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  • 儿童缺铁和缺铁性贫血防治建议


    INTRODUCTIONIron deficiency, the most common nutrient deficiency, has been a global health problem, affecting one third of the world population. The condition is especially severe in developing countries. According to the data from WHO, the prevalence rates of anemia in these areas were 48% and 39% respectively in children under 5 years of age and between 5 - 14 years, of whom, over half cases were iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Furthermore, the prevalence rate of iron deficiency is at least 2 times that of IDA. Thanks to some well-organized public health education and widespread food iron fortification programs, the prevalence rate of IDA has declined remarkably during the last three decades. According to the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 1999-2000) , the rates of iron deficiency and IDA in children aged 1-2 years were 7% and 2% respectively (however, the rate of iron deficiency was still up to 17% in Hispanic descendents).

  • 功能性消化不良的中医辨证治疗体会



  • The Review of Transmission,Management in General practice and Humanity Factors involved in Hepatitis C Virus Infection


    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of death from infectious disease and still the major indication of liver transplantation in Asia and Western countries.It bears the highest prevalence rate in the world.However,it is estimated that overall HCV prevalence rate decrease in future.The curer rate more than 90% among treated patients with direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapies.However,the unique properties of DAA agents and the host profiles in these settings can limit the generalizability of HCV regimens,and prolongation of treatment duration or addition of ribavirin may be required in certain scenarios to optimize treatment outcomes.During the previous ears,research papers were published that indicates that those with HCV often feel stigmatized and unsupported in their care,relationships,and work environments,while simultaneously coping with physical and psychological symptoms.This review article review article summarizes risk factors for transmission,management in clinical practice and mental,cultural and psychological supports of the patients having HCV infection.

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    Objective:We aimed to investigate the prevalence of, and factors inlfuencing, preoperative anxiety and depression in gastric cancer patients.Methods: We enrolled 53 gastric cancer patients from FujianMedical University Union Hospital, who were diagnosed by gastroscopy and would accept laparoscopic surgery. Each participant completed questionnaires to assess their anxiety and depression, coping modes, social support, type D personality and the values of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR).Results:The prevalence rate of preoperative anxiety and depression was 20.75% in the 53 gastric cancer patients. The factors were resigned dimensions of coping style, type D personality, NLR. There were no significant differences in confrontive and avoidant dimensions of coping mode and social support. Conclusion:The prevalence of preoperative anxiety and depression in gastric cancer patients is still high, and inlfuenced by the coping mode, type D personality and NLR.



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