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    Since the approval of rituximab in 1997, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have become an increasingly important component of therapeutic regimens in oncology. hTe success of mAbs as a therapeutic class is a result of great strides that have been made in molecular biology and in biotechnology over the past several decades. Currently, there are 14 approved mAb products for oncology indications, and there are ten additional mAbs in late stages of clinical trials. Compared to traditional chemotherapeutic agents, mAbs have several advantages, including a long circulating half-life and high target speciifcity. Antibodies can serve as cytotoxic agents when administered alone, exerting a pharmacologic effect through several mechanisms involving the antigen binding (Fab) and/or Fc domains of the molecule, and mAbs may also be utilized as drug carriers, targeting a toxic payload to cancer cells. hTe extremely high affnity of mAbs for their targets, which is desirable with respect to pharmacodynamics (i.e., contributing to the high therapeutic selectivity of mAb), otfen leads to complex, non-linear, target-mediated pharmacokinetics. In this report, we summarize the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of mAbs that have been approved and of mAbs that are nearing approval for oncology indications, with particular focus on the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for their disposition and effcacy.

  • Influence of Carcinogenic Factors in the Maxillofacial Region

    作者:Vladimir N.Nikolenko;Ekaterina V.Kochurova

  • Oncology 后处理技术在低剂量 CT 扫描泌尿系结石中的应用价值


    目的:探讨 Oncology 后处理技术在低剂量 CT 扫描泌尿系结石中的价值。方法对30例可疑泌尿系结石的患者进行CT 扫描,使用 Oncology 后处理技术进行结石成分及容积测量,将测量结果与临床术后取出结石资料对比。结果扫描发现结石共45个,Oncology 测量结石体积约为66.176 mL,临床测量结石体积约为64.958 mL,结果无显著性统计学差异。CT 值>450 HU的结石32个,<450 HU 的结石13个,CT 值成分分类与临床所得结果基本一致。结论使用 Oncology 后处理技术可以清晰地显示结石大小、形态和位置,为临床医师提供更完整的影像学资料。



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