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  • 尾加压素Ⅱ抑制大鼠心肌细胞L型钙电流



  • 刺五加皂甙B对心室肌细胞膜ATP敏感性钾通道的作用


    刺五加皂甙B(acanthopanax senticosides B,Sb)是从刺五加的主要活性成分刺五加叶皂甙(ASS)中提取的一种单体,其分子式为C58H92O25·3H2O.ATP敏感性钾通道(KATP)开放剂能产生与缺血预处理(IP)类似的心肌保护作用,而ASS也有类似的心肌保护作用,因此本实验观察Sb对心肌细胞膜KATP的作用.

  • α1肾上腺素受体对豚鼠心肌细胞延迟整流钾电流的调控



  • 二十二碳六烯酸对心室肌细胞离子通道的影响


    近年来,n-3多不饱和脂肪酸(n-3PUFAs)对心血管的有益作用已受到广泛重视.大量研究表明n-3PUFAs具有抗心律失常作用,能降低冠心病的猝死率及心肌梗死后恶性心律失常的发生率[1].基于这些研究结果,在心血管疾病的一级和二级预防中,美国和欧洲等心脏病学会推荐每日摄入小剂量n-3PUFAs[2].目前,n-3PUFAs抗心律失常的机制仍不完全清楚.n-3PUFAs主要包括二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)和二十碳五烯酸(EPA).本文通过膜片钳技术探讨DHA对大鼠心室肌细胞静息电位(RP)、动作电位时限(APD)、延迟整流性钾通道电流(IK)及内向整流性钾通道电流( IKl)的影响,阐述DHA抗心律失常的可能机制.1.材料和溶液组成:Axopatch 700B膜片钳放大器、Digi-Data 1322型数/模(或模/数)转换器、pClamp 9.0脉冲发放和数据采集软件(美国Axon Instruments公司).DHA(美国Sigma公司)以无水乙醇配制成50 mmol/L的母液,分装避光保存于-80℃备用.使用时无水乙醇的终浓度<0.4%,以避免无水乙醇对离子通道的影响.牛血清白蛋白(BSA,美国Sigma公司)配制成2 mg/ml,4℃保存.

  • 黄芪对急性心肌梗死兔心室肌细胞L-钙通道电流的影响



  • 山西医科大学循环生理研究室在国家级杂志和国外杂志已发表的科研学术论文


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  • 苄基四氢巴马汀对豚鼠心肌动作电位的影响


    苄基四氢巴马汀(Benzyltetrahydropalmatine,BTHP)是从罂粟科植物延胡索(Corydalis ambigua(Pall)cham.et Schlecht)中提取的异喹啉类生物碱的衍生物.整体实验表明其具有抗多种心律失常的作用,降低自律性、减慢频率[1,2].为明确BTHP的抗心律失常机制,本实验利用标准微电极技术[3]观察了BTHP对豚鼠乳头状肌动作电位(AP)的影响,并进一步采用全细胞膜片钳技术[4]研究了BTHP对豚鼠单个心室肌细胞AP的作用.

  • 作者:蒋彬;杨向军;惠杰;蒋廷波;宋建平;刘志华

    Objective The autonomic nervous system plays a key role in regulating cardiac function by modifying heart rate, contractility and impulse. The parasympathetic neurotransmitter acetyl-choline and muscarinic agonist carbachol (Cch) inhibit excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac ventricular myocytes. Muscarinic agonists suppress adenylyl cyclase (AC) acitivity and,by reducing activation of the cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA)cascade, inhibit the L-type Ca2+ current (ICa(L) ). They also increase the content of cGMP by stimulating guanylyl cyclase (GC) activity. The role of nitric oxide (NO)/cGMP in muscarinic inhibition has undergone considerable scrutiny. The role of the NO/cGMP pathway in the inhibition of ICa(L) by Cch was examined in guinea-pig ventricular myocytes.

