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Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research 중국조직공정구여림상강복

  • 主管单位: 中华人民共和国卫生部
  • 主办单位: 中国康复医学会,《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》杂志社
  • 影响因子: 1.38
  • 审稿时间: 1-3个月
  • 国际刊号: 2095-4344
  • 国内刊号: 21-1581/R
  • 发行周期: 周刊
  • 邮发: 8-584
  • 曾用名: 现代康复;现代康复杂志;中国临床康复;中国组织工程研究与临床康复
  • 创刊时间: 1997
  • 语言: 英文
  • 编辑单位: 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》杂志编辑委员会
  • 出版地区: 辽宁
  • 主编: 王岩
  • 类 别: 临床医学
  • 余甘子对实验性颈动脉粥样硬化家兔的影响


    目的:观察余甘子果汁粉对食饵性高脂血症家兔实验性颈动脉粥样硬化斑块形成的面积、动脉粥样硬化的级别及斑块内泡漠细胞层数和弹力纤维含量的影响.方法:20只日本长耳白兔被随机分为3组.正常对照组4只,饲以普通饲料:高脂组8只,饲以高脂饲料;预防组8只,饲以高脂饲料加余甘子果粉4 g.12周后放血法处死.用IBAS Ⅰ/Ⅱ图像分析仪处理所描绘的粥样硬化的动脉的图像,计算斑块面积占主动脉面积的百分比.用西德IBAS-2000型图像分析仪进行图像分析,测定泡沫细胞及弹力纤维的含量.结果:其中余甘子可以减少动脉粥样硬化斑块面积的39%,降低动脉粥样硬化斑块级别的28%,减少动脉粥样硬化斑块内弹力纤维含量的33%,减少动脉粥样硬化斑块内泡漠细胞层数47%.结论:余甘子能抑制主动脉粥样硬化的形成.

  • 缺血皮质神经元DNA单链损伤引发Noxa表达的研究


    目的:观察类缺血损伤神经元再灌注不同时间点DNA单链损伤情况和BH3-only家族成员Noxa的表达情况,初步研究DNA单链损伤与Noxa的表达关系.方法:应用β-Tubulin及Gap-43对培养的皮质神经元进行鉴定,利用流式细胞仪对培养的皮质神经元类缺血再灌注损伤后Nora的表达情况进行研究.DNA聚合酶-IKlenow片段介导的dATP-生物素切口末端标记方法(Klenow法)对缺血再灌注各时间点培养的神经元进行检测,并应用图象分析仪对Klenow法检测的结果进行平均灰度检测.结果:应用β-Tubulin及Gap-43培养的神经元80%为纯神经元,给予神经元类缺血处理后,在再灌注不同时间点Noxa的表达为在再灌注0.5,1h强,而后随着再灌注时间的延长,Noxa的表达下降.Klenow法检测发现未经缺血处理的对照组神经元平均灰度为72.4±1.0,到达2 h达高峰135.5±1.3,而后又运渐降低,24 h几乎看不到阳性细胞.结论:培养的皮质神经元类缺血再灌注处理后有Noxa的表达,在再灌注0.5 h和1 h为Noxa的表达高峰,DNA单链损伤高峰为2 h,Noxa的表达高峰时间点早于DNA单链损伤高峰的时间点,说明NOXA的表达可能还有其他形式的DNA损伤介入.

  • 大鼠大脑中动脉局灶性脑缺血局部脑血流动态观察


    目的:动态观察了鼠须栓塞大鼠大脑中动脉局灶性脑缺血模型局部脑血流(regional cerebral blood flow,rCBF)变化与时间的关系.方法:雄性Wistar大鼠12只,体重250-350 g.根据缺血时间分为缺血0.5,1.0,1.5,2 0,3.0,6.0,9.0,12.0 b.采用鼠须栓塞法制做大鼠大脑中动脉局灶性脑缺血模型,氢清除法测定大鼠大脑中动脉供血中心区缺血各时点大脑皮层rCRF变化.结果:12 h组2只动物因吸入氢气过量致窒息死亡,其他全部动物均在规定时间内完成rCBF测定.缺血前rCBF为(149.77±6.76)ml/(100g@min),缺血30 min下降至(106.94±7.21)ml/(100g@min),缺血6 h降至(12.73±1.66)ml/(100g@min).除缺血90 min和2 h点rCBF无统计学显著差异外,其它各时间点rCBF均存在显著差异(P<0.01).rCBF随时间渐趋下降,回归分析示与时同呈显著相关(r=-0.77,P=0.024).至缺血12 h rCBF不能测出.结论:该研究为扩大治疗时间窗的保护性治疗提供了脑血流变化的理论依据.

  • 双侧电刺激对脑卒中后大鼠血管构筑的改变



  • 恒磁场对人脐静脉内皮细胞一氧化氮合酶活性的影响


    目的:观察恒磁场(static magnetic field, SMF)对培养的人脐静脉内皮细胞(human umbilical vein endothelium cell,HUVEC)一氧化氮合酶(nitric oxidesynthase,NOS)活性表达的影响,以探讨SMF能否用于经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术(percutaneous transluminal coronaryangioplasty,PTCA)及冠脉内支架植入术后冠脉再狭窄(restenosis,RS)的防治.方法:用含100g/L小牛血清的DMEM培养液体外培养人脐静脉内皮细胞(ECV304),分别在给予SMF和无SMF条件下培养,行ABC免疫酶染色法,采用图像分析法分析SMF对HUVEC的NOS活性的影响.结果:实验组内皮细胞结构型NOS(endothelium constructive NOS,ecNOS)表达较对照组增强,差异显著(P<0.01),实验组与对照组诱生型NOS(induced NOS,iNOS)均无表达.结论:恒磁场增强了培养的HUVEC的ecNOS的表达;恒磁场对PTCA支架植入术后的冠脉再狭窄可能具有防治作用.

  • 脑梗死后自发性高血压大鼠脑内Nogo-A mRNA的表达


    目的:成年哺乳动物中枢神经再生能力低下的重要原因之一是由于环境中大量存在生长抑制因子,其中神经突起生长抑制因子Nogo-A具有强烈的神经生长抑制作用,本实验观察Nogo-A mRNA在自发性高血压大鼠实验性脑梗死后脑内表达水平及部位的改变.方法:采用自发性高血压大鼠(SHR),按Nagasava方法行大脑中动脉栓塞术,分别于术后3 d及14 d取脑,并用原位杂交免疫组化技术,显示脑梗死前后及不同时相脑内Nogo-A mRNA表达的水平及部位的改变.结果:脑梗死后3 d,Nogo-A mRNA表达水平较低,仅分布于皮层、基底节及海马等部位,病灶及边缘区均未见明显表达阳性信号,脑梗死14d后,Nogo-A mRNA表达在脑内明显升高.以病灶边缘区较明显,白质内表达也较多.结论:脑内Nogo-A mRNA表达在脑梗死急性期并不明显升高,但在第14天可见明显升高,病灶边缘也有明显表达.

