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    The developing approaches of thrombolytic therapy, endovascular treatment, neuroprotective therapy, and stem cell therapy have enabled breakthroughs in stroke treatment. In this study, we summarize and analyze trends and progress in stem cell transplantation for stroke treatment by retrieval of literature from Thomson Reuters Web of Science database, the NIH Clinical Trial Planning Grant Program, and Clinical Trials Registration Center in North America. In the last 10 years, there has been an increasing number of published articles on stem cell transplantation for stroke treatment. In particular, research from the USA and China has focused on stem cell transplantation. A total of 2,167 articles addressing stem cell transplantation for stroke treatment from 2004 to 2013 were retrieved from the Thomson Reuters Web of Science database. The ma-jority of these articles were from the USA (854, 39.4%), with the journal Stroke publishing the most articles (145, 6.7%). Of the published articles, 143 were funded by the National Institutes of Health (accounting for 6.6%of total publications), and 91 by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Between 2013 and 2014, the National Institutes of Health provided ifnan-cial support ($130 million subsidy) for 329 research projects on stroke therapy using stem cell transplantation. In 2014, 215 new projects were approved, receiving grants of up to$70,440,000. Ninety clinical trials focusing on stem cell transplantation for stroke were registered in the Clin-ical Trial Registration Center in North America, with 40 trials registered in the USA (ranked ifrst place). China had the maximum number of registered research or clinical trials (10 projects).

  • 大鼠嗅上皮神经干细胞培养及鉴定


    胚胎及成年神经干细胞(neural stem cell, NSC)的成功培养为中枢神经系统疾病治疗带来了新的策略.从颅外组织如嗅上皮获取NSC可能是自体NSC移植的理想途径.研究表明,成年人及小鼠的嗅上皮中含有NSC[1-3].本研究观察新生及成年大鼠嗅上皮NSC的增殖及分化特性,为嗅上皮NSC的进一步研究提供参考.

  • 神经干细胞的生物学特性及意义


    神经干细胞是指一类具有向多个细胞系分化(神经元细胞及胶质细胞),同时又有自我更新的细胞.干细胞(stem cell, SC)的定义多年来不断修正,大多数生物学家和医学家认为干细胞是一类具有自我更新与增殖分化能力的细胞,能产生表现型与基因型和自己完全相同的子细胞,同时还能分化为祖细胞.已往研究表明,成年的哺乳动物的神经元缺乏再生能力,造成其中枢神经系统损伤后的恢复相当困难,也是临床上治疗神经创伤及神经变性难以取得满意效果的主要因素之一.近年来对神经干细胞的研究,已经从胚胎及成年的脑组织中分离、纯化出神经干细胞.神经干细胞不仅能促进神经元的再生及脑组织的修复,而且通过基因操作,神经干细胞可以作为载体用于神经系统疾病的基因治疗,如表达外源性的神经递质、神经营养因子及代谢性酶[1].本文就多能性神经干细胞在脑中的分布、生物学特性及其临床应用前景作一综述.



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