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Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis 중국체시학여도상분석

  • 主管单位: 中国科学技术协会
  • 主办单位: 中国体视学学会
  • 影响因子: 0.29
  • 审稿时间: 1-3个月
  • 国际刊号: 1007-1482
  • 国内刊号: 11-3739/R
  • 发行周期: 季刊
  • 邮发: 北京清华大学工物系(刘卿楼)211室
  • 曾用名:
  • 创刊时间: 1996
  • 语言: 英文
  • 编辑单位: 《中国体视学与图像分析》编辑部
  • 出版地区: 北京
  • 主编: 刘国权
  • 类 别: 医药卫生综合
  • 原子力显微镜对人尿液的直接观察



  • 中晚期乳腺单纯癌粗面内质网及核糖体的形态参数的逐步判别分析



  • 新型中药复方制剂防治CoxB3感染小鼠急性实验性心肌炎的形态定量学研究


    目的:观察新型中药复方制剂心康口服液预防和治疗柯萨奇B3 (CVB3m)感染小鼠急性病毒性心肌炎形态学及形态定量学改变的作用.方法:将小鼠随机等分为模型组、阳性药(干扰素、Ribavilin)对照组、心康口服液组及正常对照组,并腹腔接种CVB3m病毒液建立病毒性心肌炎模型.预防组在用药2d后建立病毒性心肌炎模型,连续用药20-22d,观察比较第5、10和20d小鼠心脏肉眼及组织形态学改变并进行形态定量学测量,所得数据用SPSS/PC软件包作统计学处理.结果:心康口服液中、小剂量组及干扰素组第20d时心脏表面重度病变检出率与病毒组有显著意义P<0.01;心肌组织重度损伤(心肌细胞大片坏死崩解)检出率第20d时均低于病毒感染对照组、Ribav-ilin对照组及干扰素对照组,其中,中、小剂量组与病毒组有显著意义P<0.0l;心肌病变面积/全心面积比值第10d及20d时心康口服液中、小剂量组及干扰素对照组与病毒对照组有显著意义P<0.01;平均病变面积预防用药第10d及20d,治疗用药第20d心康口服液中、小剂量组及干扰素组与病毒感染对照组有显著意义P<0.0l.结论:心康口服液对CVB3m病毒感染小鼠的预防性及治疗性给药可保护心肌,减轻心肌损伤及促进损伤心肌修复,其预防作用类似干扰素,治疗作用优于Ribavilin,预防用药疗效较治疗用药为好.

  • 作者:

    Aim: To observe the apoptotic changes following exposure to EMP and to explore the possible injury mechanism in NIH - 3T3 fibroblasts. Methods: Following NIH - 3T3 cells were exposed to EMP,the proliferation and viability of NIH - 3T3 fibroblasts were estimated by hemacytometer and MTT Measurements. Apoptotic rate was measured by flow cytometer. The imnmohistochemical SP method was used to determine bcl- 2, p53. The positively stained cells were analyzed with CMIAS- Ⅱ image analysis system at a magnification 400. All data were analyzed by SPSS8.0 software. Results: The proliferation and viability of NIH- 3T3 cells were markedly inhibited and significant apoptosis was induced following exposure to EMP.EMP could increase the number of non- adherent cells, the highest ratio (33.9%) of non- adherent cells also occurred at 6h. The As70 value of MTT decreased immediately at 1 h, 6h following the cells were exposed as compared with the control (P < 0.05). The highest ratio of apoptosis was 15.07% at 6h, then decreased gradually. Down - regulation of bcl - 2 and up - regulation of p53 were induced by EMP ( P < 0.05). Conclusions: EMP could promote apoptosis of NIH - 3T3 fibroblasts. EMP could also down - regulate bcl - 2 level and up - regulate p53 level in NIH - 3T3 fibroblasts. Bcl - 2 and p53 gene may take part in the process of apoptosis.

  • 视网膜母细胞瘤p53、bcl-2、bax及增埴细胞核抗原的表达意义



  • 正常妊娠和妊高征胎盘血管三维铸型形态研究


    目的:建立正常妊娠和妊高征胎盘血管的三维铸型模型,探讨正常妊娠和妊高征胎盘血管的三维分布结构特征和临床价值.方法:采用改良的血管铸型方法,通过胎盘脐动、静脉灌注血管铸型材料,铸建20例正常胎盘,48例异常胎盘血管模型.结果:①人胎盘血管三维结构模型中,正常胎盘血管分支分为5-7级,胎盘动静脉系统容积为152.5mL±45.3mL,末梢动静脉分支数比值为1:2;②重度妊高征胎盘血管系统容积为102.8 mL±36.1 mL(P<0.01),末稍动静脉分支数比值2:3或1:1(P<0.05);③特殊胎盘的血管结构均有特殊性.结论:建立胎盘血管三维铸型,有利于直观了解正常和异常胎盘血管系统的结构,它不仅可作为教研模型,而且对深入探讨胎盘功能也有一定价值.

