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  • 高效抗病毒治疗促使艾滋病患者免疫功能重建

    作者:李太生;Guislaine Carcelaine;Patrice Debre;Brigitte Autran

    The characteristics of AIDS is that HIV infection induces CD4 + T cell defects that includes a quantitave CD4 + T cells depletion and a loss of T helper cells function leading to a progressive immune deficiency. Early report indicated that this immune deficiency was irreversible, even with the antiretroviral therapies. More recently, however, clinical benifits of hightly active antiretroviral therapies (HAART) are increasingly evidenced by resolving opportunistic infections and malignancies, as well as declining hospitalization and mortality rates. This suggests that potent and sustained suppression of viral replication, at least to some extent, is associated with reconstitution of the immune system even in adult patients treated at advanced stages of the disease. Such immune reconstitution which was demonstrated firstly by a French reseach group includes (the group leader is Pr Brigitte Autran)(1) a rapid rise in CD4 + and CD8+ T cells followed by a slower CD4 + T cell increase; (2) a rapid rise in memory CD4 + T cells during the first three months of treatment by late increase in naive T cells coexpressing CD45RA and CD62L molecules after 3 months of efficient antiviral treatment;(3) a significant reduction of CD4 and CD8 activation markers in parallel to plasma virus load reduction;(4) a restoration in CD4 + T cell reactivity to recall antigens. These observations open new perspectives for the understanding of CD4 + T cells deficiency and therapeutic strategies of HIV infection. In the present review we will address some of the questions raised by immune restoration with HAART when administered at advanced stages of the disease.

  • 斑点杂交试验直接检测血清HBV DNA在乙型肝炎诊断中的应用


    本文用斑点杂交试验直接检测149例不同类型的乙型肝炎血清中HBV DNA,其阳性率为65.8%(98/149),各型间无差异.其中116例检测了DNAP,阳性率为62%(72/116),HBV DNA阳性率为72.4%(841/116).在116例中HBsAg、HBeAg和抗-HBc均阳性者54例,其DNAP和HBVDNA阳性率分别为79.6%(43/54)和92.6%(50/54); HBsAg、抗-HBe和抗-I-IBc均阳性者35例,DNAP和HBV DNA阳性率分别为37.1%(13/35)和60%(21/35);HBsAg和抗-HBc阳性者27例,DNAP和HBV DNA阳性率分别为59.2%(16/27)和 48.1%(13/27).同时有6份供血员血清阴性.结果表明,本法高度特异、敏感、简便,可作为判断病毒复制的手段.



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