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Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research 중국조직공정구여림상강복

  • 主管单位: 中华人民共和国卫生部
  • 主办单位: 中国康复医学会,《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》杂志社
  • 影响因子: 1.38
  • 审稿时间: 1-3个月
  • 国际刊号: 2095-4344
  • 国内刊号: 21-1581/R
  • 发行周期: 周刊
  • 邮发: 8-584
  • 曾用名: 现代康复;现代康复杂志;中国临床康复;中国组织工程研究与临床康复
  • 创刊时间: 1997
  • 语言: 英文
  • 编辑单位: 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》杂志编辑委员会
  • 出版地区: 辽宁
  • 主编: 王岩
  • 类 别: 临床医学
  • 缺氧缺血新生鼠脑内血红素氧化酶-1和一氧化碳的变化


    目的研究新生大鼠缺氧缺血时脑内血红素氧化酶- 1( HO- 1)和内源性一氧化碳( CO)及环化鸟苷酸( cGMP)的变化,探讨锌原卟啉( Znpp)的治疗作用.方法 7 d SD大鼠随机分为假手术对照组,缺氧缺血组( HI)及缺氧缺血+锌原卟啉组( HI+ Znpp).利用分光光度法测定血 COHb含量和脑匀浆 HO- 1活性;放免法测定脑匀浆 cGMP水平,并观察脑病理改变.结果 HI组在 1, 4, 12 h HO- 1、 cGMP、 CO水平与对照组比明显升高( P< 0.01),在 12 h达到高峰; HI+ Znpp组 HO- 1、 cGMP、 CO水平在 1, 4, 12 h均明显低于 HI组( P< 0.01),但仍高于对照组( P< 0.01).脑组织病理检查可见 HI组呈重度缺氧缺血改变,多数神经元细胞肿胀变性;而 Znpp组神经元变性者少.结论 HI后脑内 HO- 1活性明显增高导致内源性 CO和 cGMP增高, Znpp可阻抑这一病理生理过程,减轻脑损伤.

  • 胚胎大鼠神经干细胞的分离培养及自然分化的初步观察


    目的神经干细胞体外培养的成功是进一步研究其分化机制的基础 ,从胚胎大鼠脑室下区分离、培养、鉴定神经干细胞 (neural stem cells,NSCs),并观察其向神经元的分化情况.方法分离胚胎 SD大鼠脑室下区的组织,采用无血清原代及传代培养方法,获得具有克隆能力的细胞群;应用免疫细胞化学方法鉴定神经干细胞并检测分化后特异性成熟神经细胞抗原的表达;应用流式细胞检测技术观测神经干细胞随时间向神经元的分化情况.结果从胚胎大鼠脑室下区分离培养的细胞群具有克隆增殖能力,表达神经上皮干细胞蛋白( nestin),分化后的细胞表达神经元、星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞的特异性抗原;随着贴壁后分化时间的延长,表达 nestin的细胞数量从 80.5%下降到 10.9%,而神经元特异性烯醇化酶( neuron specific enolase,NSE)阳性细胞数量则从 1.1%上升到 31.6%.结论用本方法分离的细胞具有自我更新和增殖能力,并具有多分化潜能,是中枢神经系统的干细胞;随着分化时间的延长,神经干细胞数量下降,而神经元比例有明显上升.

  • 碱性成纤维细胞生长因子在神经元死亡和损伤修复中的反应


    目的研究碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (basic fibroblast growth factor, bFGF)在大鼠短暂大脑中动脉阻塞 (MCAO)再灌注后不同时点表达的变化,进一步探讨 bFGF对局灶性脑缺血的脑保护作用,为治疗缺血性脑血管病提供实验基础和依据.方法采用栓线法 MCAO动物模型 ,通过免疫组化方法观察 bFGF的表达情况.结果免疫阳性细胞主要在神经元和神经胶质细胞中的表达, bFGF在缺血再灌注后 6 h开始表达 ,1 d时达高峰 ,3 d时开始下降 , 7 d时有少量表达.结论短暂 MCAO后 bFGF表达上调 ,提示 bFGF的表达增加对缺血脑组织有保护作用.

  • 亚力克对大鼠定量脑电图及海马神经细胞的影响


    目的 ALEC(亚力克 )是由α-亚麻酸( A)、 L-赖氨酸( L)、维生素 E( E)及维生素 C( C)组成的复方,通过正交试验设计,以脑组织中乳酸含量为指标,确定 4者比例( A: L: E: C为 432: 187: 18: 8) ,研究 ALEC对大鼠在局限性缺血、缺氧状态下的脑细胞保护作用.方法用定量方法分析在体皮层脑电( ECoG)在正常供气与停止呼吸情况下的变化,采用电凝阻断一侧中动脉造成局限性脑缺血模型及判断药物的脑保护作用.结果 ALEC高、中、低 3个剂量组均能延长大鼠急性反复性缺氧皮层脑电消失 /振幅达低时间,缩短脑电恢复时间.ALEC可减少大鼠大脑中动脉梗死( MCAO) 24 h后海马 CA1区细胞死亡数.结论 ALEC对脑细胞具有保护作用.

  • 神经行为认知状态测验的信度和效度研究


    目的汉化<神经行为认知状态测验>( neurobehavioral cognitive status examination ,NCSE),并检验其信度、效度.方法将英文版的 NCSE翻译成中文,并进行"互译"和校对.健康人的受测者接受中文翻译后的原版 NCSE评定,对原版本中某些测验内容做符合中国民族文化传统的修改后再用于健康受测者,以建立常模.用修改后的 NCSE对神经科的脑损害患者 60例进行评估.结果 NCSE的信度值均在 0.770以上( P< 0.01);各分测验构想效度也基本满意( P< 0.05).结论 NCSE是可靠、值得推广的第 2代认知功能筛查量表.

  • 体外反搏对血管性痴呆患者P300的影响


    目的采用事件相关电位 P300指标作为反映脑血管疾病患者认知功能障碍客观生理指标,并通过体外反搏治疗前后观察患者 P300变化情况.方法应用美国 Nicole Spirit 脑诱发电位仪,通过"听觉靶…非靶刺激序列"为诱发事件,记录正常老人组 48例, 脑血管疾病组 28例,及体外反搏组 20例,并进行统计分析.结果正常老人组与脑血管疾病组事件相关电位 P300全部指标都有明显差异.体外反搏治疗前后比较,靶潜伏期 N2、 P3有较明显差异,非靶刺激 C2区 P3也同样有明显差异,其它指标不同程度好转,但无差异.结论 P300指标为临床早期诊断血管性痴呆提供了可靠依据.体外反搏能明显增加脑部血液供应,同时可以预防缺血性脑血管痴呆发生和发展.体外反搏为临床早期治疗血管性痴呆提供行之有效方法.

