therapy.For a plethora of malignancies,current radiotherapy using photons or protons yields marginal benefits in local control and survival.In the last decade,heavyion radiotherapy facilities have slowly been constructed in Europe and Asia,demonstrating favorable results for many of the malignancies for which conventional radiotherapy yields poor results.

  • HMGB1increases radiosensitivity by interacting with HDAC1

    作者:He Xin;Meng Qinghui;Meng Aimin;Liu Qiang;Wang Haichao;Fan Saijun

    Objective To study the nuclear protein association of high-mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) and histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1),and the effect of interaction on radiosensitivity in human breast cancer cells.Methods The protein-protein interaction was determined by immunoprecipitationWestern blot and glutathione-S-transferase capture assays.Cell growth was examined by MTT (methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium)assay and clonogenic assay.Histone deacetylase activity was analyzed by histone deacetylase assay.Results A significant increase of HMGB1 protein and radiosensitivity was observed in MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 cells transfected with a pCMV-Tag2B expression vector carrying with a full-length of HMGB1 cDNA.HMGB1 binding to HDAC1 was demonstrated as GST (glutathione Stransferase)-pull down and immunoprecipitation Western blot assay,and the association was elevated by irradiation.An LXCXE motif was required for the HMGB1-HADC1 interaction and HMGB1 radiosensitization.A significant difference of IC50 value was observed,for example,1.8 and 2.2 Gy (wtHMGB1 transfectants,P < 0.05),3.6 and 3.8 Gy (HMGB1/C103F transfectants,P > 0.05),both compared with 3.9 and 4.1 Gy (pCMV-Tag2B transfectants) in MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 cells,respectively.A specific HDAC1 inhibitor trichostatin A markedly reduced the HMGB1-mediated radiosensitivity,0.5 Gy in the presence of trichostatin A versus 1.8 Gy in absence of trichostatin A in MDA-MB-231 transfectants,1.2 Gy (with trichostatin A) versus 2.2 Gy (without trichostatin A) in MDA-MB-468 transfectants,P < 0.05.Histone deacetylase activity was also detected in immunoprecipitates prepared from these cells with antibodies to HMGB1,and this activity was abolished by the histone trichostatin A.Conclusions These results suggest a previous unanticipated role for HDAC1 in modification of HMGB1-mediated radiosensitivity by its direct interaction with HMGB1.

  • 新型Smac模拟物Tat-Smac N7的肿瘤细胞辐射增敏作用


    目的 观察Tat-Smac N7融合肽对人肺癌细胞系H460和人食管癌细胞系EC109的辐射增敏作用,探讨其辐射增敏机制.方法 取对数生长期H460和EC109细胞,分为DAPI对照组、FITC-Smac N7和FITC-Tat-Smac N7组,荧光显微镜观察两种细胞不同时间药物入核情况.取对数生长期H460和EC109细胞,分为单纯照射组、照射联合Tat-Smac N7组,单纯照射组给予0、2、4、6 Gy照射,照射联合Tat-Smac N7组中Tat-Smac N7的浓度为20 μmol/L,WST-1测定Tat-Smac N7的辐射增敏作用.取对数生长期H460和EC109细胞,分为对照组、Tat-Smac N7组、单纯照射组和照射联合Tat-Smac N7组,吸收剂量为4 Gy,Tat-Smac N7浓度为20 μmol/L,细胞流式分析仪测定细胞不同时间的细胞凋亡率.结果 Tat-Smac N7融合蛋白进入2种细胞系后2h可以有蓄积,且这种蓄积可延续到24 h,而Smac N7则不能进入细胞.Tat-Smac N7能够增强H460和EC109细胞的辐射敏感性(F=22.2、13.2,P<0.05),照射联合Tat-Smac N7可明显增加辐射诱导的细胞凋亡率(24 h:F=9.32、5.86,P<0.05;48 h:F =7.09、8.25,P<0.05).Tat-Smac N7联合照射后凋亡诱导效应具有时间依赖性.结论 Tat-Smac N7融合肽可促进肿瘤细胞的辐射敏感性,作为一种新的Smac蛋白类似物,有望用于肿瘤的辐射增敏治疗.

  • Engraftment of bone marrow-derived cells after nonlethal radiation in syngeneic C57BL/6mice

    作者:Wu Liao;Tan Li;Wang Yu;Liu Dengqun;Shi Chunmeng

    Objective To study the characteristics of cell engraftment in mice at a lower dose under nonlethal radiated condition.Methods A syngeneic C57BL/6 mouse model,transplanted with 1 × 107 bone marrow cells and exposed to 2.5 Gy whole body irradiation (WBI),was selected to study the chimerism of cells from green fluorescent protein positive (GFP +) transgenic mice.The control group was injected with GFP + cells without receiving irradiation.In addition,an allogenic transplantation model of BALB/c mice was also investigated which was infused by GFP + cells from C57BL/6 mice.The engraftment of bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) was detected by immunohistochemistry in bone marrow,liver,lung,small intestine and spleen.Results The transplanted bone marrow cells successfully grafted in the haematopoietic tissues from syngeneic GFP transgenic mice.The transplanted GFP+ cells were also detected in the non-haematopoietic tissues,such as the small intestine,liver,spleen and lung,after irradiation.However,a lethal dose irradiation of 8 Gy was required to establish successful chimerism in allogeneic transplantation model by infusing the bone marrow cells from C57BL/6 mice to BALB/c mice.Conclusions Bone marrow-derived cells can be successfully grafted into various recipient tissues receiving a 2.5 Gy dose of radiation in syngeneic mice,but not in allogeneic mice.This nonlethal model may help to further study the plasticity and mechanism of bone marrow-derived cells in tissue repair and regeneration after radiation injury.

  • Down regulation of miR-203in radiation-induced thymic lymphoma promoted cells proliferation and inhibited apoptosis

    作者:Zhang Chaoxiong;Zhang Mingjian;Gao Fu;Zhou Chuanfeng;Zhang Pei;Cai Jianming;Liu Cong

    Objective To investigate the role of miR-203 in radiation-induced thymic lymphoma (RITL).Methods A 60Co irradiator was used for total-body irradiation.MicroRNAs(miRNAs) level was assayed by qRT-PCR.Cell proliferation was assayed by MTT assay.Cell apoptosis was examined by fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS).Dual luciferase reporter assay system was used to detect the 3'UTR reporter.Results MiR-203 was down-regulated in RITL tissues.Overexpression of miR-203 strongly inhibited the proliferation of both NIH3T3 cells and EL4 cells and vice versa.MiR-203 inhibited cells proliferation and induced apoptosis via TANK-binding kinase (TBK1),SLUG (SNAI2) and Cyclin D1 (CCND1).Conclusions Radiation down-regulated the level of miR-203 in thymic,which promoted radiation-induced thymic lymphoma by targeting TBK1,SNAI2 and CCND1.

  • 《中华放射医学与防护杂志》第九届编委会成立大会暨放射医学出版研讨会在厦门召开



  • 2011-2014年《中华放射医学与防护杂志》不同领域的高被引作者分布


    总被引频次(自创刊以来所登载的全部论文在统计当年被引用的总次数)是反映期刊的客观影响力.2014年《中华放射医学与防护杂志》的总被引频次为783次;从2011年以来,本刊的总被引频次在754 ~ 833之间波动.在每一年度,以作者为考察对象,统计被引频次总数,得出同一作者不同文章的累计结果,从而反映一个专业的关注度.将各年度中论文被引5次以上的定义为高被引作者,他们在不同领域的分布如下.

  • 南京192Ir放射源辐射事故现场的卫生应急处置



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