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  • 作者:李春盛;周景;桂培春;何新华

    To approach the mechanism of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in causing acute lung injury (ALI) and the protective effect of rhubarb and dexamethasone, lung specimens were examined with macroscopy, microscopy, electron microscopy and the biological markers of ALI including lung wet/dry weight, the rate of neutrophils and protein content in the pulmonary alveolar lavage fluid, pulmonary capillary permeability and pulmonary alveolar permeability index were observed. The mechanism of the ALI is mainly due to direct injury of alveolar epithelium and pulmonary vascular endothelium. Rhubarb and dexamethasone could significantly reduce the edema of the lung tissue, decrease the red blood cell exudation, neutrophil infiltration and plasma protein exudation in the alveoli and all the biological markers in comparison with the ALI model rats, indicating they have protective action on vascular endothelium and alveolar epithelium.

  • 生物学标记结合临床风险推动子痫前期预测更上一层楼



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    Ovarian cancer is one of the most lethal malignant gynecological tumors. More than 70%of patients with ovarian cancer are diagnosed at advanced stage. The 5-year survival in patients with advanced ovarian cancer is less than 30%because of the lack of effective biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, and personalized treatment. MicroRNA (miR) is a class of small noncoding RNAs that negatively regulate gene expression primarily through post-transcriptional repression. Many studies on tissue miR in ovarian cancer have been carried out and show great potential in clinical practice. However, tissue samples are not easily available because sampling causes injury. Researchers have started to focus on plasma/serum miR, assuming that blood samples may replace tissue samples in miR research in the future. Plasma/serum miR research is still in its early stages. Studies on its function in the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer have achieved some progress, but plasma/serum miR profiling for prognosis and personalized treatment of ovarian cancer remains unknown. A thorough understanding of the function of plasma/serum miR in ovarian cancer will facilitate early diagnosis and improve treatment for ovarian cancer.

  • 首发抑郁症患者心理旋转任务的事件相关电位研究


    背景 抑郁症患者的心理旋转意象能力受损,但与此相关联的异常脑电生理机制仍不清楚.目的 比较抑郁症患者与健康对照完成心理旋转任务时的事件相关电位(event-related potentials,ERPs)的差异.方法 对32例住院或门诊首发抑郁症患者和29名对照进行心理旋转任务的ERP测定,给予不同旋转角度的测试刺激.测定4个脑区的ERPs(PZ、CZ、P3和P4).测量指标包括错误数、反应时以及P500潜伏期和波峰值结果与对照组相比,患者组完成心理旋转任务的反应时显著延长[689(98)ms 比 569 (55)ms; t=4.36,p<0.001],错误率显著升高[30.2%(11.4%)比20.3%(7.2%); t=3.61,p=0.015],且在所有4个旋转角度均有差异.完成心理旋转任务时的事件相关电位测定发现,抑郁症患者在4个脑区的总P500潜伏期有所增加,但无统计学意义,而P500波峰值显著降低.患者组与对照组错误率、反应时、P500潜伏期及波峰值均随着旋转角度(0°~180°)的递增而呈逐渐增加.对照组平均ERP波形在700ms处出现一个正波峰,而在患者组未见.结论 本研究证实了既往研究利用心理旋转任务评定抑郁症患者认知功能缺陷的有效性.本研究发现心理旋转任务诱发的事件相关电位的电生理指标,特别是P500及P700波峰值,可能是抑郁症的潜在生物学标记.需要前瞻性研究测定上述指标在抑郁症病程中的变化,以证实其有效性.



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