  • 海洛因对女性生殖系统损害的特征


    目的通过生育年龄吸毒女性及自愿受检非吸毒正常女性,从下丘脑生殖轴、外周血女性相关激素水平及临床症状体征 3个水平进行对比研究,以探讨长期使用海洛因对女性生殖系统的损害.方法填写调查表、对患者进行相关体检,抽血进行女性激素检测、阴道细胞涂片查雌激素影响程度或卵巢功能低下情况、妇科彩色 B超测量子宫及其内膜和卵巢大小.结果吸毒组促性腺激素释放激素( GnRH)、雌二醇( E2) 、孕酮( P)明显低于正常组,而卵泡刺激素( FSH)、黄体生成素( LH)相反明显高于正常组( P< 0.01及 < 0.05);与正常组比,吸毒组阴道雌激素水平降低、而阴道 pH值升高( P< 0.05);皮下脂肪减少、子宫、子宫内膜、卵巢、乳房、脂肪、大阴唇等明显萎缩( P< 0.05或 P< 0.01);另吸毒组多数显现月经紊乱、停经或闭经.结论长期使用海洛因可通过抑制生殖轴、抑制排卵及卵巢功能等途径,对女性生殖系统造成明显损害.长期吸毒可致卵巢功能减退甚至衰竭危险.

  • 言语测听在助听器选配中的应用


    目的言语测听在助听器的选配中有决定性的作用,中国临床应用较少,通过言语测听了解耳内式助听器和耳背式助听器的使用者在言语分辨率的差别.方法采用开放法和闭合法 ,分别对耳内式、耳背式助听器使用者,进行单耳聆听条件下的言语测试.言语信号类型选用单音节词和双音节词,每耳测听单音节词和双音节词各为 20个.结果耳内式、耳背式助听器使用者的使用效果相比,在言语分辨率上无论开放式、闭合式对双音节词、单音节词的分辨率无显著性差异( P >0.05);双音节词和单音节词的分辨率比较,开放式的状态下,有显著性差异( P< 0.05);闭合式的状态下,无显著差异( P >0.05).结论在助听器的选配中言语测听的实际实施受诸多因素的影响.

  • A型行为与脑血管疾病的相关性


    目的通过探讨 A型行为与脑血管疾病的关系,为临床脑血管病患者心理行为的干预提供依据。方法应用" A型行为问卷"对 150例脑血管疾病患者(脑出血 65例,脑梗死 85例)及 50例健康体检者进行了测试。结果( 1)脑出血组 A型行为 52例占 80%,脑梗死组 A型行为 54例占 64%,对照组 A型行为为 17例占 34%。脑出血组与脑梗死组均以 A型行为占优势(χ2=21.88, 15.24, P< 0.01),但脑出血组占绝对优势。( 2)脑出血组 (39.1± 5.2)及脑梗死组 (35.2± 7.2)A型行为问卷平均得分均明显优于对照组 (29.8± 1.5)( t=7.46、 6.91, P均 < 0.01)。( 3)脑出血组( 194± 19) /( 102± 11) mmHg及脑梗死组 (188± 29)/(115± 8) mmHg A型行为的平均血压均高于对照组 (t=7.46、 6.91, P均 < 0.01)。结论 A型行为与患者高血压、脑出血的发生正相关,可能是脑血管疾病的发病因素之一。

  • 上海地区帕金森病基因与4种多巴胺递质代谢相关基因


    目的:探讨 4种多巴胺递质相关基因 COMT, DBH, DAT1 和 MAOB的多态性与上海地区居民帕金森氏病的易感性的关系.方法:用聚合酶链式反应和限制性片段长度多态性( PCR/RFLP)技术检测 4种多巴胺能递质代谢相关基因多态性,对 144名原发性帕金森病病人和年龄相匹配的 188名健康人进行相关性分析.结果:与健康人相比,帕金森病患者 DBH 基因型或等位基因的分布不同,两组之间的差异有统计学意义.结论: DBH多态性在中国汉族人帕金森氏病的易感性中可能起作用.

  • 植物状态患者112例局部脑血流量测定结果观察


    随着 133Xe吸入法测定局部脑血流量( topical cerebral blood flow,rCBF)的检查手段普遍推广应用,采用此法对持续性植物状态( persistent vegetative state, PVS)患者进行 rCBF测定.并对结果进行分析,从而进一步探讨 PVS患者不同病因、病情变化的 rCBF改变情况及机制分析.

  • 运动疗法在脑卒中偏瘫康复中的应用


    运动疗法是根据疾病特点和患者功能情况,借助治疗器械和 /或治疗者的手法操作以及患者自身参与,通过主动和 /或被动的方式来改善人体局部或整体的功能,提高身体素质满足日常生活需求的一种治疗方法.而其利用脑卒中偏瘫特点,根据神经生理学和发育学原理来促进中枢神经系统的功能康复,一般包括 Bobath技术, Rood技术, PNF技术, Brunnstrom技术等,运动疗法是脑卒中偏瘫康复基本手段之一 [1- 2].

  • 帕金森病患者睡眠障碍特点及相关因素研究


    目的研究帕金森病 (Parkinson disease, PD)患者睡眠障碍的特点及相关因素.方法对 45例 PD患者和 40例正常对照者,进行 Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)问卷及 Zung' s self- rating depression scale (SDS)的评估.结果 PD组:睡眠障碍发生率为 67%.其中,白天过度困倦 12例 (27% ),失眠 10例 (22% ),睡眠呼吸暂停 5例 (11% ),不宁腿 3例 (7% ), ESS评分 10± 3, SDS评分 43± 8.对照者:睡眠障碍发生率为 15%.PD睡眠障碍相关因素:年龄: 60岁以下和 60岁以上患者睡眠障碍分别为 33%和 42% (P >0.05);患病时间: 5年以下和 5年以上睡眠障碍分别为 22%和 61% (P< 0.05);病情严重度:轻度和中、重度患者睡眠障碍分别为 10%和 51% (P< 0.05);每日服多巴胺量: 600 mg以下和 600 mg以上患者睡眠障碍分别为 29%和 86% (P< 0.05);抑郁程度 (SDS评分 ):得分 < 40分和 >40分睡眠障碍分别为 18%和 54% (P< 0.05).结论 PD伴睡眠障碍的发生率明显高于对照组.PD睡眠障碍的类型主要是白天过度困倦及失眠.PD睡眠障碍的发生与病程、病情严重度、抑郁及多巴胺能药物剂量有关,与增龄无关.

  • 早期康复提高脑卒中偏瘫患者上肢功能


    为了解早期康复治疗对急性脑卒中患者偏瘫上肢愈后的影响,对 24例急性脑卒中患者在神经内科常规治疗基础上加早期康复治疗,观察患者上肢运动功能恢复方面的效果.结果证明早期康复治疗对脑卒中患者的上肢功能恢复有益.

  • 磁疗治疗丘脑出血后肩痛


    丘脑出血是脑卒中的一种类型 , 丘脑卒中后肩痛严重影响脑卒中患者的情绪及功能恢复.为探讨磁疗治疗丘脑出血后肩痛疗效,应用磁疗方法治疗丘脑出血后肩痛患者 11例 ,均取得明显疗效 ,提示磁疗法对改善丘脑出血后肩痛有效.

  • 电刺激小脑顶核改善椎基底动脉供血不足32例


    近年来国内外研究资料表明,小脑顶核( fastigial nucleus,FN)可能在脑血流量的调节方面具有重要作用 [1],顶核电刺激( fastigial nucleus stimulation,FNS)可增加大脑血流量 [2].椎基底动脉供血不足是神经科常见的一组以眩晕为主要临床表现的缺血性脑血管疾病,临床治疗主要采用扩血管、活血化瘀类药物治疗,在药物治疗的基础上采用电刺激小脑顶核治疗椎基底动脉供血不足并观察治疗前后脑血流速度的变化与平均住院天数,以探讨 FNS在椎基底动脉供血不足治疗中的应用价值.