  • 血管内皮生长因子和血管生成素-1抑制心脏成肌细胞凋亡研究


    目的:探讨血管内皮生长因子(VEGF165)和血管生成素-1(angiopoietin-1)抑制心肌细胞凋亡的作用机制.方法:将编码人VEGF165或angiopoi-etin-1的复制缺陷型腺病毒载体(Ad-VEGF165或Ad-Ang1)转染大鼠心脏成肌细胞(H9C2),24 h后以H2O2诱导细胞凋亡,分析VEGF165和an-giopoietin-1的抗凋亡作用.腺病毒转染24 h后检测细胞中三磷酸肌醇激酶(phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase)活性和bcl-2表达水平.结果:VEGF165和angiopoietin-1可不同程度抑制H9C2细胞凋亡.VEGF165和Ang1作用下细胞内三磷酸肌醇激酶活性和bcl-2表达水平增高.结论:VEGF165和/或Ang1可抑制心脏成肌细胞凋亡,这种保护作用与其激活细胞内三磷酸肌醇激酶途径和促进抗凋亡分子bcl-2的表达相关.血管生长因子VEGF165和angiopoietin-1的心脏成肌细胞保护作用为其功能学研究和临床应用开辟了新的方向.

  • Nucleus直电极人工耳蜗植入对不同频率残余听力的影响


    目的:评估Nucleus直电极人工耳蜗植入对各频率残余听力的影响,探讨耳蜗直电极植入的听力学安全性及其创伤特点.方法:分析23例手术前后能够良好配合纯音听力检查、中耳内耳无明显异常、尚未接受人工耳蜗电刺激的单侧Nucleus直电极人工耳蜗植入者的残余听力变化情况.结果:术前植入侧残余听力在术后有所保留者占60%.将大输出无反应时的听阈值计为大输出加上5dB HL,经非参数检验:植入侧1 kHz以下各频率的残余听力较术前平均损失约6dB HL,差别有极显著性的意义(P值均<0.01);植入侧2 kHz以上各频率及非植入侧各频率较术前平均损失<1 dB HL,差别无显著性的意义(P值均>0.05).结论:Nucleus直电极人工耳蜗植入术后,植入耳多数仍可保留部分残余听力,但其损失在1kHz以下频率重于2 kHz以上频率.

  • 聋哑儿童238例脑干听觉诱发电位特征分析


    目的:探讨脑干听觉诱发电位(brain auditory evoked potential,BAEP)在早期诊断聋哑的意义.方法:使用英国OXFORD公司的034W11B-V4.0多媒体肌电/诱发电位仪对238例有听力和/或言语障碍的儿童进行BAEP检测.结果:有新生儿窒息史、早产等高危因素的25例,异常20/25,其中11/20属周围性损害.曾使用耳毒性药物8例,异常6/8.有聋哑家族史2例,异常1/2.不明原因203例,异常168/203.结论:BAEP运用于常规检测,对早期诊断聋哑,监测神经系统和听觉系统康复进程,协助评价治疗效果均具有重要意义.

  • 帕金森病痴呆患者的脑电活动研究



  • 社区精神分裂症患者社交技能缺陷康复的训练



  • 住院老年男性26例骨密度与雄性激素关系分析



  • 社区家庭康复护理干预对脑卒中后遗症期患者运动功能的影响



  • 正常人周围神经传导速度40例分析


    目的:研究健康成人周围神经运动传导速度(motor-nerve conduction ve-locity、MCV)和感觉传导速度(sensory-nerve conduction velocity, SCV)的正常值,为诊断周围神经疾病提供依据.方法:健康志愿者40例,年龄22~53岁,男女各20例.分别检测双侧正中神经、尺神经、胫神经及腓神经MCV和双侧正中神经、尺神经及胫神经SCV.分析指标包括潜伏期、波幅及神经传导速度(nerve conduction velocity,NCV).结果:NCV在正常人男女之间、左右侧肢体之间的差异在统计学上无显著性意义(P>0.05),并且随着年龄的增加而逐渐减慢.结论:NCV检测是周围神经病的重要诊断技术之一,而正常值的确定是临床诊断的前提.不同年龄组应采用各自的正常值.

  • 心理加药物与单纯药物治疗强迫症的对照研究



  • 无症状性多发腔隙性脑梗死事件相关电位与认知的相关性



  • 影响脑卒中偏瘫患者日常生活能力恢复的因素分析


    目的:分析脑卒中偏瘫患者治疗前后影响日常生活活动能力(activitiesof daily living,ADL)的相关因素.方法:对53例脑卒中偏瘫患者治疗前后进行上下肢功能、ADL等相关因素评定.结果:影响入院前ADL(ADL0)的正性因素包括肌张力、治疗前下肢运动能力,负性因素为年龄、尿便失禁、入院前居住地及发病次数.治疗后ADL(ADL1)的正性因素有ADL0和病变性质,而患肢腱反射的亢进或减弱和发病后住院时间则是ADL1预后的负性因素.家庭人数与ADL1恢复程度呈负相关(r=-0.527,n=53).结论:肌张力和患肢腱反射是影响患者ADL恢复的有利因素;家庭人数多是ADL恢复的阻碍因素,提示对家属进行康复意识的教育非常必要.

  • 不同时期颈椎病患者颈椎骨密度变化与椎体变形关系



  • 老年骨质疏松性骨折骨量与骨质量关系的探讨



  • 不同手反应对冲突监测事件相关电位N270的影响


    目的:探讨不同手作业反应对冲突监测事件相关电位N270的影响.方法:要求受试者判断前后呈现的两个刺激颜色是否相同,并做出按健反应,同步从头皮记录事件相关电位.在前一半实验中,受试者用一只手的两个不同手指按键,在后一半实验中,受试者用另一只手按键.结果:当两个刺激的颜色相同时,第2个刺激诱发出了N100、N160、N200和LPC.当两个刺激的颜色不同时,第2个刺激诱发出了N100、N160、N200、LPC和N270.N270主要分布在前头部额中央区.在第2个刺激之前的伴随性负变化(contingent negative variation,CNV)在受试者用右手反应时波幅明显增高,但CNV的存在不影响N160、N200和N270的波幅.N160和N200在受试者用左手按键反应时波幅明显增高,而N270的波幅在左右手反应之间无明显区别.结论:冲突监测事件相关电位N270的波幅不受不同手反应的影响.