  • 结直肠癌中肿瘤血管形成的相关因素的研究



  • 作者:

    Aim: To investigate glycoconjugate changes on the cell surface of proliferative lesions and neoplasms of mice lungs at various stages of tumorigenesis, the relation between progressive development of mouse pulmonary tumors and expression of cell surface saccharide. Materials and methods: Thirty - one male A/J strain mice at 5 weeks of age were treated intraperitoneally with a single injection of 20 - methylcholanthrene (20 - MC), 292 pulmonary lesions including 31 hyperplasias, 145 alveolar adenomas, 61 papillary adenomas, 55 papillary adenocarcinomas and their combined type were obtained. The binding affinities of cells in normal respiratory epithelia and in proliferative lesions to four peroxidases - conjugated lectins, Maclura pomifera agglutinin (MPA), Arachis hypogea agglutinin (PNA), Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA), and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) were examined. Results: Cells of hyperplasia and alveolar adenoma showed fairly strong affinity to all the four lectins. However, part of papillary adenoma cells and greater part of papillary adenocarcinoma cells lost their binding affinity to MPA, PNA, and RCA, but not to WGA. The bindings of MPA, PNA and RNA were detected predominently on the luminal surfaces of benign tumors but not on the luminal surfaces of malignant tumors. WGA might bind to varied types of benign and malignant tumors. Pretreated with neuraminidase, the lesions enhanced the staining intensity for the four lectins, the binding sites of WGA to malignant tumor cells were numerous. A distinct difference in lectin binding affinity between hyperplasia / alveolar adenoma/papillary adenoma and papillary adenocarcinoma was clearly shown( x2 = 46.89, P < 0.01, x2 = 36.77, P < 0.01 and x2 = 52.87, P < 0.01 ) in this experiment. The complex glycoconjugates on the cell surface of malignant and benign lesions during the development of pulmonary tumor were changed,malignant tumor cells differed from the surface of benign tumor cells, the levels of total sialic acid were higher in malignant tumor cells than in benign lesions. Conclusions: The expressions of glycoconjugates on cell surface by lectins may assist differential diagnosis of the malignant and benign lung lesions.

  • 小鼠吸烟急性中毒后肺组织的形态计量学改变



  • 大肠腺癌、腺瘤及正常组织中线粒体形态结构的体视学研究



  • 作者:

    Thanks to the development of metallographic and optical techniques, the quantitative characterisation of the geometry of rough surfaces has become very useful in practical applications. Today, numerous different methods are available for determining three dimensional co- ordinates, linear profiles or height contours to a reasonable degree of accuracy and within an acceptable time frame, and for evaluating such data. In this article, the use of such techniques in the field of fractography is demonstrated with reference to a number of case studies dealt with by the author' s own team, supplemented by several examples from other research groups. The following examples are discussed:In a ceramic material different fracture paths were discerned corresponding to different test temperatures.Inhard metals,it was shown that hoth the sub-critical and supercritical propagation of cracks occurred dalong the same path.From measurements of the proportion of fracture surfaces occurring along and in the various different phases present and the depth of dimples occurring during ductile fracture in the binder phase,the fracture energy of EC-Co-hard alloys with different cobalt contents and tungsten carbide grain sizes was calculated and found to be in excellent agreement with actual experimental results.In the case of ceramic fibre-aluminium matrix cpmposite materials,by measuring the beight distribution of the positions of fracture of the fibres,the load transfer in the region of the fracture surface was determined.with this information a model was developed which explains the significant variation in strength of these materials Finally,a model was developed for metallic materials using which,from the experimentally determined distributions of the height and inclination of the fracture facets,the stress intensity of roughness induced crack closing could he accurately predicted.

  • 一种基于小波变换消除图像噪声方法



    关键词: 小波变换 阈值 消噪
  • 尿液多功能超高倍显微仪图文分析法



  • 计算机病理图像定量分析方法和应注意的问题



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