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  • 浙江省绍兴市初中生体育锻炼行为及影响因素分析



  • 肥胖与肺功能改变具有独立于体力活动和身体素质的相关性

    作者:Steele RM;Finucane FM;Griffin SJ;王海俊

    慢性呼吸道疾病会使人群死亡率增高,轻度肺功能受损者临床症状可能不明显,但是也会增加人群呼吸道和其他原因的死亡率,而且增加心脑血管疾病、胰岛素抵抗和糖尿病的发生风险.重度肥胖患者常伴有哮喘和阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征等呼吸道并发症,但是非重度肥胖与肺功能之间的关系尚不明确.Steele等选择320名年龄为(40.4±6.0)岁的英国白人,有2型糖尿病家族史,测量身体指标和大摄氧量( VO2 max),监测4d动态心率以确定体力活动能量消耗( PAEE),并用肺活量计测定1 s大呼气量( FEV1)和肺活量(FVC).

  • 体育活动课程:一项促进小学生体育活动、减少超重肥胖的随机对照实验

    作者:Donnelly JD;Greene JL;Gibson CA;宋逸


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    Objective To understand the associations of physical activity domains with metabolic syndrome among a middle-aged Chinese population.
    Methods In all, 3326 professional adults aged 35-64 years from Beijing and Zhejiang province were recruited with a cluster random sampling method. The Global Physical Activity Questionnaire was modified, and the recommended Asia-Pacific cut-offs of waist circumstance were introduced into the criteria for metabolic syndrome from the Adult Treatment Panel III. A binary logistic regression model was applied to examine the association of all physical activity domains with the risk of the syndrome.
    Results Participants who engaged in domestic activity for 31176 MET-min/week had a 41.6% less chance of having metabolic syndrome [odds ratio (OR), 0.584;95%confidence interval (CI), 0.480-0.710] than those without this activity. In adjusted models, adults who actively commuted for 333 MET-min/week but<528 MET-min/week had a 25%less chance of having the syndrome (OR, 0.750;95%CI, 0.582-0.966) than those who did not. No interaction was detected between the two domains of activity and the syndrome.
    Conclusion This study highlighted the independently negative association of traffic and house activity with the prevalence of the syndrome in this sample with a generally low level of moderate activity.

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    Objective To evaluate the community-based health promotion effect of physical activity. Methods The residents aged 18 and above from two communities in Gongshu District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang province, were randomly selected and recruited for the multi-strategy and comprehensive physical activity intervention. Questionnaire survey, physical check up and blood biochemistry were conducted. Results After this two-year intervention, the time of the participant spent on weekly physical activity of moderate intensity increased from 464 min to 542 min (P<0.05), with an average increase of 78 min. Time spent in walking every week increased from 533 min to 678 min (P<0.05), with an average increase of 145 min. The body weight, waistline, blood pressure and heart rate all reduced significantly (P<0.05);the vital capacity increased significantly (P<0.05); and the related biochemical indicators were also improved. Conclusion Comprehensive and evidence-based physical activity interventions targeting community population can improve the levels of physical activity, related body measurement and biochemical indicators.

  • 运动疗法应用于术后急性疼痛的研究进展


    2010年,WHO将身体活动和健康效益运动列入《关于身体活动有益健康的全球建议》(global recommendations on physical activity for health)中,提出需要在临床运动治疗剂量作深入研究[1].在英国、瑞典、新西兰等发达国家,治疗项目中的运动项目已被国民接受并在基层医疗实践中实施[2].世界各地医疗工作者,包括内科医生、物理治疗师、护士和营养学家等,均呼吁将运动作为临床治疗方案,包括治疗目标设定[3].各国运动生理学家、物理治疗师正在努力将运动疗法深入临床各科从而发挥其优势.目前运动疗法已在心血管系统、骨关节疾病、神经系统疾病的镇痛研究中显示其有助于促进血液循环,减轻炎症反应,防止组织粘连[4-5],从而影响体内疼痛处理系统,并可进一步改善心理行为效果[6].借鉴运动疗法应用于其他疾病的镇痛机制及特点,其同样适用于手术后镇痛,调节患者术后恐惧心理,促进术后早期功能恢复.本文通过介绍运动疗法概念、术后镇痛特点、运动处方选择、镇痛机制和疗效,分析运动疗法在术后镇痛的运用的优势和问题,以便在临床各科的推广.

