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  • 老年人与交通事故的调查分析



  • 作者:

    Objective:Blood-brain barrier is the key barrier of brain in the innate immune. It can prevent the harmful substances from the blood into the brain. In order to keep the brain in a relatively stable environment and maintain the normal function of the nervous system, it can also pump harmful substances or excess substances outside the brain selectively. Among them, brain microvascular endothelial cell tissue is a key part in the blood-brain barrier's function. The number of the patients with central nervous system ( CNS) diseases increased year by year. The therapeutic drug is usually inhibited by the blood-brain barrier and is difficult to work. Therefore, how to modify the drug and to make it easier to cross the blood brain barrier is the key point to cure CNS. At present, more than 95% research focus only on how nano drugs can enter the cell, the way and efficiency to enter the cell and the research of effect of nano drug etc. For the process of drug carrier in endocytosis, intracellular transport and release and regulation of research are rarely reported. Clathrin and P-glycoprotein are related protein in endo-cytosis and exocytosis with nano drug. Clathrin is located on the plasma membrane. It participates in endocytosis of some nutrients, and maybe the entry into the cell of some drugs. P-glycoprotein is located in the membrane of cer-ebral capillary endothelial cells. It can efflux drugs relying on ATP. Although there is a certain understanding of the cell in the inner swallow and efflux. But the process of the liposome drug is not clear. To solve the above prob-lems, using colloidal gold liposome nano materials to trace liposome's transport and regulation mechanism in brain microvascular endothelial cells, and study endocytosis, release, distribution and regulation mechanism of nano lipo-somes in brain microvascular. The solution of this problem can guide to construct reasonable drug carrier, and look forward to clarifing the molecular basis and mechanism of nano drug carriers across the BBB. This work has impor-tant theoretical and practical significance for the development and application of liposomes in the future. Results:For untreated cerebral microvascular endothelial cells, the cells incubated with colloidal gold liposomes can uptake of liposome colloidal gold, and with the extension of time, there are gold colloids in the plasma membrane, endo-plasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and lysosomes in order, and finally colloidal gold liposome exports out of the cell. For cerebral microvascular endothelial cells treated by sodium azide, compared with untreated cells, the cells incubated with colloidal gold liposomes, cannot be observed liposome colloidal gold in them. For cerebral microvas-cular endothelial cells treated by reserpine, the cells incubated with colloidal gold liposomes, compared with un-treated cells, colloidal gold liposome cannot export out of the cell. Conclusions:The uptake of liposomes in brain microvascular endothelial cells require clathrin's participation. The excretion of liposomes from brain microvascular endothelial cells require P-glycoprotein's participation. After colloidal gold liposome entering brain microvascular endothelial cells, it moves into the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and lysosomes in order. Finally colloi-dal gold liposome exports out of the cell.

  • 作者:

    Persistent perfluorinated organic compounds, such as perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) are used in a variety of industrial applications. They are very stable in the environment, distribute widely in the global environment and in wild life, and are detected in human sera.

  • 实验动物环境设施监测分析


    实验动物环境及设施(Laboratory animalrequirements of environment and housing facilities)是影响动物进化、生态反应、育种、保种、动物生产及动物实验重要基本条件.定期或不定期监测实验动物生长发育的环境条件是否维持在适应状态至关重要,因此,实验动物的环境设施监测与遗传监测、营养监测、微生物监测一样,是保证实验动物质量的基本手段.本文对2005年江苏省已取得实验动物使用许可证的14家单位,23处环境设施监测结果进行分析.

  • WHO代表Dr.Cris Tunon的致词


    Let me start by thanking the State Environmental Protection Administration for inviting us to participate in this very important meeting. This Forum is indeed a milestone in the history of environmental health in China and on behalf of the World Health Organization. I would like to congratulate SEPA and also our Ministry of Health colleagues for holding this National Forum on Environment and Health.

  • 棉布无菌包保存期限与保存环境研究



  • 积极行动 开创环境与健康事业新局面



  • 酒精所致精神障碍患者的家庭环境与家庭功能及相关因素


    我们对酒精所致精神障碍患者进行问卷调查研究,以探讨患者的家庭环境、家庭功能及影响的相关因素. 1 对象与方法所有患者均是2007年1月-2008年12月在富阳市第三人民医院精神科住院治疗并符合中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准第3版酒精所致精神障碍的诊断标准.初中以上文化,排除严重的躯体疾病及其他精神疾病.共78例.选择年龄、性别匹配的78名健康者作为对照组.

  • 作者:

    The mechanical environment is known to influence fracture healing. We speculated that connexin43 (Cx43) gap junctions, which impact skeletal homeostasis, fracture healing and the osteogenic response to mechanical load, may play a role in mediating the response of the healing bone to mechanical strain. Here, we used an established rat fracture model, which uses a 2 mm osteotomy gap stabilized by an external fixator, to examine the impact of various cyclical axial loading protocols (2%, 10%, and 30%strain) on osteotomy healing. We examined the presence of Cx43 in the osteotomy-healing environment and assessed how mechanical strain modulates Cx43 expression patterns in the callus. We demonstrated that increased cyclical axial strain results in increased radiographic and histologic bone formation. In addition, we show by immunohistochemistry that Cx43 is abundantly expressed in the healing callus, with the expression most robust in samples exposed to increased cyclical axial strain. These data are consistent with the concept that an increase in Cx43 expression by mechanical load may be part of the mechanisms by which mechanical forces enhances fracture healing.



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