    关键词: 小脑 电刺激 小脑核
  • 脑干听觉诱发电位对前庭系统眩晕的作用


    对于前庭系统性眩晕,仅靠临床表现来判断病变部位有无器质性损害,容易出差错.应用神经电生理检查,显示电生理改变,是否对临床医生有指导作用?为此,对前庭系统性眩晕患者进行脑干听觉诱电位( BAEP)检测,结合影像学资料及住院观察其转归情况,分析 BAEP的临床应用价值.

  • 灯盏花素穴位注射改善脑卒中肢体功能障碍



  • 半夏白术天麻汤合六味地黄丸、温筒灸治疗手足徐动型脑性瘫痪



  • 头部足运感区针刺为主治疗脑卒中后尿便失禁



  • 急性脑血管病患者的职业、经济收入对记忆功能的影响


    目的研究急性脑血管病( acute cerebrovascular disease,ACVD)患者的职业、家庭经济收入对其记忆功能的影响.方法用修订韦氏记忆量表( WMS)检测 120例 ACVD患者的记忆功能.结果 ACVD患者的 WMS各量表粗分、量表分和 MQ值明显低于对照组;工人、农民的 WMS各量表粗分、量表分和 MQ值明显低于干部和科技工作者,其异常率则明显高于干部和科技工作人员;家庭人均收入与 WMS粗分、量表分和 MQ呈明显正相关( r=0.21~ 0.51),大多数量表分、总量表分和 MQ均表现为小于或等于 500~ 799元组明显低于大于 500~ 799元组.阳性率则仅小于 300元组明显高于 800~ 1 199元组.结论 ACVD患者瞬时、短时、长时记忆均明显损害;工人、农民的 3种记忆损害均较干部、科技工作者重;家庭人均收入少于和等于 500~ 799元者各项记忆损害亦大于 500~ 799元者;干部、科技工作职业、较高家庭收入对记忆功能损害有保护作用.

  • 脑内转移瘤切除术后手指运动M1功能区重组的功能磁共振研究


    目的探讨功能磁共振 (blood oxygenation level dependent functional MRI, BOLD fMRI)在临床医学方面的应用价值.方法对 1例右侧顶叶单发转移瘤患者在手术前、后分别进行了双侧动手试验的脑功能成像.结果脑功能成像准确地反映了运动功能激活区的位置及激活程度,肿瘤侧运动区可因肿瘤占位效应产生移位,手术前的手动试验潜在功能区并未被激活,但是在肿瘤切除术后,主运动区 M1以外可见潜在重组的功能区激活.结论脑内重要功能区肿瘤切除术患者,应常规进行术前和术后 fMRI的研究,这对于提高术后患者生活质量、避免医源性损伤或将其减至低水平有极大的帮助.

  • 老年脑梗死患者血清同型半胱氨酸水平及药物干预研究


    目的了解正常人颈动脉硬化患者及脑梗死患者血清同型半胱氨酸 (serum total nomocysteine,tHcy)水平及给予叶酸和维生素 B12治疗后血 tHcy含量的变化.方法脑梗死组 80例,男 71例,女 9例,年龄 63~ 80岁,平均 74岁,符合脑梗死的诊断标准,均在发病后 2周内测定 tHcy含量;颈动脉硬化组 80例,男 71例,女 9例,年龄 62~ 79岁,平均 72岁.双侧颈动脉 B超检查均存在颈动脉硬化及 (或 )粥样斑块.以上两组均除外甲状腺功能减退及肾功能减退.入选者在测定血清叶酸、维生素 B12、肌酐、血糖、血脂水平及血压和体重指数后,各组均随机分为两组,即干预治疗组及非干预治疗组,每组 40例.干预治疗组患者给予叶酸 1.25 mg,隔日 1次,维生素 B12 8 μ g, 1次 /d,口服 10个月后复查上述各项指标.结果治疗前 3组血 tHcy水平各不相同,脑梗死组为 (16± 5) μ mol/L,颈动脉硬化组为 (14± 5) μ mol/L,正常老年人组为 (12± 3) μ mol/L, 3组比较差异有显著意义.血 tHcy含量增高,叶酸水平越低.相关分析发现,血 tHcy水平与叶酸、维生素 B12呈负相关.干预治疗后,治疗组患者的血 tHcy含量均有所下降.结论不同程度的脑缺血性疾病与血 tHcy水平有一定的关系,补充营养元素有助于降低血 tHcy水平,以减少高 tHcy对血管的素性作用.

  • 脑外伤后持续性植物状态的动物模型


    目的制作一种新的猫脑损伤后持续性植物状态模型,观察其临床特征.方法将 40只猫行硬膜外水囊置放术,然后向水囊内注入无菌水直到昏迷,并对动物模型进行评估.结果手术 1个月后,有 12只猫处于植物状态,动物模型的临床表现、体征等与持续性植物状态患者相近.结论本实验制作的持续性植物状态动物模型与临床患者相似,是一种比较理想的持续性植物状态动物模型.

  • 发展性口吃汉字朗读过程中语音产出的自动化程度


    目的口吃者言语产出自动化问题是多年来理论的关键问题之一,研究此问题可揭示大脑言语产生的作用机制,并对口吃矫正的理论和方法具有实际的应用意义.方法应用双任务探测反应时的行为实验范式,通过复杂性不同的单字实验和两字实验,分别检测了 22例发展性口吃者在朗读和默读汉字两种阅读状态下探测任务(语音搜索和语音比较)的按键反应时.结果朗读状态下探测任务的反应时在单字和两字实验中都较默读状态延长,其中单字实验中的差异有显著性意义( P< 0.05),两字实验中的差异有非常显著性意义( P< 0.001);而且单字与双字语音产出时间(朗读与默读探测反应时之差异量)的比较具有显著性( P< 0.01),表明两字朗读状态下语音产出反应时较单字明显延长.结论发展性口吃者朗读时的语音产出为一种自动化程度较低的控制性加工,言语复杂性增加使不流利言语增多可能与语音产出需要的注意资源增加有关.

  • 亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶基因多态性与脑梗死的关系


    目的探讨亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶( methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase,MTHFR)基因 C677T多态性与脑梗死的关系.方法采用 PCR- RFLP技术,检测了 62例脑梗死患者和 79例对照者的 C677T突变的基因型.结果 MTHFR基因 C677T 突变型等位基因 (V)频率在患者组和对照组,差异有显著性意义 (χ 2=4.41, P< 0.05); 3种基因型频率在两组人群中差异均无显著性意义.基因型频率的相对危险分析, AV基因型比 AA基因型患脑梗死危险高 1.76倍; VV基因型比 AA基因型患脑梗死危险高 3.25倍.结论 MTHFR基因 C677T突变型等位基因与脑梗死有一定的关联,突变基因型增加了脑梗死的发病危险.

  • 吸毒者心血管状态有关指标的统计分析


    目的吸毒者心血管系统受毒品损害已有许多研究,为了获取更多信息,对相关指标进行统计分析.方法 19例吸毒者和 20例健康自愿者进行了 1/4全运动量 (1/4)下的心音图运动试验.同时记录心肌收缩能力和心动周期信号.把运动后第一心音( S1)幅值对安静时 S1幅值的增加倍数定义为心力变化趋势 (Cardiac Contractility Change Trend, CCCT).结果吸毒者的 CCCT(1/4)为 3.51± 2.05, 20例健康自愿对照者的 CCCT(1/4)为 7.21± 3.40, 吸毒者与健康对照组的心力变化趋势差异有非常显著性意义( P< 0.01).结论调查研究表明,这一方法适于对吸毒者的心肌收缩能力和心力储备作量化测试和评估.调查研究所得数据有利于向吸毒者和公众警示吸毒带来的严重后果.

