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  • 脑膜炎性肌纤维母细胞瘤一例


    患者女,41岁.因头晕、双下肢乏力3个月于2005年7月17日入本院诊治.体检:神清,肌力正常,无明显病理体征.MRI示后颅窝小脑蚓部占位性病变,结合病史,考虑为室管膜瘤和胶质瘤可能性大,亦不排除淋巴瘤的可能(图1).行肿瘤切除术,术中见肿瘤毗邻于小脑蚓部,与枕骨大孔区硬脑膜粘连,大小5 cm×5 cm×5 cm,边界清楚,结节状,无明显包膜,肿物苍白,无出血,将肿物切碎取出,送病理,临床诊断为脑膜瘤.

  • 作者:

    With chromium-hematoxylin staining, we found evidence for the existence of novel age-depen-dent network structures in the dura mater of rat brains. Under stereomicroscopy, we noticed that chromium-hematoxylin-stained threadlike structures, which were barely observable in 1-week-old rats, were networked in specific areas of the brain, for example, the lateral lobes and the cerebella, in 4-week-old rats. In 7-week-old rats, those structures were found to have become larger and better networked. With phase contrast microscopy, we found that in 1-week-old rats, chromium-hematoxylin-stained granules were scattered in the same areas of the brain in which the network structures would later be observed in the 4- and 7-week-old rats. Such age-depen-dent network structures were examined by using optical and transmission electron microscopy, and the following results were obtained. The scattered granules fused into networks with increas-ing age. Cross-sections of the age-dependent network structures demonstrated heavily-stained basophilic substructures. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the basophilic substructures to be clusters with high electron densities consisting of nanosized particles. We report these data as evidence for the existence of age-dependent network structures in the dura mater, we discuss their putative functions of age-dependent network structures beyond the general concept of the dura mater as a supporting matrix.

  • 推拿手法整复重症腰椎间盘突出症的疗效分析


    Background: The prolapse of intervertebral disc is not only damage of the local intervertebral disc, but a comprehensive damage tightly related with factors as damages of the pyramidal ligament, nerve, muscle and posterior joints and aseptic inflammation. The dura mater or the nerve root are stimulated, compassed or extracted and ischemia and inflammation caused increased sensitivity.

  • 作者:

    AIM and METHODS: After the fine carbon fiber powder was injected into the right subdural space of the mice, dynamic observation was carried out on their movement and histopathological changes. RESULTS: 1-52 weeks after the injecting, no neurological changes concerning with the implanting of the carbon fiber powder were found in the experimental mice. The fine carbon fiber extensively located on the inter surface of the dura mater membrane of the right temporalis and the out surface of pie mater. Only slight inflammatory cells reaction was found under optical microscopes. The degree of inflammation reaction are Grade Ⅱ 1 week after injection and was Grade Ⅰ 2 weeks after injection, inflammation was disappeared 4 weeks after injection. No obvious fiber membrane was found around the implanted materials. No significant differences were found between the experimental and the control group.CONCLUSION: It was showed that the carbon fiber shares excellent histocompatibility after injected into the subdural space and subarechnoid cavity of the right temple of mice.



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