  • 军医大学研究生应付方式及相关因素研究



  • 脑卒中急性期抑郁障碍汉密尔顿抑郁量表各因子分的特点


    目的:脑卒中抑郁障碍(post-stroke depression,PSD)是脑卒中后常见情感障碍,先前的研究显示PSD的发生与社会、心理及生物学因素有关,但对脑卒中急性期PSD的发生率及汉密尔顿抑郁量表(Hamiltondepression scale,HAMD)各因子分的改变特征尚缺乏研究.本研究旨在了解脑脑卒中急性期PSD的发生率及HAMD各因子分的特征.方法:选择98例住院诊断为脑卒中急性期患者作为研究对象,除评定一般自然状况外,采用ICD-10 F06.32器质性抑郁障碍诊断标准及HAMD对入组患者进行评定,对所有患者进行颅脑CT扫描.结果:脑卒中急性期PSD的发生率为42%.脑卒中急性期PSD组与非抑郁组的HAMD各因子分比较有明显差异,脑卒中急性期轻型PSD组与中、重型组HAMD各因子分比较有明显差异.结论:脑卒中急性期PSD的发病率较高,脑卒中急性期PSD的HAMD总分及各因子分较非抑郁组均有改变;脑卒中急性期PSD的轻型组与中重型组在HAMD各因子分之间有明显差异.

  • 前瞻性护理对剖宫产术后母婴康复的作用


    0 引言剖宫产是解决分娩困难的行之有效的方法,但由于手术创伤及麻醉药物副作用的影响,使术后肠蠕动受到影响,产妇不能进食,进而影响到身体康复和乳汁分泌,不能满足新生儿哺乳需要.

  • 儿童抽动障碍药物治疗及其心理健康教育


    0 引言儿童抽动障碍是起病于儿童和青少年时期的一种慢性复杂的神经精神障碍,主要表现为不自主的、反复的、快速的一个部位和多部位肌肉抽动和发声抽动,并可伴发诸多心理和行为问题,影响患儿的学习,性格发展及社会适应能力[1].

  • 儿童心理障碍测试方法的应用


    0 引言儿童心理障碍是儿童心理和行为有关的疾病,是由于个体的异常心理和不良应激所造成的.探讨它的一系列问题就要从心理、行为、社会环境因素出发进行研究[1].

  • 失眠症的心理治疗



  • 颈动脉滴注改善恢复期脑卒中患者ADL能力56例报告


    BACKGROUND: Although the effect of kinesitherapy, phar-macotherapy and traditional medicine on stroke in the period ofrehabilitation exists to some extent, it is not satisfying.

  • 宽叶缬草对局灶性脑缺血后海马区C-Fos,C-Jun表达的实验研究


    AIM: To study influence of Valeriana officinalis var. latifolia(VOL) on expression of C-Fos, C-Jun after focal cerebral ischemia. METHODs: Inducing rat model of reversible middle cerebral artery occlusion(MCAO) using Koizumi' s intraluminal suture occlusion method. 48 male rats were divided into 5 groups randomly, pseudo-operation group, MCAO group, saline control group, VOL group. 2 hours after MCAO, we took gastric gavage with VOL and saline, 8 hour per time, and took out of brain to test C-Fos, C-Jun expression immunohistochemically at the 5th day after oper-ation. RESULTS: There was no positive cell in each hippocampus zone of ormal group; we observed C-Fos, C-Jun positive cells in each Hip-pocampus zone after MCAO; Density of C-Fos, C-Jun positive cells of VOL group were apparently lower than that of simple ischemia group. CON CLUSION: VOL can relieve histopathological lesions after cerebral is-chemia and promote protection function of rat through inhibiting the ex-pression of C-Fos, C-Jun expression.

  • 血液磁极化疗法治疗类风湿关节炎1例


    CLINICAL MATERIALSThe patient Zhang, a female of 37 years, was a nursery school teach-er. She began to have a pain in her proximal interphalangeal joints ofboth hands and could not clench her both fists after a cold. Then shehad edema, pain, stiffness, and limited activities in her both wrist,elbow and knee joints which were obvious in the morning. She hadbeen diagnesed as rheumatoid arthritis and treated with dexam-eththason, aspirin, and jinopirin per os but the therapeutic effect wasnot significant. The patient came to our magnet therapy center in Oc-tober 2000. Physical examination showed that body temperature was37. 4 ℃, blood pressure, 127/100 mmHg, normal development, eu-trophia, normal head shape, symmetric thorax, regular heart rhythm,with no pathological murmur, no abnormal respiratory sound heard,plane and soft abdomen, no touched liver or spleen, but obvious strongbowel sound. Local symptoms and signs included: pain and edema inphalangeal joints of both hands which could not clench, pain andstiffness and limited activities in both knee and elbow joints especiallyobvious in the morning. Laboratory examinarions showed normal bloodroutine examination results, 54 mm of blood sedimentation, andpositive rheumatoid factor. The diagnosis was rheumatoid arthritis.

  • 医生指导结合家庭疗法治疗儿童弱视76例


    INTRODUCTIONChildhood is the key for children development and intelligence.Children amblyopia is common, multiple. Correction vision of singleeye or both eyes is below normal value, function of both eyes is notcomplete, fine 3D vision is deficient for amblyopia which will affecttheir job life and studying. Family therapy is an important part forvision protection in children. In this study, family therapy combiningdoctor's instruction was used to correct amblyopia.

  • 被动运动加氦-氖激光治疗急性脑梗死偏瘫50例


    BACKGROUND: Passive exercise can promote plastic de-velopment of cerebral cortex function with afferent stimuli received by receptors and recover lost functions. Utility of Helium-neon laser can protect neurons.

  • 针刺并功能训练治疗脑卒中后肩-手综合征


    INTRODUCTIONAccording to theory of traditional Chinese medicine, post-strokeshoulder-hand syndrome was caused by stagnation of qi and bloodand body fluid which resulted in pain, malnutrition and subsequentparaysis and articular contracture.

