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  • 艾滋病流行病学


    This paper described epidemic situation in the whole world and China, transmission routes, associated risk factors in China, and measures of controlling epidemic of HIV/AIDS. Globally, 53.1 million adults and children were HIV/AIDS by the end of 1999. Of them 18.8 million adults and children died from HIV/AIDS. More than 95 percent of those infected with HIV live in developing countries. In 1999, 5.4 million people were newly infected with HIV, and 2.6 million people died of AIDS. Africa, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, is the serious region of HIV/AIDS epidemic. HIV/AIDS in Asia and Eastern Europe is dramatically increasing, but infective rate in developed countries has begun to decrease. In China, since the first case was found in 1985, 17316 HIV/AIDS cases were reported, of them 647 cases were diagnosed as AIDS, of them 367 cases died from AIDS. HIV may be transmitted through unsafe sexual practice, contaminative blood or blood products, injection drug use or perinatal transmission. Unsafe sexual behavior is the major transmission of HIV/AIDS in the whole world, but in China, injecting drug use is the major transmission of HIV/AIDS. And many risk factors, such as lack of knowledge about HIV/AIDS, drug user and commercial sexual behavior increasing, floating population and sexual norm changing, et al, may accelerate expansion of HIV/AIDS of China. Based on this situation, we should actively reinforce prevention and control of HIV/AIDS through surveillance, health education, behavior intervention of high-risk groups, cases treatment and vaccine development.

  • 作者:

    One of the wel -defined sexual y dimorphic structures in the brain is the sexual y dimorphic nucleus, a cluster of cells located in the preoptic area of the hypothalamus. The rodent sexual y dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area can be delineated histological y using conventional Nissl staining or immunohistochemical y using calbindin D28K immunoreactivity. There is increasing use of the bindin D28K-delineated neural cluster to define the sexual y dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in rodents. Several mechanisms are proposed to underlie the processes that contribute to the sexual dimorphism (size difference) of the sexual y dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area. Recent evidence indicates that stem cellactivity, including proliferation and migration presumably from the 3rd ventricle stem cellniche, may play a critical role in the postnatal development of the sexual y dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area and its distinguishing sexual y dimorphic feature: a signifi-cantly larger volume in males. Sex hormones and estrogen-like compounds can affect the size of the sexual y dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area. Despite considerable research, it remains un-clear whether estrogen-like compounds and/or sex hormones increase size of the sexual y dimor-phic nucleus of the preoptic area via an increase in stem cellactivity originating from the 3rd ventricle stem cellniche.

  • 强迫性性行为


    强迫性性行为(Compulsive sexual behavior CSB)一直被称为性欲亢进(hypersexuality),色欲过度(hyper-eroticism),性欲过旺(hyperlibido),色情狂(erotomania),色鬼(Satyriasis),性反常行为(promiscuity),唐璜(西班牙传奇人物,是一个专门玩弄女性的荒淫贵族)综合征(Don Juanism),近称为性沉溺症(sex addiction,也有人直译为性瘾)和性强迫症(sexual compulsion).

  • 老年人性行为与身心状况初步研究





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