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  • 颌面部爆炸伤后组织血栓素A2和前列环素I2对兔脑的作用机制


    Objective To detect the changes of TXA2 and PGI2 levels and discuss the significance of the level and ratio changes during maxillofacial blast injury.Methods The maxillofacial blast injury model was made by standard spherical blast sources produced by NINT.Measure dynamics of blast wave to skin surface.The metabolites of thromboxane A2( TXA2) and prostacyclin(PGI2),TXB2 and 6 keto PGF1α ,in cortex were examined before and 10min,6h,12h,24h,72h,168h after injury by radioimmunoassay.Results The pressure of central skin of blast injury was 335MPa.TXB2 and 6 keto PGF1 levels and the ratio augmented gradually after injury,and reached the peaks [(216.8± 22.5)pg/g and (102.9± 13.5)pg/g respectively] at the 24th hour,and reduced to the normal levels at the 7th day.Conclusions The blast wave can injure the cortex and vessels,thus TXA2 and PGI2 levels and the ratio increase, which aggravate injury of the cerebral cortex.

  • 颌面部爆炸伤后外形修复实验研究


    Objective To study the characteristics and the way of reconstruction in maxillofacial explosive wound. Methods 30 dogs were randomly divided into 6 groups and the maxillofacial region were wounded by smoothbore barrels combined with detonators. Histological changes of soft tissue at different distance from wound track were observed after injury. At 72h post injury, 5 dogs in one group were re debrided and reconstructed. Results At 72h after wound, the soft tissue injury was the most serious. Muscles at 0~ 0.8 cm distant to the wound track were completely necrotized. The vibration area spread beyond 1.6 cm. The wounds were well healed. Conclusions The explosive injury of maxillofacial region was characterized by wide range of injury and heavily contamination. The reconstruction of soft tissue defect by vascularized gracilis flaps was effective.



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