  • MRI对脂质沉积性肌病的评估价值


    AIM: To investigate the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of lipidstorage myopathy(LSM), evaluate the clinical value of MRI for LSM.METHODS: Eight cases with LSM biopsy-proved underwent MRI of pelvisand thigh, spin echo sequence, fast spin echo sequence and short tau in-version recovery(STIR) were utilized. RESULTS: The signal intensity ofdiseased muscle of 8 cases with LSM was hyperintense on T2-weighted im-ages (T2WI) and T1-weighted images (T1WI), and hyperintense signal in-tensity on T2WI and iso-intense on T1WI was seen on 2 patients as well .CONCLUSION: MRI can provide objective data for clinical diagnosis,therapeutic evaluation and follow-up. It can also help to decide the accuratelocalizations for biopsies.

  • 足部护理对糖尿病足的预防作用


    BACKGROUND: With developing of economics and improve-ment of living level, development of health education and preventionof diseases has lagged behind. If blood sugar can' t be controlled andpatients with diabetes is lack of self-protection awareness, diabetesfoot is often caused, even trauma at foot progressed to ulcer infec-tion, gangrene and amputation of extremities.

  • 脑卒中患者康复期的中医辨证护理及功能训练


    INTRODUCTIONWe establish differentiated grouping methods and nursing protocolsaccording to theory of traditional Chinese medicine, andpractice nursing and health education for stroke patients. During treatment,patients comprehend self-regulation, and self health care,and theirconditions were relieved dramatically.

  • 舒必利治疗精神病患者拒食行为的疗效观察


    BACKGROUND: Sulpiride belongs to derivative of benza-mide, which is also called dogmatil. It has the affect of an-ti-psychosis and is effective to tension, indifference, introversion and withdrawal.

  • 心因性精神障碍患者106例分析


    BACKGROUND: Psychogenic psychonosema means a group ofphrenoblabia caused under the conditions of severe and continuouspsychic trauma, which often has goad prognosis and can achievecomplete alleviation. Mental stimulation is considered as the mostbasic reason. But it is curt not be differentiated clinically becauseindividuals have different sense and tolerance against external stim-ulation and intensity of psychological stimulation itself is up to therelationship between accidence and interests of individuals, so it cannot be calculated. In addition, patients themselves have the potentialpossibility of attack of schizophrenia. Then we should think it iscaused because inducing schizophrenia not because psychogenicpsychonosema.

    关键词: 心因性
  • 头皮穴封对小儿神经性耳聋的作用


    BACKGROUND: Scalp acupuncture point blocking combines meridian doctrine with modem nervous anatomy.

    关键词: 头皮 神经性耳聋
  • 早期康复治疗对脑卒中偏瘫患者日常生活能力恢复的影响


    BACKGROUND: Stroke can cause paralysis and thus impactpatients' ADL So, many researchers are engaging in study of rehabili-tation of stroke and they suggest early rehabilitation therapy. However,therapeutic effect of early rehabilitation therapy is under disputes.

  • 刺五加对80例脑梗死患者神经功能缺损及睡眠的改善作用


    BACKGROUND: The chemical composition of eleutheroside isvery complicated and has the effect of promoting blood circulation byremoving blood stasis and clearing and activating the channels andcollaterals. It also plays a two-way adjusting role of exciting anddepressing central neural system and has protective effect on braincells and neural cells.

  • 三环类抗抑郁药所致心肌损害的治疗


    INTRODUCTIONTricyclic antidepressant has some toxic effect on heart, myocardicinjury is a common adverse effect which main characteristic areabnormality of EKG, change of T wave, deviation of ST segmentand prolongation of PR and Q-T interval. No self-conscious symp-toms is found in clinic. Compound Danshen dripping pill is thecommon drug in treatment of coronary heart disease and myocardiacinjury. We try to treat myocardiac injury caused by tricyclic an-tidepressant by compound Danshen dripping pill.

  • 骨质疏松症的预防与运动康复


    INTRODUCTIONWomen after menopause and senile people are multiple population ofosteoporosis because of losing much substance of bone, which also isconsidered the important reason causing fracture. But young peopleoften also loes subetance of bone on different extent with increasingage because seeing from natural physiological phenomenon, the ab-sorption activities of osteoclast significantly increase after 30 to 35years old, however, the function of oeteoblast do not increase. In ad-dition, some occupational characteristics of young people lead to leesphysical exercises, which often causes diseases.

  • 血管性痴呆的心理社会干预


    INTRODUCTIONWith the increase of average age, number of senile dementia casesincrease. Vascular dementia is the most important reason of seniledementia (VD) . Many researches showed that VD are preventableand treatable. It includes preventive therapy, drug treatment, psy-chic treatment and social intervention.

  • 神经保护剂的鸡尾酒疗法对大鼠局灶性脑缺血的作用


    AIM: To investigate whether cocktail theraphy combined with of neuropro-tectants may have more advantages over single agents in treating focal cerebralischemic cascade. METHODS: With the use of suture occlusin techique, theright middle cerebral artery in rats was occluded. Tirty minutes later, Fru-toss-1, 6-diphosphate(FDP) (50 mg/kg, n = 20), MK-801 (1 mg/kg, n = 20)and N-acetylcystein (NAC) ( 150 mg/kg, n = 20) were singly or combinantlyinfused intraperitoneally. At the same time the cocktail-treated group( n = 20)were infused the above agents combinationly and the control group( n =20)were infused normal saline intraperitoneally. 6 hours and 24 hours after focalcerebral ischemia the animals were weighted and neurologically assessed on5-point scale. The animals were killed, brains were stained 2, 3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride for assessment of the infarct volume and thenembedden onto slides with paraffin for morphological assessment and terminaltransferase dUTP nick ending labeling(TUNEL )were carried out for apoptosisand immunohistochemistry were carried out to investigate the changes inbcl-2. RESULTS: All Neuroprotectants decreased volume of infarction ( P <0. 05, F test) . While cocktail-treated group showed more distinct decreasethan other groups( P < 0.05, F test). FDP-treated group did not decrease theapoptosis of the neurons and did not increase the bcl-2 expression aswell. MK-801-treated group, NAC-treated group and cocktail-treated groupsignificantly decreased the apoptosis of the neurons and increased the bcl-2expression ( P < 0.05, F test) . With cocktail-treated group showing moredistinct effect ( P < 0.05, F test) . CONCLUSION: Cocktail may be moreeffective than single neuroprotectant in this modle.

  • 系统性红斑狼疮复发因素分析


    BACKGROUND: Control of progression of sytemic lupus ery-thematosus (SLE) is important for prognosis. Hence, study of recur-rent factors is necessary for treatment and improvement of SLE pa-tients' prognosis.

