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  • 种植体即刻负重的临床修复设计



  • 奎的平与氯氮平对精神分裂症患者临床康复的对照研究


    Background:Bilateral thalamus infarction near median line is uncommon in clinic.Reports concerned with this conditions were more less.It is characterized by conscious disorder and Korsakoff syndrome.The main caused may be the injury of intralaminar nuclei,dorsomedial nuclei,and injury of cortical matter,mammalillary bodies,fasciculus thalamicus around cerebral chamer III.Comprehensing the disability characteristics in pateints with bilateral thalamus infarction near median line is important for direction of rehabilitation.While study of survival time will improve evaluation of prognosis. Design:Patients recruited from June 1997~ October 2000 were analyzed. Unit:Intraneural Department of First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province. Subjects:55 subjects with MRI proved bilateral thalamus infarction near median line entered study.These patients included 3 women,2 men(age ranging from 50 to 77 years old,mean age:68.6 years).The period from onset to admission ranged from 5 hours to 2 days.All subejcts experienced acute bilateral thalamus infarction near median line.All had hypertension previously,1 had diabetes,2 had auricular fibrillation. Intervention:All patients received management which was conducted according to protocol for treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases. Patients clinical characteristics were summari-zed and analyzed.Follow up was conducted to determine the survival period. Main evaluation indexes:Survival time and conscious disorder were evaluated. Result:All patients showed different level of conscious disorder.3 cases developed thalamic dementia,2 developed vision numb,In 1 case,condition progressively deteriorated manifesting as moderate coma progressed to deep coma,and bilateral mydriasis.Finally,this patients died of central respiratory and circulatory failure after 8 days.4 cases with favorable prognosis discharged,3 out of them died within 1 year after discharge.Survival subject suffered from reduced memory was followed up till now. Conclusion:Concious or cognitive disorder ,vision bumb are common among patients with bilateral thalamus infarction near median line.Their prognosis are poor.In the current study,the number of case was samll,so further study is needed.

  • Pilon骨折的治疗与临床康复


    AIM:To analyze the effect of three kinds of method on different types of Pilon fracture and advance the best treatment plan.METHODS:From March 1989 to August 2000,107 patients were regarded as having Pilon fracture by two hospitals,among which 76 cases were followed up.They were divided into three groups according to treatment method.A group included 24 cases with the treatment of manual reduction,traction of calcaneus and plaster exopexy.B group included 30 cases with the treatment of AO key shaped anatomical steal plate.C group included 22 cases with the treatment of limited internal fixation combined with exopexy stand.RESULTS:After 6 months to 8 years follow up,it was found that three kinds of treatment methods had obvious differences on the complications and effects of different types of fracture.In A group,the excellent and good rate of treatment on I type fracture was 70% ,II type was 25% ,III type was 0% .In B group,the excellent and good rate of treatment on I type fracture was 78.6% ,II type s 87.5% ,III type was 37.5% .In C group,the excellent and good rate of treatment on I type was 75% ,II type was 80% ,III type 80% .CONCLUSION:Summarizing kinds of factors,the treatment of A group applied in I type fracture,B group applied in II type fracture and C group applied in III type fracture.

  • 临床康复治疗中运动想象的应用及其机制研究


    脑卒中是一组以脑组织缺血或出血性损伤症状和体征为主要临床表现的急性脑血管病,其发病率、死亡率与致残率高居不下,幸存者中约70%-80%遗留有不同程度的残疾[1],给患者、家庭和社会带来了巨大的经济负担和社会问题.脑卒中患者肢体功能康复包括两方面:一是有一定的自主运动能力的患者的主动训练,作用明显;二是缺少患者主动参与的被动训练,其收效甚微[2].康复治疗界一直在寻求更有效或可补充现有治疗技术不足的方法,运动想象(momr or kinesthetic imagery,MI/KJ)是近几年脑卒中康复的一种新方法[3].



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