  • 损伤大鼠脑皮层胰岛素样生长因子-1及其受体的表达改变


    目的胰岛素样生长因子- 1(IGF- 1)已被证实具有神经营养和保护功能,然而对其在弥漫性脑损伤 (DBI)中的作用还知之甚少,该研究探讨 DBI后大鼠脑皮层 IGF- 1及其受体 (IGF- 1R)表达的变化及意义.方法用 Marmarou方法制作大鼠弥漫性脑损伤模型,用免疫组织化学方法观察伤后不同时间大鼠脑皮层 IGF- 1及 IGF- 1R的表达.结果致伤后皮层 IGF- 1阳性细胞数 3 d后开始增加, 7 d后达到高峰, 14 d后恢复正常水平; IGF- 1R表达在实验过程中无显著变化.结论 IGF- 1参与了 DBI的病理生理过程,可能为临床治疗重型颅脑损伤提供新的理论依据.

  • 基于计算机运算特点的语言障碍分类


    利用计算机智能模糊运算的方法实现计算机智能诊断,首先要有基于计算机运算特点的语言障碍分类.本文提出与计算机运算相结合的患者语言障碍类别有:语言输入障碍、语言处理障碍、语言输出障碍.与计算机运算相结合的听口语表达过程的障碍类别有:听觉障碍、失语症、智能障碍、构音障碍、其他障碍.具体分离出以下 19种障碍:听觉障碍(获得语言前)、听觉障碍(获得语言后)、 Broca失语、 Wernicke失语、传导性失语、经皮质运动性失语、经皮质感觉性失语、经皮质混合性失语、完全性失语、命名性失语、轻度智能障碍、中度智能障碍、重度智能障碍、运动性构音障碍、器质性构音障碍、儿童语言障碍、纯词哑、纯词聋、记忆力障碍.

  • 语义记忆损伤的检测及神经机制



    关键词: 记忆 语义学 认知
  • 调节缝隙连接的开-关时机与神经元的损伤及保护


    缝隙连接( gap junction, GJ)是相邻细胞间直接交流胞质成分进行通讯的唯一通道.中枢神经系统神经元间 GJ通讯涉及许多生理及病理的过程,其通道的开-关与神经损伤的修复、癫痫的发作、记忆的形成与再现、肌痉挛的发生等均密切相关.因此,通过了解调节 GJ开-关的诸多因素,阻止神经元损伤的扩延,在神经功能重建时期,开放 GJ通讯促进神经元的重塑具有重要的临床意义.

  • 单纤维肌电图对糖尿病周围神经病的诊断价值


    目的探讨单纤维肌电图 (SFEMG)在糖尿病周围神经病 (DPN)中的应用.方法 2型糖尿病患者 36例,采用 Viking IV肌电图仪,测定指总伸肌的颤抖和纤维密度 (FD),同时进行常规神经传导检测 (NCS)并测量空腹血糖和糖化血红蛋白 (HbA1c).结果颤抖和 FD具有相关性,且均与 HbA1c呈正相关.18例 NCS异常者,颤抖值均超出正常范围 (11例伴阻滞 ), 14例 FD增加; 18例 NCS正常者, 7例颤抖值增大 (3例伴阻滞 ), 5例 FD增加.结论颤抖和 FD所反映的失神经-神经再支配与代谢状况相关联; SFEMG是 DPN早期诊断的敏感手段,可发现亚临床神经病.

  • 糖尿病合并压疮的护理


    INTRODUCTION Bed score is formed due to continuous compression on local tissues and poor blood circulation.Local tissues were ischemia,anoxia and nutritious metabolism disorder and degeneration occurred.Because of low immunology function, poor nutritious status and hyperglycemia of diabetes patients,specificity of skin was increased to stimulations. Once injured, the wound is difficult to heal and thus care is difficult,as well.

  • 早期康复护理对脑卒中患者日常生活能力的影响


    INTRODUCTION Recently,death rate of stroke acute stage decreased dramatically due to improvement of diagnosis,salvage and treatment in cerebral vascular.However,mutilation rate increased.In order to relieve disable and improve ability of daily life in stroke patients,early rehabilitation care should be taken in acute stroke patients to get better effects.

  • 手法治疗颈源性心律失常2例


    MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials 2 cases were diagnosed as arrhythmia without clear reasons by ECG and were confirmed that they didn't suffered organic diseases.All the cases received anti- arrhythmia and heart muscle nutrition drugs and didn't gain good effects.

    关键词: 手法治疗 颈源性
  • 早期康复训练治疗颅脑外伤性运动功能障碍


    INTRODUCTION To explore the effects of early rehabilitation training on kinetic dysfunction after craniocerebral trauma,effects of rehabilitation training on patients with hemiplegia are observed in this article.

  • 人工阴道对阴道直肠癌术后患者性功能恢复的作用


    BACKGROUND:Under the prerequisit of radical cure modern treatment of tumor need keep or rebuild functions of patients and improve their quality of life during the period of suvival.

  • 早期促通疗法对脑卒中患者运动功能的影响


    INTRODUCTION The incidence,handicapping and fatality of cerebrovascular accidence (CVA) are high.Preventing complications and sequela, promoting function recovery, using remaining function adequately and regulating psychic state can promote patients self- care ability.

  • 格拉司琼预防化疗后呕吐65例分析


    BACKGROUND:During the therapy of cencers,it is difficult to continue chemiotherapy due to frequent vomiting,especially commonly used drugs such as side effects of cisplatin.Although new pharmacy appeared in greatly relieve vomiting effect of the chemiotherapy, there were no satisfied drugs to settle this problem.

  • 血管内皮生长因子和第VIII因子相关抗原在脑出血大鼠脑内的表达


    AIM:To observe the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) and Factor VIII related antigen(FVIII- R Ag) in rats brain tissue in the border zone of the hematoma,and explore the relationship between the expression of VEGF and the brain angionesis after intracerebral hmorrhage(ICH). METHODS:Rat of model of ICH was induced by injection of collagenase physiological saline into the right caudate nucleus.The immunohistochemical methods were performed by using different antisera of VEGF and FVIII- R Ag in serial sections of rats brain at 12 h,1 d,3 d and 7 d after ICH respectively.RESULTS:The amount of VEGF positive cells was markedly increased,and reached the highest at 7th day in the border zone after ICG(P< 0.01),but there were no significant difference among the mean value of A of cells at different time points (P >0.05).Compared with the controls,both the FVIII- R Ag positive endothelial cells and the A of cells were significantly different in experimental ICH goups after 1 day.CONCLUSION:The upregulated expression of VEGF might induce proliferation of endothelial cell and angiogenesis in the border zone after ICH in rats.

  • 一氧化碳中毒迟发脑病的高压氧治疗


    INTRODUCTION Encephalopathy tarda of CO intoxication is the result of incomplete therapy or in- timely treatment of acut intermedium or severe CO intoxication leading to a series of nerve system injury.Due to long period of course,serious condition and unlcrear mechanism,therapy is difficult and poor effect.