  • 建设哮喘防治网规范化治疗儿童哮喘


    BACKGROUND: Reversible obstruction of airway is thought asone of three characteristics of asthma. Expectant treatment with bron-chodilator for removing bronchospasm can not treat asthma at all.

  • 强直性脊柱炎双侧全髋关节置换术后的护理体会


    INTRODUCTIONPatients with ankylosing spondyliris often presents with osteoposisafter hip joint is affected, interarticular space becemes narrow grad-ually until disappeared, osseous fusion of trabecula through jointsurface and hip joint often fused at abduction or adducrion posi-tion. To cases of stiff of hip joint, total hip replacement can relievepain of hip joint, improve function of hip joint, but effects are influ-enced by spastic tissue, postoperative rehabilitation treatment is veryimportant to improve function. The aim of postoperative rehabilitationnursing is to prevent occurrence of complications, restore activitiesand muscle strength of affected limbs and daily life ability.ble. Active contraction of quadriceps femoris, triceps muscle andanterior tibial muscle to accelerate venous reflux and prevent for-mation of deep venous thrombosis.

  • 早期康复治疗对脑卒中后抑郁的影响


    INTRODUCTIONPost stroke depression (PSD), the commonly observed complication of cerebrovascular diseases, seriously affectspatients' function, re-covery and life, leading to self injury or suicide. Early rehabilitation therapy is beneficial for functional recovery, reduction of disability rate, improvement of quality of life and relief of pain, thus reducing incidence of depression.

  • 精神发育迟滞儿童康复训练体会


    INTRODUCTION53 mentally relarded children(MRC) received rehabilitation since 1982, significant effect was observed suggesting these children re-habilitation potential.

  • 针刺加外敷中药治疗儿童脑性瘫痪流涎44例


    INTRODUCTIONSalivation is very common among children with cerebral palsy(CP). Inorder to nursing, trower was placed under the jaw by parents. Now,there is no specific treatment for salivation. Acupuncture may havesome effect of salivation. In this study, acupucture of perioral pointsplus liuxiansan for external application in bilateral Yungch' an werecarried out to manage the salivation in CP children, and therapeuticeffect was observed.

  • 对老年缺血性脑血管疾病脑血流及功能分析


    BACKGROUND: The ischemic cerebrovascular disease ofsenile patients has the features of high recurrence rate, bad prognosisand many influence factors. The coming out of CT makes diagnosis ofcerebrovascular disease getting reliable foundation. But the diagnosisof CT can not determine the location of specific blood vessels ofresion, especially the ischemic changes caused by spasm and nar-rowness of blood vessels in early period. In addition, examination ofcerebral angiography can cause trauma, so patients with severecerebrovascular disease can not endure it.

  • 神经生长因子治疗血管性痴呆38例


    BACKGROUND: Vascular dementia mainly is caused by is-chemic and hemorrhagic stroke, which often leads to progressive by-pomnesis. Neural growth factor(NGF) can prevent the functionaldeficits of study and memory and serves as a better way for curingvascular dementia.

  • 复方阿魏酸钠胺囊改善椎基动脉供血不足共济失调及行走障碍的作用


    INTRODUCTIONDelayed nerve conduction is very common after brain injury inducedby vertebrobasilar-artery insufficiency resulting in inconsistence ofneural defect with lesion area. It is speculated that regulation neu-rons excitation and functional disorder of inhibitory neurons may beinvolved [1].

  • 早期康复护理对脑出血患者偏瘫肢体的作用


    INTRODUCTIONNeglect of rehabilitation of patients with stroke produces serious pain and load for a number of families. Functional exercise is very im-portant for rehabilitation of stroke beyond drug treatment.

  • 正颌治疗对颞下颌关节功能的影响


    A1M: To investigate the effect of temporomandibular joint position and re-molding process and the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint inpatients undergoing orthognathic surgery.METHODS: The standardSchuller' s position radiographs were used to examine the position temporo-mandibular joint form and condylar position change of 32 case after orthognathic surgery Helkimo index was used to analyze the anamnestic and clin-ical data. RESULTS: Changes of condylar position had happened after theoperation, but within one year the conlylar had resumed the same position asthe preoperative. The change of temporomandibular joint symptoms and signsafter orthognathic surgery was not significant. CONCLUSION: The effect oforthognathic surgery on the condylar position and TMJ form is not signifi-cant, and most of the changes are within the normal adaptability of tem-poromandibular joint.

  • 针刺治疗后天性眼肌麻痹30例


    BACKGROUND: Cause of acquired ophthalmoplegia is com-plex. With prolonged course, diplopia, optoconfounding and vertigosymptoms, treatment effects were not good enough for some patients.

    关键词: 针刺治疗 后天性
  • 辛伐他汀对糖尿病性骨质疏松患者骨密度和骨转换的影响


    INTRODUCrIONMany basic and clinical experiments showed that drugs of statinsmight stimulate proliferation and differentiation of osteoblast andmight be used as an effective drug to treat osteoporosis. We usedsimvastatin (one kind of drugs of statins) to treat cases with dia-betic osteoporosis for 3 months, observed and compared each indexbefore and after treatment in order to observe its effects on boneformation.

  • 血府逐瘀口服液对更年期骨质疏松的康复作用


    INTRODUCTIONOsteoporosis is a complication of climacteric syndrome. Preventionand rehabilitative treatment to climacteric syndrome are advocated atpresent. Current method of treatment is hormonal replacement ther-apy or the traditional Chinese medicine therapy aiming at invigora-tion and health protection. Though effects the hormonal replacementtherapy does, it also risks of higher incidence rate of mammarycancer and carcinoma of corpus uteri with improper using[1 -3] . Sodrug treatment without side effect is desirable. Application of XuefuZhuyu Oral liquid is good to climacteric osteoporosis.

  • 疏血通对脑梗死神经功能缺损的疗效观察


    BACKGROUND: Shuxuetong injection is a Chinese drug a-gent with functions of anti-coagulation, decreasing blood viscosityand anti-thrombosis. It takes good effects on treating cerebral in-farction.

  • 早期康复训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者日常生活活动能力的影响


    INTRODUCTIONEarly rehabilitation decreases incidence of disability in patients with stroke and increases their life quality that has been proved by many scholars. Early rehabilitation refers to rehabilitation begun within 2 weeks after onset. Barthel index can reflect patients' ADL sensitively and completely and improvement of ADL has a high correlation with improvement of limb function.

