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  • 作者:程建华;常纲;吴万垠;刘伟胜;杨志钢;孟凡#;徐凯;李柳宁;朱迪盈;朱春泳;罗海英;LUO Hai-ying

    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness, toxicity and prospective application of hepatic arterial infusion (HAI) with embolized Curcuma Aromatic oil (CAO) in treating primary liver cancer (PLC). Methods: In the treated group, 32 patients with PLC were treated by HAI with 1-3 ml embolized CAO and oral administration of Chinese herbal medicine. In the control group, 32 patients with PLC were treated with transcatheter artery chemoembolization (TACE). Results: In the treated group, one patient attained complete remission (CR) and 13 partial remission (PR), the total effective rate being 43.75%. The level of alpha fetal protein (AFP) turned to normal range in 7 cases and decreased in other 7. In the control group, 10 obtained PR and the total effective rate being 31.25%, AFP level turned to normal in 5 and decreased in 2. There was no statistical significance between the two groups. The incidences of post-embolism Sydrome, such as fever, abdominal pain and vomiting were similar between the two groups but no myelosuppression occurred in the treated group with significant difference as comparing with that in the control group (P<0.01). The mean survival time, median survival time, 1-, 2- and 3-year survival rate in the treated group were 11.5 months, 10 months, 37.5%, 13.3% and 6.9% respectively, while in the control group they were 7.25 months, 6 months, 15.6%, 3.2% and 0% respectively. Better result in mean survival time, median survival time and 1-year survival rate was found in the treated group than that of the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion:HAI with embolized CAO showed a similar good effect in treating PLC as that of TACE, but superior to TACE with longer survival time and milder myelosuppression.

  • 作者:

    Case HistoryPatient Chen, female, 68 years, case number: 9800297; date of hospitalization: May 11, 1998.Chief complaints: Fever accompanied with cough and lassitude for 3 months and skin rash for 7 days.History of present illness: In early Feb. 1998, the patient got fever accompanied with cough, chest distress, and expectoration of sticky sputum. She had been diagnosed at a hospital and later at a clinic as chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, and treated for more than 50 days with antibiotics and medication of some drugs for cough and sputum, but with no complete remission of the symptoms. One week previously, she developed general skin rash mainly in the face, accompanied with itching, high body temperature of 38~39℃, aggravated cough and chest distress, lassitude, poor appetite, slight thirst, absence of bowel movement for 3 days, and yellow brownish urine.

  • 淋巴瘤缓解后出现胸腔积液、呼吸困难1例


    The patient, male, 77 years old, was diagnosed to have non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) for 2 years and got chest distress and cough 5 days prior to the admission. In 2003, the patient was found to have left epididymis tubercle and left inguinal lump, accompanied with gross hematuria. After biopsy examination, NHL of diffuse large B-cell type, stage Ⅳ and CD20( + ), was diagnosed. He accepted 8 courses of chemotherapy with CHOP and Mabtherapy treatment from 2003. After 2 cycles of therapy, the mass was deflated and gross hematuria disappeared, then he attained complete remission at last.He completed the last chemotherapy on June 11, 2004.

  • 乳腺癌的新辅助治疗


    乳腺癌的新辅助治疗(neoadjuvant therapy, NAT),早开展的是新辅助化疗(neoadjuvant chemotherapy, NACT),经过三十多年的研究,已经达成不少的共识,但还存在着广泛的争议。基本达成的共识有:NACT是局部晚期乳腺癌的标准治疗;NACT的疗效至少与辅助化疗相当;NACT可能增加保乳率;NACT后达到病理完全缓解(pathological complete remission,pCR)者有较高的生存率等等。主要的争议包括:乳腺癌NAT的定义和适应证;乳腺癌NACT能否提高生存率;乳腺癌NAT前的病理诊断方法;乳腺癌NAT不同的治疗模式;乳腺癌NAT后pCR的定义;pCR是否是乳腺癌NAT追求的目标;pCR能否作为药物临床研究的替代研究终点;乳腺癌NAT作为“体内药敏试验”的意义如何;如何客观地评价乳腺癌NAT的疗效;乳腺癌NAT的方案与时程,是否根据分子亚型选择方案;根据中期疗效评估决定后续治疗方案的意义;乳腺癌NAT前前哨淋巴结活检(sentinel lymph node biopsy, SLNB)还是NAT后SLNB;乳腺癌NAT达临床部分缓解(clinical partial remission, cPR)后的保乳切除范围;乳腺癌NAT达临床完全缓解(clinical complete remission, cCR)后的保乳切除范围等等。