  • 物理疗法配合按摩在颞下颌关节紊乱病中的应用


    BACKGROUND:Temporomandibular disorders ( TMD) included a group of clinical symptoms and disorder of masticate muscle group and temporomandibular joint,while its causes are not clear.TMD is characterized by pain around temporomandibular joi nt,sanp,and movement disorder in mandible,Currently,it is generally accepted that multiple factors resulted in TMD,including mental and psychological,muscular and tooth factors.Comprehensive treatment rather than single treatment is suggested for TMD.

  • 顽固性呃逆的穴位、针灸、验方治疗


    INTRODUCTION Hiccups is autonomic intermittent contraction of Diaphragm.It is thought as a kind of nerve reflex action, and can be cured spontaneously or after treatment.But refractory hiccups isn't easy to cure because of long duration, frequent onset and severe degree.

  • 脑干诱发电位对椎基底动脉系短暂性缺血发作的诊断价值


    BACKGROUND:Brain stem auditory evoked potential(BAEP) can objectively reflex nerve conduction function of auricular conduction pathway and indirectively reflex functional status of the brain stem.

  • 大剂量甲基强的松龙促进多发性硬化患者锥体系功能恢复36例


    BACKGROUND:In China,steroid such as dexamethasone was often used for curing multiple sclerosis(MS),which had definitive effect but was slow in effect and needed a long time for taking medicine,more importantly,had severe side- effect.In recent years,high dose methylprednisolone has achieved some effect on immuno- neurologic diseases.

  • 急性心肌梗死患者的心理评估及护理


    BACKGROUND:Acute myocardiar infarction(AMI)threaten patients' life.Alteration of life modes,disease,risk of family life,economic and occupational stress all contribute to psychological disorder,anxiety,horror in myoinfarction.

  • 中药薰洗治疗膝关节骨性关节炎


    INTRODUCTION Knee osteoarthritis is a regenerated change of knee hyaline cartilage, complicated with bone hyperplasia,synovitis and articular capsule and muscle changes due to old age and knee joint injury, deformity and diseases etc factors.Osteoarthritis induced many clinical manifestations including knee ache,swelling and limited motion and seriously affected the quality of the patients'.

  • 老年重度心功能不全患者康复指导134例


    INTRODUCTION People have paid great attention to how to elevate curative effects and decrease relapse of severe cardiac insufficiency patients in rehabilitation stage.Foreign researches showed that specific health education can enhance patients' self- care ability,ameliorate prognosis and decrease relapse.Our research tried to elevate rehabilitation nurse quality of senile patients through rehabilitation guide of senile severe cardiac insufficiency patients in recovery stage.

  • 阻滞加针刀减轻颞颌关节病后疼痛及活动障碍


    BACKGROUND:Therapy with block needle knife can block pain conduction pathway and prevent vicious cycle of pain, improve blood cirvulation and enhance inflammatory.With the help of needle knife, adhesion, keloid and muscles spasmed can be cut and isolated to active equilibarium of muscles around joints.

  • 脑卒中偏瘫肢体的早期康复与中频治疗效果观察


    INTRODUCTION Patients in rehabilitation department were mostly transferred from internal neurology department.With short course and stalbe conditions,if the patients were treated with on time and activated routine rehabilitation therapy,nerve cells not injured can establish normal connections and cause rehabilitation of the hemiplegia extremities and reduce or eliminated the disable degree of the patients.

  • 复方丹参并654-2治疗颅脑外伤后血管性头痛


    INTRODUCTION Postcranial- trauma headache is one of the most common symptoms in clinic.The earlier these symptoms are improved the more active effects will be obtained for the patients' recovery and prognosis. `

    关键词: 复方丹参 治疗
  • 溶栓治疗后辅以物理因子对下肢深静脉血栓的效应


    INTRODUCTION The objective of resist coagulating treatment is prevent a spread of thrombus and new thrombus form, hasten a connect again of vein and in same is an assistant treatment for dissolve thrombus and operation.It is the first way presently that dissolve thrombus cure DVT.

  • 电生理检测对贝耳麻痹患者的预后评估


    AIM:To estimate the prognosis of Bell palsy.METHODS: Blink reflex (BR), electromyography(EMG),motor latency(ML) and amplitude (AMP) of facial nerve were performed in 42 patients with Bell's palsy.The patients were followed about half a year.RESULTS: (1)When 1 of the 3R waves related with the ill side existed or appeared in 3 weeks after onset,97% patients could recover completely.The recovery time was related to the time of the occurrence of R wave.(2) When 1 of the 3 R waves appeared in the 4th week, 60% patients could recover completely.When none of the 3 waves appeared after the 4th week,100% patients could not recover completely.EMG showed spontaneous activities in 3 of the 6 patients in the 4th week.(3) Motor latency and amplitude of facial nerve were examined when the illness stopped developing.All patients had normal latencies.5 patients' amplitudes reduced more than 90% . 3 of the 5 patients did not appear the related R waves after the 4th week.CONCLUSION:BR might provide the early sign of good prognosis of Bell's palsy. BR together with EMG and ML and AMP of facial nerve might provide the later sign of poor prognosis.

  • 急性脑梗死患者外周血有关因子变化与神经功能缺损程度的关系


    INTRODUCTION Inflammatory reaction induced by cell immunology is the important mechanism of neuron injury, degenertion and progressive necrosis during ischemia- reperfusion course[1- 2].Human leucocyte antigen- II(HLA- II) is mainly expressed by presenting antigen presenting cell(APC).While HLA- DR antigen expressed mainly on the activated T cells and had a highly specificity and played an important role in immunology reaction and immunology adjustment[2].In our experiment,we explored research in CD3/CD(16+ 56) and CD3/HLA- DR by employing monocolonel antibody and immunology fluorescent labeling and FCM technology.

  • 石杉碱-甲治疗小儿语言发育迟缓


    AIM:To investigate the efficacy of huperzine A in treating child language delay and its side effects.METHODS:37 children with language delay and other developmental diseases from pediatric neurology out- patient department, who did not undergo any language rehabilitation,were treated with huperzine A 50 μ g bi- daily for more 3 months and then the efficacy and side effects observed.The follow- up was arranged to record the efficacy monthly.RESULTS:37 cases of 40 had undergone the whole course and the total efficiency was 68% (25/37). Language developments of other 12 cases were not improved significantly.Other 3 children were not included in because epilepsy were observed among them.CONCLUSION:This pilot trial result suggests that huperzine A has efficacy on child language delay but should be investigated further.Huperzine A may trigger seizure of language delay patients with epilepsy.

  • 亚低温治疗重型颅脑损伤失败17例分析


    INTRODUCTION Subhypothermic treatment is the most effective method for treatment of severe cranial injury and its application in clinic in recent years has achieved good effect.But some difficulties still need further exporation.

    关键词: 亚低温治疗
  • 高压氧综合治疗鼻咽癌患者放射性脑损伤26例


    INTRODUCTION Because nasopharynx is near to base of skull,radiation therapy might cause radiating brain injury that will influence patient's life quality.

  • 郁康宁丸对脑卒中后抑郁及神经功能康复的作用


    BACKGROUND:Post stroke depression(PSD) directly affects quality of life and neural rehabilitation.Effect of traditional Chinese medicine is favorable.

  • 综合疗法对脑外伤的康复作用


    INTRODUCTION Cerebral trauma is a kind of injury of skull and brain induced by out force struck.Except the direct injury of skull and cerebral tissue, secondary injury such as intercranium hematom,cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure always occurred.Sometimes,with compliance of fracture of cervical vertebra and spinal cord,peripheral nerve injury.If synthetic rehabilitation methods were used, good effect can be detected.