  • 老年性蛛网膜下腔出血非典型症状30例分析


    CLINICAL DATASubjects came from 30 patients with senile subarachnoid hemrrhagetreated in our hospital from January 1999 to December 2001 in-cluding 12 males and 18 females aged 60-78(mean: 65) yearsold. 24 patients presented with onset in action, 6 patients at rest; 26cases presented with acute onset and 4 cases subacute onset. Acuteheadache as first symptom was in 13 cases; pain at neck, waist,sacral as first symptom in 7 cases. 3 patients searched medical ser-vice for headache within 1 week; 2 patients for severe pain of bothlimbs and unable to walk; 2 patients for headache and vomiting at 2week. 7 patients were once treated out of our hospital and sciaticawas diagnosed in 4 cases, cold in 3 cases. Pain at shoulder, back,upper limb in action occurred in 2 cases as first symptom, consciousdisturbance was the first symptom in 4 cases, grand mal of epilepsyas first symptom in 3 cases. 1 patient searched medical service forright head pain, auricle pain for 20 days. Stiff neck ( + ) appeared in25 patients at hospitalization and (-) in 5 patients. 24 patientspresented with positive Kernig' s sign. 21 patients were complicatedwith hypertension, 1 patient was complicated with peripheral facialparalysis and left hemihypoesthesia, 3 patients with transient hemi-paresis of both lower limhs, 2 cases with bilateral ptosis, 1 case withexotropia of bilateral eyeball, pupil dilation, 6 cases with consciousdisturbance. Auxilliary examination: (1) Skull CT scanning: Sub-arachnoid hemorrhage was found in 20 cases, no abnormality in 7cases and 3 cases didn't undergo CT scanning. (2) Examination ofspinal fluid: patients with positive CT findings didn' t undergo lumbarpuncture, even hemic spinal fluid was found in 6 patients and yellowspinal fluid and shrinking red blood cell in 4 cases. Prognosis: Allcases were treated according to subarachnoid hemorrhage, 6 patientsdied and other 24 patients were cured after 6 - 8 weeks of treatment.

  • 呼吸运动锻炼、金水宝胶囊加中药外贴对慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定期的康复作用


    INTRODUCTIONReserve and contractivity of diaphragma often exist in patients withchronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) and respiratory failurecan be caused due to fatigue of respiratory muscles even without load-ing. so rehabilitation treatment for COPD patients plays an importantrole for prevention of respiratory failure and improvement of life qualityin patients with COPD.

  • 冠状动脉造影对非典型心绞痛伴焦虑抑郁情绪者特征的分析


    INTRODUCTIONThere are dramatic differences in induction factors, nature, locus,duration, relief manner of pain between typical and nontypicalangina pectoris. Causes and pathogenesis of pain are complicated,and may be correlated with anxiety and depression.

  • 惊恐障碍患者门诊咨询相关因素分析


    INTRODUCTIONWith increasing of social mentality stress factors, anxiety has becomean important mental health problem that people face. It was reportedthat patients with anxiety neurosis consists 2% - 5% of people. Butin mental counseling out-patient clinic of multiple hospital, only13.7% are diagnosed as anxiety neurosis, among which were manypatients with panic disturbance. Patients search for medical servicefor chest pain, palpitation and dying feeling in department of neu-rology or emergeny department. No evidence identifying ischemicheart disease is found after repeated examination and correspondingtreatment can' t effectively alleviate symptoms. The effective rate byantianxiety treatment might be 80. 65%.

  • 精神分裂症患者明尼苏达多相人格调查表的比较


    INTRODUCTIONMinnesota multiphasic personality inventory(MMPI) is a kind ofdiagnosis measuring scale helpful to classification of schizophreniapatients, it can describe main personality characteristics of patients. It was widely used in psychoneurosis patients instead of patients with schizophrenia in the past.

  • 心理干预加阿米替林对脑卒中后抑郁的疗效


    BACKGROUND: The mechanism of depression of patients with stroke is associated with destruction at special part of brain and psychological stress against stroke.

  • 应用抑制性消减杂交技术克隆EB病毒致人B淋巴细胞永生化的差异性表达基因


    AIM: To clone and identify genes differentially expressed in the EBvirus-transformed human B cell. METHODS: Suppression subtractive hy-bridization was used to construct the library which contains the differentiatelyexpressed cDNAs in EB virus-transformed human B cell. Then the isolatedgenes were cloned and sequenced and identifed by RT-PCR. Nucleic acid ho-mology searches were performed using the BLAST program. RESULTS: By thistechnique, 4 differentiately expressed gene cDNA fragments of EBvirus-transformed human B cell were obtained. CONCLUSION: SSH is aneffective method to isolate differentiately expressed genes.

  • 脑卒中后吞咽困难的中医疗法治疗


    INTRODUCTIONDysphagia is common after stroke[1], which correlates closely withdisability and mortality. From May 2001 to November 2002, 38 pa-tionts with dsyphagia following stroke were treated with Chinesetraditional therapy including aucpuncture, ice therapy, and Chinesedrugs induction by ions, and favorable therapeutic effect was ob-served. Here is the report.

  • 糖尿病并脑梗死与多梗死性痴呆相关性探讨


    BACKGROUND: Diabetes is thought as an important factor leading to stroke and the main cause of vascular dementia.

  • 老年性骨质疏松的预防与运动疗法


    INTRODUCTIONOsteoporosis of older populations is known as retrogressive osteo-porosis which is the result of aging of bones and belongs to the pri-mary osteoporosis Ⅱ. With the pass of time, reduction of material andmatrix of bones, bone becomes thin, decrease of number of bonetrabecula, risks of fracture and fragility will increase.

  • 社区康复对脑卒中患者运动功能及ADL的影响


    BACKGROUND: The recovery of neural function is thoughtoften within one month and difficult after three months. But recent datashows large potency exists in functional recovery of central neuralsystem, which means the function can be improved through reasonablerehabilitation training despite of time of course of disease.

  • 老年脑卒中后症状性癫痫80例分析


    INTRODUCTIONStroke is a common reason of symptomatic epilepsy in old people. Itwas repartxd that incidence of stroke combined with epilepsy was4.4% - 42. 8%. We studied the onset regulation and clinical char-acteristics of symptomatic epilepsy after senile stroke.

