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  • Inhibitory Effects of Bio-Energy Therapies on Cancer Growth——An overview of recent laboratory studies in the U.S. And its implications in cancer treat


    Bioenergy therapies (such as Qigong, Reiki, Yoga, Pranic healing, and Therapeutic touch) have reported benefits for cancer patients, but few randomized control trials were done to verify their efficacy. It is believed that laboratory study of inhibitory effects of bio-energy therapies on cancer growth may lead to an understanding of the true efficacy of bio-energy and create a foundation for future clinical trials. Methods: Typical in-vitro study involved randomly dividing lab-prepared cancer cells into different groups with one being treated by bio-energy therapy and one or more as control groups. Sometimes, controls were treated by a sham healer. Typical in vivo study involved injecting or implanting cancerous cells into mice, then randomly dividing them into various groups. The control could be either non-treatment or sham treatment; the outcomes include tumor size or survival time. Results: Most studies demonstrated some inhibitory effects of bioenergy therapies on the growth of cancer cells in comparison with control. The in vivo studies reported that the bio-energy treated group had significantly slower tumor growth or longer survival lives than those in the control. One study reported survival with a normal life cycle instead of dying in 3 weeks, and cancer-infected mice developed immune response to the same breast cancer. However, researchers are confronted with methodological challenges in choosing appropriate controis, minimizing contamination, and replicating study outcomes. Conclusion: Encouraging evidence suggests hioenergy may have inhibitory effects on cancer growth, or prolong the life of cancer-infected animals, although improvement is needed in research design and replication of the findings. Bioenergy for cancer treatment is an area that is often neglected by mainstream medicine and research,and it should be seriously examined and considered as an important supplement to conventional cancer treatment.

  • IVF中子宫内膜容受性的中西医治疗进展


    子宫内膜容受性是指内膜处于允许囊胚黏附、穿透并植入而导致胚胎着床的状态.子宫内膜厚度和类型在月经周期中呈规律性改变,反映内膜的功能状态,是预测内膜容受性的简便指标.很多研究表明,子宫内膜厚度和类型在妊娠组与非妊娠组有显著性差异,Dechaud H等[1]发现,预测内膜容受性有效的联合指标是内膜类型、内膜厚度和舒张期末血流.同时,Okohue JE等[2]研究发现,子宫内膜厚度为7~14 mm时,体外受精联合胚胎移植术(in-vitro fertilization,IVF)患者妊娠率显著提高.Tuckerman E等[3]发现胚胎移植反复失败的女性,其子宫内膜自然杀伤细胞uNK(CD56+)的浓度(14.5%)显著高于对照组(5%),表明UNK细胞直接参与胚胎的移植过程.此外,Chen SL等[4]研究发现子宫内膜厚度和类型可以预测IVF的成功率.但是也有研究表明,内膜厚度和类型在预测妊娠结局时意义不大[5].子宫内膜容受性紊乱所致着床失败是IVF-ET低种植率的一个重要机制,临床上如何改善这类患者内膜的容受性尚无统一、标准的治疗方法.现将近年来中西医改善子宫内膜容受性的研究进展综述如下.

  • 多胎妊娠胚胎减灭术与选择性胎儿减灭术


    30余年来,促排卵药物和辅助生殖技术如体外受精-胚胎移植(in-vitro fertilizatjon embryo transfer,IVF-ET)及其衍生技术的广泛应用,帮助很多不孕夫妇得到了自己的子女,但同时导致了多胎妊娠的显著增加.有文献报道,自然双胎妊娠发生率为1/90,三胎妊娠为1/8100,而美国疾病预防控制中心1997年报道,美国总体双胎妊娠率已增至2.5%,三胎妊娠率也增至0.13%~([1]).



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