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Cancer Biology & Medicine 림상종류여암증구(영문판)

  • 主管单位: 中国科学技术协会
  • 主办单位: 中国抗癌协会
  • 影响因子: 1.07
  • 审稿时间:
  • 国际刊号: 2095-3941
  • 国内刊号: 12-1431/R
  • 发行周期:
  • 邮发: 6-173
  • 曾用名: 中国肿瘤临床(英文版);癌症生物学与医学(英文版);临床肿瘤与癌症研究(英文版)
  • 创刊时间: 2004
  • 语言: 英文
  • 编辑单位: Cancer Biology & Medicine 编辑部
  • 出版地区:
  • 主编: 郝希山
  • 类 别:
  • 作者:

    Since the approval of rituximab in 1997, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have become an increasingly important component of therapeutic regimens in oncology. hTe success of mAbs as a therapeutic class is a result of great strides that have been made in molecular biology and in biotechnology over the past several decades. Currently, there are 14 approved mAb products for oncology indications, and there are ten additional mAbs in late stages of clinical trials. Compared to traditional chemotherapeutic agents, mAbs have several advantages, including a long circulating half-life and high target speciifcity. Antibodies can serve as cytotoxic agents when administered alone, exerting a pharmacologic effect through several mechanisms involving the antigen binding (Fab) and/or Fc domains of the molecule, and mAbs may also be utilized as drug carriers, targeting a toxic payload to cancer cells. hTe extremely high affnity of mAbs for their targets, which is desirable with respect to pharmacodynamics (i.e., contributing to the high therapeutic selectivity of mAb), otfen leads to complex, non-linear, target-mediated pharmacokinetics. In this report, we summarize the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of mAbs that have been approved and of mAbs that are nearing approval for oncology indications, with particular focus on the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for their disposition and effcacy.

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    Cancer cells are well documented to rewire their metabolism and energy production networks to support and enable rapid proliferation, continuous growth, survival in harsh conditions, invasion, metastasis, and resistance to cancer treatments. Since Dr. Otto Warburg’s discovery about altered cancer cell metabolism in 1930, thousands of studies have shed light on various aspects of cancer metabolism with a common goal to find new ways for effectively eliminating tumor cells by targeting their energy metabolism. hTis review highlights the importance of the main features of cancer metabolism, summarizes recent remarkable advances in this ifeld, and points out the potentials to translate these scientiifc ifndings into life-saving diagnosis and therapies to help cancer patients.

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    In the ifght against cancer, controlled drug delivery systems have emerged to enhance the therapeutic effcacy and safety of anti-cancer drugs. Among these systems, mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) with a functional surface possess obvious advantages and were thus rapidly developed for cancer treatment. Many stimuli-responsive materials, such as nanoparticles, polymers, and inorganic materials, have been applied as caps and gatekeepers to control drug release from MSNs. This review presents an overview of the recent progress in the production of pH-responsive MSNs based on the pH gradient between normal tissues and the tumor microenvironment. Four main categories of gatekeepers can respond to acidic conditions. hTese categories will be described in detail.

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    Objective:To investigate the uptake rate of prostate speciifc antigen (PSA) testing among Hong Kong Chinese males aged 50 or above, and identify factors associated with the likelihood of undergoing a PSA test.
    Methods:A population-based telephone survey was conducted in Hong Kong in 2007. The survey covered demographic information, perceived health status, use of complementary therapy, cancer screening behavior, perceived susceptibility to cancer and family history of cancer. Descriptive statistics, percentages and logistic regression analysis were used for data analysis.
    Results:A total of 1,002 men aged 50 or above took part in the study (response rate=67%), and the uptake rate of PSA testing was found to be 10%. Employment status, use of complementary therapy, perceiving regular visits to a doctor as good for health and the recommendations of health professionals were signiifcant factors associated with PSA testing.
    Conclusion:The uptake rate of PSA testing in the study population was very low. Among all the factors identified, recommendations from health professionals had the strongest association with the uptake of PSA testing, and they should therefore take an active role in educating this population about cancer prevention and detection.

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    Objective:To determine whether Interferon-alpha-2b (IFN-α2b) can modulate the autophagic response in hepatocellular carcinoma cells.
    Methods:Hepatocellular carcinoma cells were treated with IFN-α2b. Autophagy was assessed by acridine orange staining, GFP-LC3 dotted assay, transmission electron microscopy and immunoblotting.
    Results:Acridine orange staining showed that IFN-α2b triggered the accumulation of acidic vesicular and autolysosomes in HepG2 cells. hTe acridine orange HepG2 cell ratios were (4.3±1.0)%, (6.9±1.4)%, and (13.1±2.3)%, respectively, atfer treatment with 100, 1,000, and 10,000 IU/mL IFN-α2b for 48 h. A markedly punctate pattern was observed in HepG2 cells treated with 10,000 IU/mL IFN-α2b for 48 h, but only diffuse and weakly lfuorescent GFP-LC3 puncta was observed in control cells. HepG2 cells treated with 10,000 IU/mL IFN-α2b for 48 h developed autophagosome-like characteristics, including single-or double-membrane vacuoles containing intact and degraded cellular debris. The Beclin1 and LC3-II protein expression was up-regulated by IFN-α2b treatment.
    Conclusion:Autophagy can be induced in a dose-dependent manner by treatment with IFN-α2b in HepG2 cells, and the Beclin1 signaling pathway was stimulated by IFN-α2b.

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    Objective:Various nanoparticles have been designed and tested in order to select optimal carriers for the inhalation delivery of anticancer drugs to the lungs.
    Methods:hTe following nanocarriers were studied:micelles, liposomes, mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs), poly propyleneimine (PPI) dendrimer-siRNA complexes nanoparticles, quantum dots (QDs), and poly (ethylene glycol) polymers. All particles were characterized using the following methods:dynamic light scattering, zeta potential, atomic force microscopy, in vitro cyto-and genotoxicity. In vivo organ distribution of all nanoparticles, retention in the lungs, and anticancer effects of liposomes loaded with doxorubicin were examined in nude mice atfer the pulmonary or intravenous delivery.
    Results:Signiifcant differences in lung uptake were found atfer the inhalation delivery of lipid-based and non-lipid-based nanoparticles. hTe accumulation of liposomes and micelles in lungs remained relatively high even 24 h atfer inhalation when compared with MSNs, QDs, and PPI dendrimers. hTere were notable differences between nanoparticle accumulation in the lungs and other organs 1 and 3 h atfer inhalation or intravenous administrations, but 24 h atfer intravenous injection all nanoparticles were mainly accumulated in the liver, kidneys, and spleen. Inhalation delivery of doxorubicin by liposomes signiifcantly enhanced its anticancer effect and prevented severe adverse side effects of the treatment in mice bearing the orthotopic model of lung cancer.
    Conclusion:hTe results of the study demonstrate that lipid-based nanocarriers had considerably higher accumulation and longer retention time in the lungs when compared with non-lipid-based carriers atfer the inhalation delivery. hTese particles are most suitable for effective inhalation treatment of lung cancer.

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2018 01 03 z1
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2005 01 02 03 04 05 06



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