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  • 胰腺腺鳞癌--附3例报告及文献复习


    胰腺腺鳞癌(pancreatic adenosquamous carcinoma)属于外分泌胰腺的原发性上皮性肿瘤.文献散见于个例报道[1].临床经过凶险,预后差.本报告3例并结合文献复习,以提高对其认识.

  • 作者:贲勇;于洪泉;王振杰;苗齐;任华;张志庸;李泽坚

    Objective. The effectiveness of surgical resection of adenosquamous carcinoma of the lung remains poorly defined because of the histology' s relatively low frequency, the failure in most published series to separate adenosquamous carcinoma from the other variants of non-small cell lung carcinoma. To define the effectiveness of surgical treatment of adenosquamous carcinoma, we have retrospectively reviewed our hospital experience over a 12-year period. Methods. Retrospectively reviewed 22 cases of adenosquamous carcinoma who were surgically treated, except one patient,in the PUMCH from Jan. 1985 to Aug. 1997.This series constitutes the 1.9% of a total of 1 245 patients with all types of surgical treatment for the primary lung cancer during the same time. Results. The adenosquanous carcinoma was mostly presented in the old patients with a mean age of 60 years and mostly located in the peripheral of lung(n= 20).The overall 5-year survival was 23%.Those with stage Ⅰ tumors survival was only 18%(n= 13), stage Ⅱ 5%. The survival in stage Ⅲ tumors was not longer than 25 months and in stage Ⅳ survival was not longer than 12 months.Conclusion. Our results suggest that adenosquamous carcinoma of lung was a virulent tumor, which exhibited highly aggressive biological behavior with early lymph nodes metastasis(46% ) and its prognosis was worse than that of both squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.



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