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Histone deacetylase inhibition is synthetically lethal with arginine deprivation in pancreatic cancers with low argininosuccinate synthetase 1 expression.



:Arginine (Arg) deprivation is a promising therapeutic approach for tumors with low argininosuccinate synthetase 1 (ASS1) expression. However, its efficacy as a single agent therapy needs to be improved as resistance is frequently observed. Methods: A tissue microarray was performed to assess ASS1 expression in surgical specimens of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and its correlation with disease prognosis. An RNA-Seq analysis examined the role of ASS1 in regulating the global gene transcriptome. A high throughput screen of FDA-approved oncology drugs identified synthetic lethality between histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors and Arg deprivation in PDAC cells with low ASS1 expression. We examined HDAC inhibitor panobinostat (PAN) and Arg deprivation in a panel of human PDAC cell lines, in ASS1-high and -knockdown/knockout isogenic models, in both anchorage-dependent and -independent cultures, and in multicellular complex cultures that model the PDAC tumor microenvironment. We examined the effects of combined Arg deprivation and PAN on DNA damage and the protein levels of key DNA repair enzymes. We also evaluated the efficacy of PAN and ADI-PEG20 (an Arg-degrading agent currently in Phase 2 clinical trials) in xenograft models with ASS1-low and -high PDAC tumors. Results: Low ASS1 protein level is a negative prognostic indicator in PDAC. Arg deprivation in ASS1-deficient PDAC cells upregulated asparagine synthetase (ASNS) which redirected aspartate (Asp) from being used for de novo nucleotide biosynthesis, thus causing nucleotide insufficiency and impairing cell cycle S-phase progression. Comprehensively validated, HDAC inhibitors and Arg deprivation showed synthetic lethality in ASS1-low PDAC cells. Mechanistically, combined Arg deprivation and HDAC inhibition triggered degradation of a key DNA repair enzyme C-terminal-binding protein interacting protein (CtIP), resulting in DNA damage and apoptosis. In addition, S-phase-retained ASS1-low PDAC cells (due to Arg deprivation) were also sensitized to DNA damage, thus yielding effective cell death. Compared to single agents, the combination of PAN and ADI-PEG20 showed better efficacy in suppressing ASS1-low PDAC tumor growth in mouse xenograft models. Conclusion: The combination of PAN and ADI-PEG20 is a rational translational therapeutic strategy for treating ASS1-low PDAC tumors through synergistic induction of DNA damage.



最新影响因子:11.6 期刊ISSN:1838-7640 CiteScore:8.7
出版周期: 是否OA:YES 出版年份:2011




SCI期刊coverage:Science Citation Index Expanded(科学引文索引扩展)

NCBI查询:PubMed Central (PMC)链接全文检索(pubmed central)


Theranostics 期刊简介


The aim of Theranostics is to provide a forum for the exchange of clinical and scientific information for the diagnostic and therapeutic molecular and nano medicine community and allied professions involved in the efforts of integrating molecular imaging and molecular therapy. Theranostics is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes innovative and original research articles reflecting fields of in vitro diagnostics and prognostics, in vivo molecular imaging, molecular therapeutics, image-guided therapy, biosensor, nanobiosensor and bioelectronics, system biology and translational medicine, point-of-care and personalized medicine. A broad spectrum of biomedical research that can be applied to future theranostic applications is encouraged. In addition to primary research, Theranostics also publishes reviews, news, and commentary to understand and bridge the gap among the laboratory, clinic, and biotechnology industries. Papers in the journal are rigorously peer-reviewed.



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353 323 30



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大类(学科):Medicine 小类(学科):Medicine (miscellaneous)
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大类(学科):Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics 小类(学科):Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous)
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    研究方向:治疗靶点 分子生物 生物治疗

    接受率: 比较困难(25%命中)

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    研究方向:药物性肝损伤 自噬

    接受率: 比较困难(25%命中)

