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  • 椎间盘退行性疾病生物治疗研究的进展


    椎间盘退行性疾病( degenerative disc diseases,DDD )是一类常见的,可引起椎间盘突出、椎管狭窄、退变性滑脱以及退变性脊柱侧弯的疾病,通常伴随慢性下腰痛等症状,严重影响患者的日常工作及生活。目前,对 DDD 的治疗一般包括药物等保守治疗和手术治疗,目的在于缓解症状及提高患者生活质量,但是现有的治疗方案仅缓解了患者的症状,却难以恢复其椎间盘的结构和功能。现在,越来越多的医生认为通过对 DDD 患者进行生物治疗,不仅可以缓解症状,而且生物治疗可以早期阻止甚至逆转椎间盘退变并恢复其生物学功能,这使得生物治疗有望成为DDD 的主要治疗手段。现将近年来椎间盘退行性疾病的生物治疗研究成果综述如下。

  • 经皮椎间孔入路全内镜技术治疗腰椎间盘突出症



  • 经皮完全内镜下脊柱手术技术的发展与现状


    现代经皮内镜下脊柱手术技术的发展是建立在Yeung [1]发明的YESS ( yeung endoscopic spine system )脊柱内镜系统及YESS技术基础之上的。Ruetten,Hoogland等[2-3]在YESS脊柱内镜系统基础上进行改进,并提出完全内镜技术( full-endoscopic technique )及TESSYS ( transforaminal endoscopic surgical system )等概念。但这些脊柱内镜系统都是使用带工作通道的硬杆状内镜在持续生理盐水灌洗下进行的微创脊柱手术,只是手术技术上不断改进以适应更复杂的病例,所以都可以称为完全内镜下手术技术。目前主要用于颈、腰椎间盘突出症、颈椎管狭窄症、腰椎管狭窄症及慢性腰痛等疾病的治疗。

  • 作者:

    Degenerative constrictions of the spinal canal with compression of neural elements arise as a result of bony, disk, capsular or ligament structures. The most frequent causes are disk herniations and spinal stenoses. The lumbar and cervical spine is the most prominent cause. After conservative treatments have been exhausted, surgical intervention may be necessary. Today, microsurgical or microscopically-assisted decompression is regarded as the standard procedure for disk herniation and spinal stenosis in the lumbar region, while in the cervical spine, microsurgical or microscopically-assisted anterior decompression and fusion are standard. Both procedures demonstrate good clinical results but present problems associated with the operation. Decompressions in the area of the spine must be carried out under continuous visualization and must entail the possibility of adequate bone resection. Taking this into account, completely new endoscopes and instrument sets has been developed for full-endoscopic operations in tandem with the development of the lateral transforaminal and interlaminar approaches for the lumbar spine and the posterior, contralateral and anterior approaches for the cervical spine. The possibilities and results of comparable and established standard procedures have been used as a benchmark in the course of clinical validation. The development of surgically created approaches and the new rod lens endoscopes combined with appropriate instrument sets have laid the technical foundations for full-endoscopic operation in the lumbar spine on all primary and recurrent disk herniations inside and outside the spinal canal and on spinal stenoses. This development has also permitted resection of soft disk herniations in the cervical spine. The use of the relevant approaches depends on anatomical and pathological inclusion and exclusion criteria. The clinical results of standard procedures are achieved, which must be regarded as a minimum criterion for the introduction of new technologies. On the basis of evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) criteria, it can be established that using the full-endoscopic techniques developed, adequate decompression is achieved in the deifned indications with reduced traumatization, improved visibility conditions and positive cost beneifts. Today, full-endoscopic operations may be regarded as an expansion and alternative within the overall concept of spinal surgery.

  • 经皮侧后路腰椎间孔成形与经椎间孔完全内镜下腰椎间盘摘除术





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