  • 星状神经节阻滞改善肩手综合征的水肿及关节活动度


    INTRODUCTION:Shoulder- hand syndrome(SHS) also called reflective sympathetic malnutrition is a common syndrome and often seen in stroke paralysis,which early manifestation is sudden edema of hand,pain,increased skin temperature,shoulder pain.If treatment is prolonged,muscle atrophy of hand and permanent loss of range of movement might occure.Comprehensive rehabilitation treatment has a good effect on SHS.In this article,effect of block of ganglion stellatum on SHS is observed on base of comprehensive rehabilitation treatment.

  • 电针配合高压氧治疗脑卒中偏瘫患者50例


    BACKGROUND:Motor obstacle of limbs directly resulted from hemiplegia after stroke seriously affect patients′ daily work and living.Conventional medicine treatment can improve the function of hemiplegic limbs at some degree, but more and more studies confirm that conventional acupuncture therapy is an effective method to improve motor function of limbs.By point stimulating channel system, acupuncture therapy can regulate qi and smooth channel system, thus regulate whole body to achieve the goal of curing hemiplegia. Acupuncture combined with hyperbaric oxygen therapy can accelerate regeneration of cerebral cells, and promote the recovery of motor function of paralyzed limbs.

  • 大量脑出血锥颅血肿清除术与运动功能康复


    INTRODUCTION Mortality of profuse cerebral hemorrhage is high.Objective of therapy is to reduce injury of edema and recover brain function,improve successive rate of salvage,and decrease disability incidence.Puncture and removal of cerebral hematoma and drain with urokinase under CT dirction(0.3 cm of vertebral cerebral aperture) is safe and simple,impact of which on muscle fore and movement function is investaged in this study.

  • 早期心理干预对脑卒中偏瘫患者心理健康的影响


    AIM:To observe the influence of psychological intervention on mental health of hemiplegias after stroke.METHODS:82 hemiplegias after stroke were divided into control and intervention groups in certain conditions.Patients in control group received only routine treatment,while patients in intervention group received psychological intervention as well.Symptom Checklist was adopted to measure the mental health of patients.RESULTS:The scores of panic,anxiety,depression and stubborn in intervention group were significantly lower than that in control(P< 0.05 or P< 0.01). CONCLUSION:Early psychological intervention can improve the mental health of hemiplegias after stroke.

  • 心肌梗死后患者恢复性行为的康复宣教


    INTRODUCTION Recovery of normal sexual activity is the rehabilitation objective of patients with myocardial infarction.Guide to sexual activity should not be neglected for patients and their spouses.Health sexual life is necessary for improvement of quality of life and recovery to society.However,traditional culture made nurses and doctors shirk sexual education,patients and their spouses are reluctant to talk the sex to their doctors.Sex life had been neglected.Anxiety and fear for sex can be cleared by special staffs.Nurse,therefore especially circulation nurses should comprehend techniques and knowledge about health education of sex life.

  • 脑电图对乳腺癌患者精神状态异常的评估


    MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials 18 cases females in our group had mental symptoms to various degree before and after operation,with age ranging from 38 to 51 years. There were 16 cases of psychological dependence before operation and 4 cases after operation.There were 1 case of Paranoia before operation and 8 cases after operation. There were 4 cases of delirium after oparation and 1 case of other type before operation and 2 cases after operation.All the patients were excluded space occupying lesion by head CT.

  • 高血压患者脉压差与左心功能的关系


    AIM:Discuss the relationship of pulse pressure and left ventricular function in hypertensive patients.METHODS:We observed the relationship of the pulse pressure and the times of again occurred coronary artery diseases, left ventricular fore and after span, left ventricular back wall thickness and left ventricular ejection fraction(EF) by color Doppler ultrasound in hypertensive patients. RESULTS:The times of again occurred coronary artery diseases, the left ventricular fore and after span and left ventricular EF of each pulse pressure group were significantly difference(P< 0.05, P< 0.01). CONCLUSION:The pulse pressure may take part in the further impair of left ventricular function coronary artery diseases.Control the pulse pressure coronary artery diseases have an important meaning in decreasing the further impair of left ventricular function.

  • 老年人用药心理误区及心理康复


    INTRODUCTION In the medical service for people accepting resting therapy and senile cadres,some psychological misunderstanding of medication of the aged often are observed.Meantime,the problem of reasonable medication more and more cause attention of people.

  • 脑电图与经颅多普勒对脑梗死后癫痫的评估价值


    INTRODUCTION Cerebrovascualr disease is common disease of senile nerve system, and is also main reason to epilepsy. Handicapping rate of cerebral stroke is high. There was few report on EEG and TCD of epilepsy after stroke.

  • 高压氧综合治疗中、重度颅脑外伤68例


    INTRODUCTION Neurotrophic drugs,resting treatment,and proper physical therapy are generally suggested for rehabilitation after head trauma.In recent years,hyperbaric oxygen a new,safe and effective therapy had been used for rehabilitation following head trauma,which is safe,and effective.

  • 医用红外热像图反映周围神经病的冷激发试验


    INTRODUCTION At present,ultrasonic doppler is used to examine blood circulation in big vessels in clinic,but there isn't still good and simple method for examination of blood circulation and vascular functions of limbs end and infrared thermography has some advantage in this aspect.It is well known that Raynaud phenomenon is caused by spasm and lesion of small end vessels of limbs.In clinic,provocation test might be used to provoke its onset and acknowledge of reaction condition of provocation in healthy people is the premise to judge abnormality and other lesions.

  • Poems综合征8例肌电电生理表现


    INTRODUCTION Poems dyndrom is a kind of rarely seen clinical symptomes with multiple system impairment,including polyneuropathy, swelling of organs,endocrine disorder,M protein and skin lesions.Other symptoms including anasarca,profuse sweating,hippocratic nails and low febrile.

    关键词: 肌电 skin lesions
  • 对系统性红斑狼疮患者的心理护理干预


    BACKGROUND:To the patients with systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE) combined with leukopenia and thrombocytopenia,psychological therapy and rehabilitation nursing have some effect on rehabilitation of patients while patients are treated with pharmacotherapy such as glucocorticoid hormone and immunosuppressant.

  • 面神经麻痹、面肌痉挛、三叉神经痛与椎-基底动脉供血障碍


    BACKGROUND:Facial palsy,hemifacal spasm,trigeminal neuralgia was diagnosed easily,According to clinical manifestation.But because of unclear etiology,the treatment effects are far from good.Idiopathic facial palsy about 15% recovers uncompletely.Hemifacial spasm,trigeminal neuralgia reattack rates are high. CT scanning,Transcnanial Doppler (TCD), Ultra- red Heat Scanning and so on coming into use in the clinical;for finding the etiology of the "idopathic" disease provide possible, and for finding the accordance of treatment using drugs provide possible.

  • 药物中毒性周围神经病变肌电图分析


    INTRODUCTION Peripheral nerve lesion resulting from drug toxicity is caused by drugs which interrupt some enzymes in process of nervous metabolism and lead to loss of myelin sheath or axis- cylinder degeneration. Some drugs used in clinic can lead to peripheral nerve lesion. Patients showed symptoms such as numbness, asthenia.