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    研究方向:医药科学 肿瘤学 肿瘤发生

    审稿时间: 5个月内

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    研究方向:炎症 表观遗传

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#4 189
Theranostics 8.70 第98百分位
来源出版物名称 CiteScore2017 百分位
Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 12.96 第99百分位
Advanced Science 10.19 第99百分位
Annual Review of Nutrition 9.45 第98百分位
Theranostics 8.70 第98百分位
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 6.47 第97百分位
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 6.21 第97百分位
Nutrition Reviews 6.15 第96百分位
Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications 6.07 第96百分位
Alcohol research : current reviews 5.72 第95百分位
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 5.64 第94百分位
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 5.62 第94百分位
Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease 5.56 第93百分位
Journal of Nanobiotechnology 5.49 第93百分位
Advances in Nutrition 5.47 第92百分位
Stem Cell Research and Therapy 5.09 第92百分位
International Journal of Obesity 4.94 第91百分位
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Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 4.31 第90百分位
Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 4.30 第90百分位
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Journal of Nutrition 4.24 第89百分位
Nanomedicine 4.19 第88百分位
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 4.09 第88百分位
Addiction Biology 3.96 第87百分位
Nutrition Journal 3.93 第87百分位
Journal of Behavioral Addictions 3.91 第86百分位
Fibrogenesis and Tissue Repair 3.86 第85百分位
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine 3.81 第85百分位
Journal of Functional Foods 3.70 第84百分位
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Systematic Reviews 3.52 第82百分位
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Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 3.22 第80百分位
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 3.20 第80百分位
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 3.17 第79百分位
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Addictive Behaviors 3.10 第78百分位
European Addiction Research 3.04 第77百分位
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Trials 2.17 第64百分位
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Synergy 1.22 第43百分位
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Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 1.00 第41百分位
Arts and Health 0.97 第40百分位
Medical Law Review 0.97 第40百分位
American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine 0.90 第39百分位
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Medical History 0.87 第37百分位
International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction 0.83 第37百分位
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Diagnosis 0.75 第33百分位
Journal of Substance Use 0.75 第33百分位
Clinical Ethics 0.73 第32百分位
Aerospace medicine and human performance 0.72 第32百分位
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 0.70 第31百分位
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 0.69 第30百分位
Drugs and Alcohol Today 0.68 第30百分位
Social History of Medicine 0.68 第30百分位
Bulletin of the History of Medicine 0.65 第29百分位
Journal of Oral Biosciences 0.65 第29百分位
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology 0.62 第28百分位
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 0.59 第27百分位
Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME 0.57 第27百分位
Revista Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia 0.53 第26百分位
Journal of Nutrition and Health 0.51 第26百分位
Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine 0.50 第25百分位
Early Science and Medicine 0.50 第25百分位
Addictive Disorders and their Treatment 0.49 第24百分位
Revista de Nutricao 0.49 第24百分位
Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research 0.47 第23百分位
Voprosy Pitaniia 0.47 第23百分位
International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics 0.45 第22百分位
JAVA - Journal of the Association for Vascular Access 0.45 第22百分位
Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems 0.44 第21百分位
Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 0.43 第20百分位
Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen 0.42 第20百分位
Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion 0.39 第19百分位
Bio-Medical Engineering 0.35 第19百分位
South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 0.35 第19百分位
International Journal of Osteoporosis and Metabolic Disorders 0.33 第17百分位
Medizinhistorisches Journal 0.33 第17百分位
International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 0.31 第17百分位
Journal of Medical Marketing 0.30 第16百分位
Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science 0.28 第16百分位
Studies on Ethno-Medicine 0.26 第15百分位
Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs 0.26 第15百分位
Aktuelle Ernahrungsmedizin Klinik und Praxis 0.25 第14百分位
Journal of Military and Veterans' Health 0.24 第14百分位
Cahiers de Nutrition et de Dietetique 0.21 第12百分位
Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences 0.21 第12百分位
Nutricion Clinica y Dietetica Hospitalaria 0.21 第12百分位
Sucht 0.21 第12百分位
Revista Ciencias de la Salud 0.20 第11百分位
Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 0.19 第10百分位
Asian Medicine 0.18 第10百分位
Christian Bioethics 0.15 第9百分位
Epigenetics and Human Health 0.13 第8百分位
Korean Journal of Medical History 0.13 第8百分位
Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine 0.13 第8百分位
Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering 0.12 第7百分位
Revista Espanola de Nutricion Comunitaria 0.12 第7百分位
Journal of Medical Biography 0.10 第6百分位
REACH 0.09 第6百分位
Actualizaciones en Osteologia 0.08 第5百分位
Tribunes de la Sante 0.05 第5百分位
Ernahrungs Umschau 0.04 第4百分位
History of Medicine 0.04 第4百分位
Chinese General Practice 0.02 第3百分位
Medizintechnik 0.01 第2百分位
East Asian science, technology, and medicine 0.00 第1百分位
Journal fur Ernahrungsmedizin 0.00 第1百分位
Open Biomarkers Journal 0.00 第1百分位
Perfusion (Germany) 0.00 第1百分位
Revue Internationale de Soins Palliatifs 0.00 第1百分位
#1 22
Theranostics 8.70 第97百分位
来源出版物名称 CiteScore2017 百分位
Theranostics 8.70 第97百分位
Patient Preference and Adherence 1.99 第93百分位
Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation 1.61 第88百分位
Drug Delivery Letters 0.86 第84百分位
Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science 0.78 第79百分位
Value in Health Regional Issues 0.74 第75百分位
Open Access Journal of Clinical Trials 0.67 第70百分位
Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs 0.62 第65百分位
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research 0.44 第61百分位
Journal of Medical Marketing 0.30 第56百分位
American Journal of Pharmacy Benefits 0.27 第52百分位
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 0.13 第47百分位
Pharmacoeconomics - Spanish Research Articles 0.10 第43百分位
Regulatory Rapporteur 0.08 第38百分位
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance 0.05 第34百分位
Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law 0.04 第29百分位
Contract Pharma 0.03 第20百分位
Milestones in Drug Therapy 0.03 第20百分位
PharmacoVigilance Review 0.03 第20百分位
Arzneimitteltherapie 0.00 第6百分位
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer 0.00 第6百分位
Pharmaceutical Processing 0.00 第6百分位






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