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    From the emergence of the genus "homo" over 2 million years age, until the agricultrnral revolution of roughly 10. 000 years age our ancestors were hunter-gatherers,so the adaptive pressures inherent in that environmental niche have exerted defining influence on human genetic make up. The portion of our genome that determines basic anatomy and physiology has remained relatively unchanged over the past 40. 000 years. Consequently, the complex interrelationship between energy intake, energy expenditure and specific physical activity requirements for current humans remains very similar to that orginally selected for stone age men and women who lived by gathering and hunting.

  • Is Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis-a Target for Reversing Obesity?


    Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expenditure of all physical activities other than volitional sporting-like exercise. NEAT includes all the activities that render us vibrant, unique and independent beings such as working, playing, and dancing. Because people of the same weight have markedly variable activity levels, it is not surprising that NEAT varies substantially between people by 2000 kcal/day. Evidence suggests that low NEAT may occur in obesity but in a very specific fashion. Obese individuals appear to exhibit an innate tendency to be seated for 2.5 hours per day more than sedentary lean counterparts. If obese individuals were to adopt the lean 'NEAT-o-type', they could potentially expend an additional 350 kcal/day. Obesity was rare a century ago and the human genotype has not changed over that time. Thus, the obesity epidemic may reflect the emergence of a chair-enticing environment to which those with an innate tendency to sit, did so and became obese. To reverse obesity therefore, we need to develop individual strategies to promote standing & ambulating time by 2.5 hours per day but also re-engineer our work, school and home environments to render active living the option of choice.

  • 作者:

    KEY POINTS Strong bones require a balanced "3-legged stool" of (1) regular physical activity, (2) adequate intake of calcium, and (3) normal hormonal levels.

    关键词: physical activity


    KEY POINTS■The prevalence of obesity has increased substantially in North America and in other developed countries during the past 20 years.a time in which the gene pool has not changed.This phenomenon argues strongly for the importance of dietary and physical activity patterns interactang with genetic polymorphism to explain the accumulation of OXC~,SS body fat in a large portion of the American population.

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    AIM: To study the changes in capillarity of skeletal muscle during acclimation to high altitude, and explore the effects of a certain extent physical activity under hypoxia on capillary formation and the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in this process. METHODS: 48 Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: Ⅰ normoxic control; Ⅱ hypoxia and Ⅲ hypoxia+exercise. Rats of Ⅱ and Ⅲ groups were subjected to hypobaric hypoxia for 5 weeks (23 h/d). They were first brought to simulated 4 000 m altitude, where rats of the Ⅲgroup were forced to swim for 1 h/d (6 d/week). Then the animals were ascent to 5 000 m. Biomicrosphere method was used to determine blood flow of skeletal muscle. The mean fiber cross-sectional area (FCSA), capillary density (CD) and capillary/fiber ratio (C/F) of red portion of the lateral head of the gastrocneminus were assayed by myofibrillar ATPase histochemistry. VEGF and its receptor KDR were assayed with immunohistochemistry method.RESULTS: By comparison with the normoxic control, 5-week hypoxic exposure resulted in a decrease in cross-sectional area of skeletal muscle fiber and an increase in CD, but the C/F remained unchanged. The blood supply to the gastrocnemius was not changed. After 5-week-exercise at high altitude, the muscle fibers did not undergo atrophy. CD, C/F, and the blood flow at rest increased significantly. VEGF protein was found primarily in the matrix between muscle fibers; KDR were shown mainly in endothelial cells of capillary. VEGF was more strongly stained in the skeletal muscle of hypoxia-exercise rats.CONCLUSION: Hypoxia itself can not induce neovascularization. While exercise during hypoxic exposure can lead to capillary formation. VEGF and KDR may play roles in it. New capillary formation benefits the blood supply, oxygen delivery and working performance at high altitude.



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