  • 神经递质在睡眠中的作用


    INTRODUCTION Sleep- wake rhythm is isolated from day- night rhythm of natural world;Sleep depends on the regulation of special structure of central nerve system and correlated neurotransmitters.This paper mainly introduces the research progress of neurotransmitter correlated to sleep.It benefits the comprehension of physiology,pathology and pharmacology of sleep and recognition of sleep.

  • 住院糖尿病患者的健康教育


    HEALTHY EDUCATION METHOD The subject is population and population guide is performed.Healthy education was given to patients every week and prevention, treatment nutrient,parmacy and notice items of DM were instructed to the patients.Through blackboard,wallpaper,prevention manual of DM, the patients were told to control blood glucose by adjusting diet.Education direction were aimed at individuals.According to conditions,educational levels,sex,age and familial status,the nurses communicated with the patients and carefully answer their questions to receive confidence,understanding and support and promote confidence of defeat diseases.

  • 脑性瘫痪患儿不同生命阶段康复的优先发展点


    INTRODUCTION Before the growth and development of brain,or before or after birth, if the brain was injured by damage or injury,permanet,partial or all of the extremeties may harbor motor or positional abnormorlites. This kind of the abnormality is changed with the development of the infant.At the same time,there were different problems and priority development points at different growth stage and can be classified as infant age, school age and puberty age.

  • 高龄重度心功能不全患者的护理评估


    INTRODUCTION Severe heart failure threatens people's health,especially old patients.Nursing assessment for patients with congestive heart failure is an important premise for improvement of nursing quality.

  • 杏丁注射液改善急性脑梗死患者神经功能的效应


    INTRODUCTION Xingding is a compound agent of the fourth edition extract of ginkgo leaf,with addtion of agacore.Its main ingradient are ginkgo seed flavonoid glycoside(24% ), ginkgo seed lactone(3% ),bilobalide(3% ) and agacore(10% ).With ginkgo leaf acid smaller than 5× 10- 6,many clinical and basic research prove it has many biological effects.

  • 与老年性痴呆患者沟通技巧的探讨


    INTRODUCTION It is reported 70%- 90% patients show dementia psychology and behavior in patients with aging dementia (AD),which are the main causes of hospitalization.Others can not understand AD patients who also can not understand the other persons affecting quality of nursing.So,to comprehend communication skills,to support them menally are very important for improvement of AD patients' quality of life.

  • 高血压脑出血术后高压氧治疗34例


    INTRODUCTION In this study,we investigated effect of hyperbaric oxygen(HBO) on the hypertension- induced basio- cerebral hemorrhage.The affected patients often showed signs of cerebral circulation disorder,spasm of vessels,insufficiency of cerebral blood supply and intracranial hypertension.

  • 中药薰蒸治疗风湿性疾病84例


    AIM:To observe therapeutic effect of fumigation and steaming with Chinese drugs in the rheumatic diseases.METHODS:Drugs removing rheumatic disease,warming channels and dispersing cold,activating blood circulation were used for fumigation and steaming treatment in 84 cases with rheumatic diseases,once a day,20 min each time,10 times as a treatment course. Among them,4 cases received treatment for 2 and 3 course of treatment respectively.RESULTS:18 cases were corrected completely,64 were improved,2 showed no improvement,and total effective rate was 98% . CONCLUSION:Through hot and therapeutic effect of drugs,lesions can be managed directly in fumigation and steaming treatment.

  • 陕西师范大学学生健商与情绪稳定性分析


    AIM:To analyze relationship between health quotient and mood stability of 202 cases of Department of Physical Education and 786 cases of public course 2000 in Shaanxi Normal University.METHODS:Mood stability and health quotient were surveyed through questionnaire for 202 students of physical department of grade 1998- 2001 and 286 of public lessons.RESULTS:Percent of students of physical departments with abnormal mood was lower than that of public lessons,more students with high score of mood stability for physical departments compared with public students.CONCLUSION:Quotients index has close relation with mood stability for students of physical department and public lessons.

  • 微量蛋白尿的2型糖尿病患者下肢血流动力学的变化


    INTRODUCTION It has been proved recently that obesity, microalbuminuria (MAU) and low- insulin resistance are independent risk factors and increase the mortality of cardiovascular diseases in type 2 diabetic patients. In order to study the relationship between microalbuminria and early larger artery lesions in type 2 diabetic patients,we analyzed the relationship between urine albumin excretory rate and arterial hemodynamic change in lower limbs.

  • 药物加耳针治疗更年期抑郁症


    MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials 42 cases of female patients were client from hospital,with age ranging from 38 to 55 years(average 46 years).Disease course was franging from 0.5 to 6.0 years.

    关键词: 药物 耳针治疗
  • QOG磁极化量子血疗仪改善脑梗死后神经功能缺损的效果


    BACKGROUND:Magnetopolarization quantum blood QOG treatment means using auto- venous blood or other people's blood of same type 150 to 200 ml and transferring back to body after external anticoagulation.

  • 应用MRI特殊序列诊断在三叉神经痛和面肌痉挛价值


    AIM:To evaluate the diagnosis value of MRI for neurovascular compression (NVC) in trigeminal neuralgia(TN) and facial spasm(FS).METHODS:15 patients with TN and 2 patient with FS underwent SE T1WI and T2WI first, then 3D- TOF- SPGR sequences.RESULTS:NVC was found in all the patients, MRI findings were consistent with the surgical operative findings completely.CONCLUSION:It is considered to be of important to use MRI to find out the causes of TN and FS,especially to utilize the 3D- TOF- SPGR sequences, which may possess high sensitivity in determining NVC.

  • 早期应用高压氧对脑梗死患者日常生活活动能力的影响


    BACKGROUND:Brain tissue is often thought as the most vigorous organ and is very sensitive to hypoxia.Hyperbaric oxygenation means improving blood oxygen content for decreasing the brain harm caused by stroke.Anaerobic metabolism of brain tissue decreases and aerobic metabolism increases,which cause more power and accelerate clearing of acidic product of metabolism,so provide fine material base for regeneration of neural tissue and recovery of neural function.

  • 液态氮冷冻治疗沙眼及康复


    INTRODUCTION 856 cases of severe trachoma were treated from May 1984 by freezing combined with drugs,the effects were satisfying.

  • 透明隔异常CT诊断的临床意义


    AIM:Abnormal transparent septum is common in clinical works but little in meaning,so some CT reports are not listed.We collected complete abnormal transparent septum cases to perform comparison analysis between CT diagnosis and clinical data.METHODS:109 abnormal transparent septum diagnosed by CT was compared with symptom of clinics.Axis scanning and no enhanced scanning were used in CT and 2 doctors in charge of sample collection.The 109 cases were excluded with abnormal transparent septum induced by secondary local cerebral atrophy and secondary perforation deformity.RESULTS:There were 15 cases with the fifth ventricle of cerebrum and 22 cases with the fifth and sixth ventricle of cerebrums,10 cases with transparent septum cyst,28 cases with translocation of transparent septum,8 cases with no crack in the forebrain,6 cases with poor development of keratoma and 20 cases of other deformity.CONCLUSION:Abnormal transparent septum cannot be omitted and should be clearly diagnosed by CT.

  • 康复护理在社区老年人慢性病医疗中的作用


    INTRODUCTION With aging of population structure and small- size of family structure the need of senile patients on long- term rehabilitation serves increases,which greatly improve and propel the development of rehabilitation nursing of senile people in domain of nursing speciality. The assessment of need of senile people on long- term nursing and knowing about available service items of senile nursing of community and on what extent the items satisfying providing massage and foundation for senile nursing are urgently needed from the levels of body, psychology and social support through social investigation,which also can provide reference about plan and policy for managers of senile health serve system.

