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  • 儿童外阴恶性外胚层间叶瘤一例


    患儿女,1岁10个月,出生后发现外阴部包块于2008年10月入院.体检:在左外阴部发现一包块,境界清楚,无疼痛.随行包快切除术,手术见表皮一直径约3 cm包块,境界清楚,与周围组织无明显粘连.

  • 眼眶孤立性纤维瘤一例


    患者女,50岁.左眼球突出3年.MRI表现:左侧眼球突出,球后肌锥内见软组织肿块,大小约为2. cm×1.8 cm×2.9 cm,边界清晰,信号均匀,T1WI呈与脑灰质相等信号,T2WI呈略高于脑灰质信号,于T1WI及T2WI上肿块内均可见多发迂曲扩张的血管流空影,肿块呈半圆形,前缘紧贴眼球后壁,呈弧形后凹,后缘向后圆形隆起,内缘推移相邻的视神经内移,外缘推移外直肌.

  • 滑轨加齿梗滴速控制器的制作与使用



  • 作者:

    Objective To investigate whether the osteocyte apoptosis exists in orbital bones and to discuss its effect on the orbital development.Methods Seven young Newzealand white rabbits were selected as experimental animals.At two-month-old ,all rabbits were killed and then zygomas were made into paraffin and electron microscope sections after they were decalcified.Apoptosis of osteocytes was observed by light microscope and transmission electron microscopes and detected by TUNEL staining.Results The classical apoptosis of osteocytes was found under light and transmission electron microscopes.Apoptosis of osteocytes was diffused irregularly in the zygomatic tissue. Conclusion Osteocyte can apoptosis and it may participate in the development of the bony orbit.

  • Features Associated with Recurrence of Idiopathic Orbital Inflammatory Pseudotumor


    Purpose: To explore factors which lead to recurrence of idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor (IOIP).Methods: Idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor in 209 cases between Jan 1,1978 and Dec 31, 1999 in our hospital was evaluated retrospectively. The comparison of clinical and pathological parameters between patients with at least one episode of recurrence and those with no recurrence at all was performed and analyzed using logistic regression method.Results: Follow-up results (with a mean follow-up time of 3.4 years, ranging from 0.5 year to 21.0 years) showed that the recurrence rate of IOIP was 41%. Sex and proptosis were associated with the recurrence of IOIP. Male gender was more likely to relapse than female counterparts, with the male being 52% and female being 25%.The severer the proptosis is, the higher the rate of recurrence. Among the clinical subtypes of IOIP, the rate of recurrence (17%) in cases with dacryoadinitis was the lowest, followed by anterior local orbital mass (44%), posterior orbital mass (54%),myositis (75%) and diffuse subtype (100%). However, the clinical subtypes did not show significant relationship with the recurrence of IOIP.Conclusions: Male gender and severe proptosis are associated with a higher recurrent rate in patients with IOIP.

  • 作者:

    Purpose:.To describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of orbital rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS).
    Methods:.Thirty-nine patients with histopathologically con-firmed orbital RMS were retrospectively reviewed. All patients underwent orbital conventional MRI, including axial,.sagittal, and coronal T1-weighted,.T2-weighted,.and postcontrast T1-weighted sequences. The location, shape, margin, and MRI signal of the 39 lesions were reviewed..DWI in 15 patients and susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) in 2 patients were also analyzed.
    Results:.Orbital MRI was available in 39 patients and re-vealed a soft tissue mass in the orbital region in all cases..Of the 39 patients,.the primary tumor sites were limited to the orbital proper in 31 cases, while 28 cases had extraocular muscle invasion and 8 cases had extraorbital invasion..All le-sions were unilateral..Thirty-three cases were well-defined soft tissue masses and 6 cases appeared as less well-defined soft-tissue masses..Thirty-four cases showed homogeneous isoin-tense or slightly hypointense signals on T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) and hyperintense signal on T2-weighted imaging (T2WI) compared with extraocular muscles. Five cases had heterogeneous signals with focal areas of increased signal on T1WI or decreased signal on T2WI, including 1 case with hy-pointense signal on SWI..The mean apparent diffusion coeffi-cient (ADC) value of the viable part of tumors was (0.925 ± 0.09)×10-3 mm2/s. All cases showed moderate to marked en-hancement after contrast administration.
    Conclusion:Several MRI features-including homogeneous isointense or slightly hypointense signal on T1WI and slightly hyperintense signal on T2WI, relative low ADC values, and moderate to marked enhancement,.extraocular muscles inva-sion, and extraorbital extensionare helpful in the diagnosis of orbital RMS. (Eye Science 2014; 29:6-11).

  • 眶内球后原发性间叶型软骨肉瘤1例


    患者女,21岁.1年前无任何诱因出现左眼球向前突出伴视力下降,因其怀孕,未行诊治,近1月逐渐加重伴左眼酸痛、流泪和左侧头痛就诊.B超示:左眼眶内占位性病变.专科检查:左眼球向正前方高度突出,结膜无充血,左眼视力指数:眼前.颞上方结膜穹隆内可见一团灰色肿物,质韧,边界不清.角膜透明,KP(-).前房深浅正常,Tyn(-).瞳孔圆,直径 3 mm,对光反应存在.晶状体透明.左眼底:C/D 0.3 ,视乳头苍白萎缩,边界清楚,黄斑中心凹反光未见,视网膜平伏,未见出血渗出.常规实验室检查各项指标均正常.



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