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  • 作者:郭善禹;顾琴龙;朱正纲;林言箴

    To study the killing effect of suicide gene CD on mouse gastric cancer. Methods: CD gene was transduced with the retroviral vector. The killing effect and bystander effect of CD gene on mouse gastric cancer cell line MFC were observed. The mouse gastric cancer model was used for in vivo study. The CD gene containing virus was injected into the tumors. The volumes of the tumors in every group were measured in time. Results: Significant killing effect and bystander effect were observed by CD gene in vitro, 70~80% cell death resulting from 20% of CD gene transduction. In vivo, CD/5-Fc caused tumor to diminution. Conclusion: CD/5-Fc system has significant killing effect on mouse gastric cancer

  • 作者:

    To date, it remains poorly understood whether astrocytes can be easily reprogrammed into neurons. Mash1 and Brn2 have been previously shown to cooperate to reprogram fibroblasts into neurons. In this study, we examined astrocytes from 2-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats, and found that Brn2 was expressed, but Mash1 was not detectable. Thus, we hypothesized that Mash1 alone could be used to reprogram astrocytes into neurons. We transfected a recombinant MSCV-MASH1 plasmid into astrocytes for 72 hours, and saw that all cells expressed Mash1. One week later, we observed the changes in morphology of astrocytes, which showed typical neuro-nal characteristics. Moreover,β-tubulin expression levels were signiifcantly higher in astrocytes expressing Mash1 than in control cells. These results indicate that Mash1 alone can reprogram astrocytes into neurons.



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