  • 丹参、黄芪合用对脑缺血再灌注后脑组织Fos,Jun蛋白表达的影响


    AIM: To investigate the expression of Fos and Jun proteins in rat brainsafter focal cerebral ischemia followed by reperfusion and effects of RSMand astragus. METHODS: 30 SD adult male rats were divided into 5groups at random . Group A: sham-operated group; Group B: model group;Group C: treated with RSM; Group D: treated with astragus; Group E:treated with RSM and astragus. The immunohistochemistry and medicalimage processing system(MIPS) were used to measure the numbers andmean grey levels of Fos and Jun protein positive cells in rat cerebralcortex of 5 groups. RESULTS: ( 1 ) In cerebral cortex of group B , C , D, E, the numbers of Fos and Jun positive cells were more than those ingroup A and mean grey levels of Fos and Jun positive cells were lower thanthose in group A(P < 0.01); (2) In cerebral cortex of ischemic sidesin group C, D, E,the numbers of Fos and Jun positive cells were less thanthose in group B and mean grey levels of Fos and Jun positive cells werehigher than those in group B(P < 0.01) ; (3) Group E had more sig-nificant effects than group C or group D ( P < 0. 01 ). CONCLUSION:The expression of Fos protein and Jun protein in model group increasedsignificantly, compared with sham-operated group; RSM , astragus , RSMand astragus all could inhibit partly the expression of Fos protein and Junprotein after cerebral ischemia and reperfusion; Prescription of RSM andastragus had stronger inhibiting effects than RSM or astragus. It may be oneof mechanisms that ischemic stoke is treated by reinforcing Qi and acti-vating blood circulation therapy in TCM clinic.

  • 整体护理中健康教育对喉癌患者的康复作用


    BACKGROUND: Resection is now considered as the principlemethod for curing laryngocarcinoma. However, kinds of ways of re-section do harm to phonation, respiration and protective function al-though better survival rate can be achieved. So it is important forpatients with laryngocarcinoma how to improve life quality and givehealthy education of patients in different phase.

  • 高通量血液透析对尿素症患者血清瘦素的清除效果


    INTRODUCTIONOur study is aimed to observe the removal effect of serum leptin with high-flux hemodialysis (HHD) in uremic patients.

  • 痉挛治疗仪治疗痉挛型脑性瘫痪患儿10例体会


    BACKGROUND: Spasm is a state of hypermyotonia and hyperreflexia and its main manifestation are tendon hyperreflexia,clonic spasm and resistance when doing passive exercises. Nowgeneral way for curing spasm is partial traction against spasticmuscles, which has no good effect on whole hypermyotonia. Somescholars think that decreasing spasm can be realized throughmoving proximal ends (especially trunk) . In addition, alleviatinghypennyotonia of distal ends can start with proximal ends and canbe realized through activities of trunk.

  • 重症脑卒中吞咽障碍26例疗效分析


    INTRODUCTIONPatients with severe cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral thrombus andserious dysphagia lived on nasal feeding and venous transfu-sion. These patients' quality of life, rehabilitation of paralysis,aphasia is unfavorable due to various complications. Therefore,many patients gave up treatment wearing nasal feeding tube. In thisstudy, we investigated treatment and affecting factors of dysphagia.

  • 脑卒中运动性失语患者的语言康复训练


    INTRODUCTIONLanguage dysfunction induced by stroke is frequently seen. Among this, motor aphasia is 70% to 75% and patients suffered from it. It damage life ability and burden family and society.

  • 音乐疗法合并行为矫正治疗精神分裂症77例


    BACKGROUND: Music plays strong influence on humanpsyche and physiology. It can ameliorate people' s emotion and cog-nition level and change people' s volitional behavior. Behavioralcorrection changes cognitive process and ideas and corrects badmotion and behavior through positive reinforcement, negative rein-forcement, positive punishment and negative punishment.

  • 英汉康复医学词汇(6)


    关键词: 英汉 康复
  • 本期"继教园地"思考题


    关键词: 园地
  • 癌症术后患者放射治疗期的生活质量调查


    0 引言有资料显示有50%~70%癌症患者有不同程度的疼痛[1],特别是晚期癌症,疼痛往往是患者强烈的主诉.癌症患者的疼痛发作时往往持续不断,经常使患者限於绝望、不安、焦虑、抑郁、愤怒、疲倦及睡眠剥削状态,从而加重疼痛的感受,进而影响患者的生活质量.

  • 老年心血管病患者海水浴体疗运动操的医疗监护


    0 引言海水浴是海滨疗养地的一项重要康复体疗项目,本院在总结32年海水浴工作经验的基础上,针对参加海水浴的疗养员多为60岁以上心血管疾病患者,大部分未接受过游泳训练,利用海水的温度作用、机械作用(静水压力、水流冲力、浮力等)、化学作用等效应[1],结合本院地处鼓浪屿海水浴场独特地理优势,1999-12设计并应用了一套适合海水中全身运动的医疗体操[2].

  • 结核性胸膜炎患者康复锻炼后肺功能检测


    0 引言结核性胸膜炎临床治愈后常可出现胸膜增厚、粘连等并发症,严重时影响肺通气功能和劳动力.为了减少后遗症的出现,提高患者的健康水平,减轻对今后工作能力和生活质量的影响,近5年来本院对住院的行胸腔闭式引流的结核性胸膜炎患者进行了康复教育和锻炼指导,观察早期康复锻炼,对减少胸膜粘连、恢复肺通气功能的意义.

  • 慢性阻塞性肺气肿患者冬季护理措施



  • 血糖、性别、年龄与冠状动脉狭窄的关系


    0 引言探讨冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病危险因素血糖、性别、年龄与冠状动脉狭窄程度的关系,目前已有报道.但结果不一致,多数认为两者关系密切,是冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病的独立危险因素,但有报告血糖升高,糖尿病与冠状动脉病变程度无关.

  • 社区人群258例颈动脉硬化调查


    0 引言颈动脉形态较直,且与皮肤平行,故颈总动脉的内膜中层厚度容易测量,因而颈动脉超声检测可作为观察全身动脉硬化病变的窗口.本文通过观察社区人群中的颈动脉硬化的情况,筛选高危人群,以指导临床医生早期诊断及早期治疗.

  • 氧疗与膈肌起搏改善慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者肺功能


    0 引言慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD),其病史长,反复感染,逐年加重,严重的慢性阻塞性肺病缓解期也有低氧血症,肺功能低下,如何延缓COPD的发展,其康复治疗日益受到重视.在病情稳定期采用氧疗与体外膈肌起博(external diaphragm pacemarker,EDP)治疗,观察肺功能敏感指标,以用力肺活量(forced vital ca-pacity,FVC)、1 s用力呼气容积占预计值百分比及血氧分压(PaO2)、二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)等主要血气指标变化,探讨COPD肺功能改善中氧疗与膈肌起搏器的作用.