  • 作者:

    Troglitazone, a member of the insulin-sensitizing thiazolidinediones, was shown to suppress voltage-dependent L-type calcium currents (ICa, L) in vascular smooth muscle cells. The present study was aimed to investigate whether troglitazone may inhibit ICa, L in rat cardiac ventricular myocytes and whether the extent of troglitazone-induced inhibition of the current may be different between normal and streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Whole-cell patch-clamp techniques were applied in single rat ventricular myocytes. Troglitazone reduced the amplitude of ICa, L in a concentration-dependent manner in both normal and diabetic myocytes. However, the percent inhibition of ICa, L by troglitazone in concentration of 10-5mol/L measured at a holding potential of -50 mV was significantly greater in myocytes isolated from STZ-induced diabetic rats than in control rats (87%±8% vs 47%±5%, P<0.005), without difference in voltage-dependency of the inhibition. These findings demonstrate that troglitazone-induced inhibition of ICa, L is augmented in STZ-induced diabetic cardiac ventricular myocytes, thus possibly playing a role in preventing intracellular calcium overload.

  • 作者:

    AIM:To investigate whether KCNE 2 participates in the development of pathological hypertrophy .METHODS:Bidirectional ma-nipulations of KCNE2 expression were performed by adenoviral overexpression of KCNE 2 or knockdown of KCNE2 with RNA interfer-ence in PE-induced neonatal rat ventricular myocytes .Then overexpression of KCNE 2 in mouse model of left ventricular hypertrophy in-duced by transverse aortic constriction (TAC) by ultrasound microbubble-mediated gene transfer were used to detect the therapeutic function of KCNE2 in the development of hypertrophy .RESULTS:KCNE2 expression was significantly decreased in PE-induced hy-pertrophic cardiomyocytes and in hypertrophic hearts produced by TAC .Knockdown of KCNE2 in cardiomyocytes reproduced hypertro-phy, whereas overexpression of KCNE2 attenuated PE-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy .Knockdown of KCNE2 increased calcineurin activity and nuclear NFAT protein level , and pretreatment with nifedipine or FK 506 attenuated decreased KCNE 2-induced cardiomyo-cyte hypertrophy .Overexpression of KCNE 2 in heart by ultrasound microbubble-mediated gene transfer suppressed the development of hypertrophy and activation of calcineurin-NFAT and MAPK pathways in TAC mice .CONCLUSION:These findings demonstrate that cardiac KCNE2 expression is decreased and contributes to the development of hypertrophy via activation of calcineurin -NFAT and
    MAPK pathways .

  • 作者:

    AIM:To investigate the regulation mechanism for insufficient KChIP 2 expression induces Ito,f downregulation and arrhythmogene-sis in cardiac hypertrophy .METHODS:Bidirectional manipulations of MG 53 expression were performed by adenoviral overexpression of MG53 or knockdown of MG53 with RNA interference in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes with or without PE stimulation .Ito,f was re-corded with patch clamp in whole-cell mode 48 h after adenoviral transfection .Then the WT or MG53 knockout ( MG53 -/-) mouse model of left ventricular hypertrophy induced by transverse aortic constriction ( TAC) were used to detect the susceptibility to ventricu-lar arrhythmia.RESULTS: Here, we show muscle-specific MG53 regulates KChIP2 expression and Ito,f densities, where they are downregulated in hearts from MG53 knockout mice and MG53 knockdown rat cardiomyocytes , but upregulated in MG53 overexpressed cells.MG53 expression is decreased in phenylephrine ( PE)-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and restoration of MG 53 rescues PE-induced downregulation of KChIP2 and Ito,f.Furthermore, MG53 is decreased in a mouse model of hypertrophy induced by transverse aortic constriction and ablation of MG 53 increases the susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmia by exaggerating Ito,f remodeling.CON-CLUSION:These findings establish MG53 as a novel regulator of Ito,f and its central role in arrhythmogenesis in hypertrophy .



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