  • 经颅多普勒与脑电图对成人与儿童血管性头痛特征分析


    INTRODUCTION The headache of common nature as well as headachic epilepsy and hemicrania pianheadache often affects the children.Hemicrania is the result of mental and vascular disorder,which is examined with transcranial Doppler(TCD) and electroencephalography(EEG).In this study,we analyzed the characteristics of vascular headache of children compared with adults.

  • 小儿脑性瘫痪242例临床分析


    BACKGROUND:Children cerebral palsy not only affects the quality of the affected children's lives but also burdens the family and the society heavily.Therefore, analysis of the disease and its causes from the viewpoint of clinic might helpful in treatment and prevention of the disease.

  • 脑卒中后头晕与心理因素的相关性


    AIM:To study the relationship between post- stroke dizziness and psychological factors.METHODS:To choose 82 cases with dizziness after stroke. The patients whose medical treatment were invalid were divided into two groups randomly.The experimental group of 43 cases was treated with antipsychotic and the controls group of 39 cases was treated with consolation.RESULTS:The total effective rate in experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group(P< 0.001).CONCLUSION:It is suggested that though the mental scales scores might be normal, post- stroke dizziness should be treated for a long- term helplessly be just a sign of psychological matter.It ought to be discerned and given pertinent treatments.

  • 高压氧对23例颅脑损伤患者日常生活活动能力的影响


    INTRODUCTION Brain injury is a common trauma which sequela causes severe influence on patient.In recent ten years,there are many reports about study of rehabilitation treatment on severe brain injury and results of most studies suggest that rehabilitation has obvious effect,rehabilitation at different degrees is achieved and therapeutic results are improved.

  • 遗传性脊髓小脑共济失调7型的临床研究


    目的遗传性脊髓小脑共济失调 7型( SCA7)是 SCA系列中首个确定累及视网膜的疾病,该研究探讨中国 SCA7的临床特点.方法对一个表现为视力下降、辩色力异常和共济失调的 SCA7家系 23例成员( 8例患者)进行了系统的家系调查、体格检查及头颅 MR、眼底照相、视觉诱发电位、视网膜电流图等有关的辅助检查,结合国内外文献总结 SCA7临床特点.结果该家系为常染色体显性遗传,多数患者视力损害先于共济失调,存在视网膜色素变性 , 为蓝-黄色盲或蓝色盲,无夜盲,无智能减退.结论中国 SCA7患者临床表型存在多样性.

  • 半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂对大鼠脑缺血模型DNA损伤的实验研究


    目的研究 caspase- 3抑制剂 Ac- DEVD- CMK及 calpain抑制剂 ALLN干预治疗对大鼠局灶性脑缺血 /再灌注模型的神经保护作用.方法经左侧侧脑室注射 DEVD或 /和 ALLN及溶剂二甲基亚砜( DMSO)后,制作大鼠左侧 MCA缺血再灌注模型;缺血 2 h再灌注 24 h进行 TTC染色观察梗死灶的形成情况;并分别于缺血 2 h再灌注 24 h或 48 h检测鼠脑中单、双链 DNA断裂情况.结果溶剂 DMSO预处理组的各项指标与 MCAO模型组无明显差异; DEVD或 ALLN治疗后缺血侧脑中 Klenow及 TUNEL阳性细胞数均明显减少,二者合用作用强.结论 Caspase- 3与 calpain均在缺血性脑损伤中起重要作用,对此进行治疗干预具有潜在的临床应用价值.

  • 运动双手食指后应用磁源性影像对运动皮质及体感皮质定位


    目的确定运动双手食指后应用磁源性影像对运动皮质及体感皮质功能区定位的价值并探讨其成像方法.方法 6例受试者接受左、右侧视觉光刺激后运动相应侧食指,双手食指下方各放置一块垫板,垫板上有一个光电偶合器,食指抬起后数据采集计算机即可将光电偶合的一刻为"零"对脑反应信号进行叠加.应用脑磁图记录运动及体感反应叠加后的脑电磁波并将其与相应受试者头 MRI叠加形成磁源性影像.结果食指运动后,每个受试者双侧半球均出现一个高的波峰,左右半球潜伏期分别为 (41.5± 7.8) ms和 (35.5± 3.6) ms.受试者之间左、右半球皮质兴奋的潜伏期( W1)差异无显著意义( t=2.046, P=0.096).将其 ECD叠加到 MRI上可见 ECD均位于中央后回.每个受试者在高波峰之前出现一个小的波峰,潜伏期为负值,左、右半球分别为- (52.9± 25.9) ms和- (63.8± 19.5) ms.受试者之间左、右半球皮质兴奋的潜伏期( W2)差异无显著意义( t=1.342, P=0.237).由磁源性影像显示兴奋的皮质位于中央前回.结论磁源性影像可很好地显示健康受试者运动皮质及体感皮质,可对运动皮质及体感皮质进行精确定位.

  • 大鼠大脑中动脉阻塞后DNA单链断裂损伤的实验研究


    目的观察大鼠永久性大脑中动脉阻塞( pMCAO)后,相应区域 DNA断裂损伤情况,探讨 DNA单链损伤在 pMCAO所致脑组织损伤中的意义.方法采用常规 HE组织染色明确大鼠 pMCAO模型成功与否及其损伤范围,采用 DNA聚合酶- 1 Klenow片段原位杂交方法检测 pMCAO不同时间点 DNA单链断裂损伤情况.结果损伤区域单链 DNA断裂的 Klenow阳性细胞在 pMCAO后 6 h即有表达( P< 0.01),在 24 h时达到高峰( P< 0.01), 72 h时有所下降( P< 0.01).结论单链 DNA断裂损伤在 pMCAO后 6 h即可出现,并逐渐积累,成为缺血半暗带内细胞损伤发展过程的重要环节,并可能预示半暗带损伤范围的不断扩大.

  • 蒋晓江博士·教授


  • 余桂军副教授


  • 栗印军主任医师


  • 鲍海平硕士·副教授


  • 蒋亚斌硕士·副主任医师


    关键词: 硕士
  • 高政硕士生导师·副教授


  • 临床康复医学在线:神经影像技术与认知障碍性疾病


  • 循证康复医学:阿尔茨海默病治疗效果系统评价摘要


  • 临床康复相关链接:功能神经影像技术及其研究结果选编


  • 认识路易体痴呆


    路易体痴呆是神经变性痴呆中仅次于 Alzheimer病 (AD)居第二位的常见类型,约占痴呆的 15%~ 25%,已被公认为一个独立的疾病实体.与一般的单一疾病实体所不同的是,路易体痴呆包含了多种疾病的表现,其临床特征为波动性认知损伤 ,以视幻觉为主的精神症状和锥体外系症状,组织学必须满足大脑皮层及皮层下核团弥散分布的路易小体.由于路易体痴呆具有不同于其他变性痴呆疾病的病程、预后和治疗反应,因此准确的临床诊断和适当的管理措施如避免使用神经安定剂、合理正确的使用抗帕金森病 (PD)药物是临床医师的重要责任.

    关键词: 痴呆 诊断 治疗
  • "醒脑开窍"针刺法治疗脑卒中



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