  • 我国21世纪心血管病的预防策略(16)


    关键词: 心血管病
  • 罕见少见疾病应引起医学界重视(18)


    关键词: 少见疾病
  • 人眼型白化病新基因发现(17)


    关键词: 人眼 白化病
  • 吸毒者自我状态测验问卷分析及对策建议


    目的:探讨吸毒者中占优势的个性类型.方法:采用自我状态测验(egopersonality test,EGPT)对云南个旧市98例吸毒者做问卷调查.结果:(1)确实存在着支配吸毒行为的5种个性特征;(2)有4种消极的个性类型在吸毒人群中占了相当大的比重,为69%;(3)对吸毒者所做的性别对比分析显示,女性的吸毒行为表现出更多的被动性,在4个分量表上与男性差异显著.结论:有5种个性类型在吸毒者中较突出,其中4种为消极的.

  • 海洛因依赖患者16例癫痫发作的原因分析


    0 引言癫痫发作是指脑部兴奋性过高的某些神经元突然、过度的重复放电引起的突然脑功能短暂异常.由于过度放电的神经元的部位不同,临床上表现为短暂的感觉障碍、肢体抽搐、意识丧失、行为障碍或植物神经等的功能异常.

  • 氯胺酮是否引起依赖性刍议



  • 海洛因依赖者与新并发症的调查分析


    0 引言通过对海洛因依赖者复吸用量、吸毒时间和吸毒方式与新并发症发生的关系的调查,可以对不同情况的患者采用药物脱毒是否应适当延长脱毒时间提供依据.

  • 脱毒者美沙酮急性中毒的原因分析及救治


    0 引言美沙酮应用于治疗海洛因依赖,效果较好.但随着时间的椎移,应用的例数增多,加之有些吸毒者的个体差异等因素,在临床上急性中毒的个案时有发生.故应引起高度重视.

  • 脑卒中后肩部问题



  • 痉挛的治疗



  • 废用性肌萎缩研究进展



  • 脑卒中后肺炎



  • 脑卒中后排泄障碍



  • 脑卒中后抑郁障碍



  • 脑卒中后语言障碍



  • 微型钛夹板固定对下颌骨折早期恢复运动功能的作用



  • 全数字与模拟放大线路助听器助听效果比较



  • 聋儿助听效果评估


    0 引言助听器始终处于佳补偿状态是聋儿顺利成功康复的前提,然而聋儿由于自身特点所限,一般难以对其助听效果作出主观评价.因此,家长和康复教师掌握一些简便、易行的助听效果评估方法十分必要.

  • 老年性白内障术后不同年龄组视功能恢复差异3 850例分析


    目的:回顾性分析眼科住院行老年性白内障摘除联合人工晶体植入术后的视力康复结果.方法:收集近5年来3 850例眼科50岁以上白内障患者术后终随访矫正视力,并按年龄分为4个组,采用SPSS统计软件包分析.结果:老年人白内障术后视力的变化有一定规律可循,年龄越大,其术后视力康复欠佳,大于80岁以上者,多数人的视力康复不太理想.结论:老年人白内障术后视力康复的差异,可能与老年人眼底神经细胞的自然凋亡程有关.

  • 唇裂的预防与矫治


    0 引言唇裂是发病率较高的一种先天畸形,发病率约千分之一.我国人口约13亿,儿童约占1/3.所以唇裂是一种值得重视的先天畸形.

  • 中药离子透入法治疗辐辏功能不足性眼疲劳


    0 引言近年来随着电脑的普及辐辏功能不足性眼疲劳患者逐渐增多.此症迄今尚无特殊疗法,而且由于患者对柱镜轴向和度数十分敏感,要求严格,重新配镜也很难使症状得到改善.应用中药离子透入法刺激局部穴位,可以使眼部受阻的脉络通畅,气血调达,从而起到恢复眼肌力,解除痉挛的作用.

  • 经颅多普勒检测1335例头痛、头晕患者脑动脉血流变化


    0 引言40岁以下患者脑A血流速度以增高为主,随着年龄的增大,血流速度逐渐降低,出现脑动脉硬化等多种情况.本文通过经颅多普勒(TCD)对1335例头痛、头晕患者脑A血流的变化做个回顾性的分析.

  • CT分度评估新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病32例


    0 引言新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE),是指围产期窒息所致脑部缺氧缺血性损伤,重症者可产生永久性神经系统缺陷.因此对HIE的早期诊断及时处理尤为重要.本病仅凭临床表现诊断有一定困难,也不能判断有无颅内出血,采用头CT扫描对HIE进行分度,对临床采取准确有效的治疗措施,降低临床致残率.

  • 来比林治疗糖尿病性末梢神经炎疗效观察


    0 引言糖尿病常见的并发症末梢神经功能障碍,表现为四肢远端麻木、疼痛难忍,本研究的目的是观察来比林对改善糖尿病末梢神经功能障碍效果的影响.

  • 糖尿病并发腕管综合征15例电生理检测特征


    0 引言电生理检测在临床已作为糖尿病性周围神经病的常规检测.在检测过程中,本电生理室发现有的糖尿病患者仅仅选择性地损害正中神经,即腕管综合征(carpal tunnel syndrome,CTS)的表现.因糖尿病是CTS的易患因素之一,本文意在进一步了解CTS在糖尿病患者中的发病情况及其电生理表现.

  • 双联法"在糖尿病足治疗中的应用探讨


    0 引言糖尿病足目前多采用降糖、清创、抗感染等对症治疗,60%左右的患者预后差.为探索有效治疗糖尿病足的新方法,作者应用"双联法"对糖尿病足患者进行治疗,并与常规治疗进行对比.

  • 中西医结合治疗强直性脊柱炎36例


    0 引言强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis,AS)是一种慢性进行性炎性疾病,主要以骶髂关节病为主,青壮年易患的风湿病.由于病因及发病机制未定论,临床治疗主要是非甾体消炎药和缓解病情药,是否需要用免疫抑制剂仍存在争议[1],运用中西医结合治疗强直性脊柱炎36例获得满意疗效,现报告如下.

  • 康复体操在慢性风湿性疾病关节炎中的作用


    0 引言慢性风湿性疾病关节炎(包括类风湿关节炎、强直性脊柱炎等)是一类缓解、复发、反复进行性的疾病,部分患者可因疾病致残.这类疾病在药物疗法、物理疗法治疗的基础上,其基础疗法之一运动疗法是不可缺少的,康复体操是在医院(或是康复中心),在医师或康复医师的指导下进行的运动疗法,尤其回到家庭以后坚持进行对预防关节致残是十分重要的.

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