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  • 作者:黄慧强;姜文奇;何友兼;孙晓非;刘冬耕;徐瑞华;张力;周中梅;林桐榆;李宇红;管忠震

    Objective: High dose chemotherapy supported by autologous hematopoietic stem cells transplantation (AHSCT) has developed dramaticly in recent years and become the most effective approach to improve radical treatment for the chemo-sensitive lymphoma. The purposes of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerance of preparative regimen BEAC and hematopoietic reconsti- tution after high dose chemotherapy in Chinese patients with advanced and recurrent lymphoma. Methods: After confirmed complete or partial remission from conventional chemotherapy, 24 patients with advanced or recurrent lymphoma including 1 recurrent HD and 23 NHL, 16 male and 8 female with median age of 29 (13(50) years, were enrolled into this study and treated by BEAC regimen (CTX 3600(4000 mg/m2, VP-16 1200 mg/m2. BCNU 300 mg/m2 and Ara-C 1500(2000 mg/m2). 3 patients were supported by ABMT and 21 by APBSCT. Mobilization regimen for APBSCT was CTX 3500 mg/m2 + G-CSF 3.5(5 (g/kg + Dexamethasone 10 mg. Autologous hematopoietic stem cells was re-infused 24(48 h after completion of high dose chemotherapy. Results: MNC 1.3 (1.0(1.7) (108/kg and MNC 1.8 (1.0(4.4) (108, CFU-GM 5.1 (1.9(9.6) (105/kg plus CD34 + cells 2.9 (1.9(8.7) (106/kg were re-infused in the ABMT group and APBSCT group respectively. All patients obtained prompt and sustained hematopoietic reconstitution. ANC (0.5 (109/L and Pt (2.0 (109/L were at day 9 (6(17) and day 10 (0(31) respectively. 16 patients were alive with median 21 (2(69) months follow-up till end of May, 2001. 1, 2 and 3 years survival rate were 60.5%, 50.1% and 50.1%, respectively. Non-hematologic toxicity was mild and tolerable. Conclusions: High dose chemotherapy supported by AHSCT in the treatment of previously-untreated poor- prognostic and recurrent lymphoma was a safe and effective modality. Further investigation was warranted.

  • 淋巴细胞间质性肺炎恶变为淋巴瘤1例报告并文献复习


    Objective To investigate the clinical feature,diagnosis,treatment and the malignant transformation of lymphoid interstitial pneumonia(LIP).Methods The clinical data of one case with LIP malignant transformation admitted in our hospital was retrospectively analyzed and the related literatures were reviewed.Results The 62-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital because of fatigue,progressive exertional dyspnoea and occasional left lung pain for 6 months.She was diagnosed with LIP according to pathological findings,and was found to have malignant transformation at follow-up examination 1 year later.After surgery and chemotherapy,the patient had been stable both radiographically and clinically for 5 years.Conclusion LIP is a rare disease and we have hardly ever seen its malignant transformation.High awareness of LIP malignant transformation and proper consideration in the right clinical context are prerequisites for early diagnosis,and a combination of multiple treatment modalities should be considered as a feasible treatment regimen.

  • 骨原发性非霍奇金淋巴瘤的影像学表现特点



  • 原发性鼻腔非霍奇金淋巴瘤99mTc-MIBI显像的临床初探



  • 原发性上颌骨非霍奇金淋巴瘤1例


    病例 女,68岁,右侧颌面部渐进性增大包块4月余.查体:右侧颌面部肿胀,可触及3.5cm×4.0cm大小包块,质地中等,压痛明显,右侧鼻腔外侧壁向内隆起,全身浅表淋巴结无肿大.肝、睥肋下未及.

  • 脑内原发性恶性淋巴瘤1例


    病例 女,60岁.阵发性头痛1年余,伴有左侧肢体乏力.体检:全身浅表淋巴结未及肿大,左侧肢体肌力较对侧差.颅神经检查(-).CT示右侧枕顶叶约5.0cm×3.9cm×4.0cm大小异常密度灶,周边呈环形厚壁稍高密度,中心为低密度区,右侧侧脑室枕角受压、移位,灶周无明显水肿(图1a).增强示:该病变呈明显环形厚壁强化,中心低密度无强化(图1b).