  • 作者:谭黎杰;仇德惠;王群;徐正浪;徐松涛

    Objective: Evaluation the role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in invasive thymoma. Methods: 14 patients with invasive thymoma(Masaoka stage Ⅲ in 12 and Ⅳa in 2) were treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy by CAVP for 3-4 cycles (cyclophosphamide 600mg/m2 D1, adramycin 30mg/m2 or epi-adramycin 40mg/m2 D1, vincristine 0.6mg/m2 D1 or vindestine 3mg/m2 D1、D8, cisplatin 30mg/m2 D1、2、3)。After chemotherapy, all patients underwent operation in 1-3 months. We performed 10 sternotomies and 4 anterolateral thoracotomies. Radiotherapy was administrated with total dose 50-60Gy in all patients except for those who were pathologically complete remission. The group was followed up by 6 months to 3 years. Results :After chemotherapy, 5 patients(35.7%) had a complete remission(CR) and 9 patients(64.3%) had a partial remission(PR)。At operation, 9 patients had radical resection and 5 had partial resection. Postoperative pathological examination found only fibrosis in 5 patients with CR by chemotherapy. All patients were still alive except 2 patients died from visceral metastasis after 18 months and 2 years respectively. Conclusion: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can increase the resectability of stage Ⅲ and Ⅳa invasive thymoma. A longer follow-up and a larger number of patients are needed to determine the impact of this treatment on long-term survival.

  • 多发性骨髓瘤实验室检测方法分析与评价


    多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma ,M M )是一种单克隆B淋巴细胞恶性增殖的浆细胞恶性肿瘤,由于骨髓中恶性浆细胞过度增殖,导致血清或尿液中出现单克隆性免疫球蛋白或单克隆轻链的一种血液系统恶性疾病。血清游离轻链(serum free light chain ,sFLC)检测是机体是否存在克隆性细胞的高度敏感的指标,已在中国多发性骨髓瘤诊治指南[1]中更新,指南已经把sFLC检测作为诊断和随访M M 的重要指标之一,sFLC已用于评估疗效严格意义完全缓解(strictly complete remission , sC R )。本研究以骨髓瘤患者为研究对象,综合评价血清游离轻链(serum free light chains ,sFLC )、血清总轻链(serum total light chains ,sTLC)、血清蛋白电泳(serum protein electrophoresis ,SPE)、免疫固定电泳(immunofixation electrophoresis ,IFE)及Ig H基因重排在M M 诊断中的临床意义,建立有助于MM 诊断的联合检测方法。

  • 放疗对乳腺癌骨转移后癌痛的疗效分析


    Objective To investigate the radiotherapy curative effects on pains of bone metastases of breast cancer. Methods To analysis 32 patients retrospectively, in which 22 patients received radiotherapy(17 moderate pain, 5 severe pain, 6 dysfunction). Result 16 patients obtained complete remission with 6 cases partial response to radiation. Karnorfsky's score was improved and malfunction disappeared. Conclusion Radiotherapy is a simple and effective treatment on bone metastases of breast cancer with quick and persistent pain relieves.

  • 完全缓解5年以上的急性白血病56例分析


    现将我院完全缓解5年以上急性白血病56例分析如下.1 材料及方法1.1 临床资料 56例均为我院1980~2002年住院患者.经临床及血液学检查确诊,符合急性白血病诊断标准.其中急性非淋巴细胞白血病(急非淋)37例,急性淋巴细胞白血病(急淋)19例.男42例,女14例.年龄16~60岁,平均35.8±11.9岁.完全缓解长1例18年余,短60个月.

  • 三种用于急性早幼粒细胞白血病完全缓解后维持治疗的治疗方案比较——附72例报告


    1 引言自我国首创的全反式维A酸(ATRA)诱导治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病(M3)以来,该病的缓解率明显提高,完全缓解率达80%至90%[1],但完全缓解后用哪一种巩固维持治疗方案各家意见不一,也是目前研究的要点.为总结经验,我们对72例经ATRA诱导完全缓解后用不同治疗方案作巩固维持治疗的M3病例的临床资料跟踪随访,分析如下.



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