  • 椎旁肌肉内非霍奇金淋巴瘤侵入椎管1例



  • 正常成人和非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者的骨髓间充质干细胞生物学特性的比较



  • 人原发性胃恶性淋巴瘤裸鼠原位移植肝转移模型的建立

    作者:杨波;脱帅;脱朝伟;Ning Zhang;Qiu-Zhen Liu

    Background and Objective: In recent years, incidence and mortality of lymphoma are markedly increasing worldwide. However, the pathogenesis and mechanism of invasion and metastasis for lymphoma are not yet fully clarified. It is mainly due to the lack of ideal animal models, which can precisely simulate the invasion and metastasis of lymphoma in the human body. So, it is very necessary to establish a highly metastatic nude mouse model of human lymphoma. This study developed a liver-metastatic model of primary gastric lymphoma in nude mice by using orthotopic surgical implantation of histologically intact patient specimens into the corresponding organs of the recipient small animals. Methods: A histologically intact fragment of liver metastasis derived from a surgical specimen of a patient with primary gastric lymphoma was implanted into the submucosa of the stomach in nude mice. Tumorigenicity, invasion, metastasis, morphologic characteristics (via light microscopy, electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry), karyotype analysis, and DNA content of the orthotopically transplanted tumors were studied. Results: An orthotopic liver metastatic model of human primary gastric lymphoma in nude mice (termed HGBL-0304) was successfully established. The histopathology of the transplanted tumors showed primary gastric diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. CD19, CD20, CD22, and CD79a were positive, but CD3 and CD7 were negative. The serum level of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was elevated [(1010.56± 200.85) U/L]. The number of chromosomes ranged from 75 to 89. The DNA index (Dl) was 1.45 ± 0.25 (that is, heteroploid). So far, the HGBL-0304 model has been passed on for 45 generations of nude mice. A total of 263 nude mice were used for the transplantation. Both the growth and resuscitation rates of liquid nitrogen cryopreservation of the transplanted tumors were 100%. The transplanted tumors autonomically invasively grew and damaged a whole layer in the stomach of nude mice. The metastasis rates of liver, spleen, lymph node, and peritoneal seeding were 100%, 94.3%, 62.6%, and 43.5%, respectively. Conclusions: The study successfully establishes an orthotopic liver metastatic model of human primary gastric lymphoma in nude mice. The HGBL-0304 model can completely simulate the natural clinical process of primary gastric lymphoma and provides an ideal animal model for the research on the biology of metastasis and antimetastatic experimental therapies of primary gastric lymphoma.

  • 恶性血液病患者CD54表达及其与临床特征、疗效的关系



  • 作者:

    BACKGROUND: A preoperative diagnosis of primary hepatic lymphoma (PHL) can have profound therapeutic and prognos-tic implications. Because of the rarity of PHL, however, there are few reports on diagnostic imaging.We reviewed the clinical and radiologic findings of 29 patients with PHL, the largest series to date, to evaluate the diagnostic features of this disease.
    METHODS: Clinical data and radiologic findings at presen-tation were retrospectively reviewed for 29 patients with pathologically confirmed PHL from January 2005 to June 2013. Imaging studies, including ultrasound (US) (n=29) and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) (n=24), were performed within 2 weeks before biopsy or surgery.
    RESULTS: Among the 29 patients, 23 (79%) were positive for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and 26 (90%) had a significantly ele-vated level of serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). There were two distinct types of PHL on imaging: diffuse (n=5) and nodu-lar (n=24). Homogeneous or heterogeneous hepatomegaly was the only sign for diffuse PHL on both US and CECT, without any definite hepatic mass. For the nodular type, 63% (15/24) of patients had solitary lesions and 38% (9/24) had multiple lesions. On US, seven patients displayed patchy distribution with an indistinct tumor margin and a rich color flow signal. CECT showed rim-like enhancement (n=3) and slightly ho-mogeneous or heterogeneous enhancement (n=14) in the arte-rial phase and isoenhancement (n=5) and hypoenhancement (n=12) in the portal venous and late phases. Furthermore, in five patients, CT revealed that hepatic vessels passed through the lesions and were not displaced from the abnormal area or appreciably compressed.
    CONCLUSIONS: The infiltration type of PHL was associated with the histologic subtype. Considered together with HBV positivity and elevated LDH, homogeneous or heterogeneous hepatomegaly may indicate diffuse PHL, whereas patchy dis-tribution with a rich color flow signal on US or normal vessels extending through the lesion on CECT may be the diagnostic indicators of nodular PHL.



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