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期刊级别: CSCD  


  《物理学前沿(英文版)》(Frontiers of Physics in China),创刊于2006年1月,是由教育部发起、高等教育出版社出版、德国Springer公司海外发行的Frontiers系列英文学术期刊之一,以网络版和印刷版两种形式出版。

  《物理学前沿(英文版)》宗旨是介绍国际物理学领域最新研究成果和前沿进展,并致力成为中国物理学家与国内外同行进行快速学术交流的重要信息平台与窗口。《物理学前沿(英文版)》主要刊登物理学各分支学科领域专题性论述、前沿课题的综述、重大新进展的评述及原创性研究论文等英文文章,涉及领域包括量子力学与量子信息,原子、分子与光物理,凝聚态与材料物理,粒子物理、核物理、宇宙学与天体物理,统计与非线性物理,等离子体与加速器物理,软物质、生物物理与其他交叉学科领域。在出版方式上采用在线优先出版(Online First)形式,保证文章以最快速度发表。《物理学前沿(英文版)》是中国科学引文数据库CSCD(Chinese Sciences Citation Database)核心期刊,并被SCI(E),INSPEC,ADS(Astrophysics Data System)和SCOPUS等收录。


  1 General information

  Frontiers of Physics is an international refereed academicjournal jointly published by Higher Education Press andSpringer on a quarterly basis in English.Online versions are available through https://www.springer.com/11467 for users outside the Mainland ofChina or https://journal.hep.com.cn/FoP for users ofthe Mainland of China, where you can find the latest

  progress and first-hand results in a variety of researchfields in physics.The journal publishes News & Views, Perspectives,Review & Mini-review Articles, and original research articles,and all papers are strictly peer-reviewed. We arecommitted to promoting the development of physics andproviding the best services for your enjoying the distinctivecharm of physics.

  2 Manuscript preparation and submission instructions

  2.1 Manuscript submission

  Authors are encouraged to submit their papers viathe online submission system https://journal.hep.com.cn/FoP or by e-mail to the managing editor DONG (E-mail:donghg@hep.com.cn). The website guides authors stepwisethrough the creation and uploading of various files.Please note that original source files are required.

  2.2 Submission instructions

  2.2.1 Cover letter

  A cover letter must accompany each submission indicatingthe name, address, and telephone number of theauthors to whom all correspondence is addressed.Authors are also encouraged to recommend five potentialreferees in their cover letters. Final selection ofreviewers will be determined by the editors.

  2.2.2 Besides your article

  We set up a special column “SPECIAL FOCUS” on thethird cover page of the hard-copy of the journal to introducea key laboratory, an institute, etc., in each issue.For this purpose, you are encouraged to incorporate afront-cover image along with a brief description and/ora recommended laboratory in the cover letter of yoursubmission.

  2.2.3 Manuscript for review/research articles

  The following components are required for a completemanuscript: title, author(s), author affiliation(s), abstract,keywords, main text, illustrations and tables, acknowledgements,appendices (if any), and references.There is no formal limit on the length of a paper.

  (1) Author’s name

  In order to remove any equivocation arising from thetransliterated name, we encourage the authors to addtheir names in their own languages in parentheses aftertheir English name, such as Wei Wang (), TadanoriMinamisono (), and Chang Kee Jung ( ).

  (2) Abstract

  The abstract should summarize, in less than 300words, the context, content and conclusions of the paper.No reference numbers or displayed equation shouldbe included.

  (3) Keywords and PACS numbers

  Please provide three to six keywords.

  (4) Heading/Section levels (numbered)

  For most articles, please use the following system ofheadings with no more than three levels:1 Introduction

  2 Experimental

  2.1 . . .

  2.1.1 ...

  3 Conclusion


  (5) Text formatting

  Manuscripts will be reformatted based on the electronicfiles provided by the authors. Please kindly sendus the REVTeX (preferred), LaTeX, or other plain TeXformat files together with a PDF file.

  (6) Formulae and symbols

  Formulae, symbols and all subscripts, superscripts,Greek letters, and other characters should be carefullychecked. All displayed equations should be numberedconsecutively, with the number set flush right and enclosedin parentheses.

  (7) Illustrations

  • Formatting: All illustrations should be embeddedin LaTeX processing documents in TIFF, EPS or JEPGformat. Please identify any previously published materialsby giving the original source and copyright informationat the end of the caption.

  • Numbering: All illustrations should be numberedby using Arab numerals. Please use (a), (b), (c), . . . tonumber headings for sub-figures.

  • Figure quality: For grayscale images (i.e. blackand-whitehalftones and combined line and halftones),the originals should be sharp and detail visible in bothhighlights and shadows. The figure quality should meetthe graphics resolution requirements below:Line-drawings: 600 dpiColor or Grayscale: 300 dpix Guidelines for Authors

  • Color of figures: The journal will publish all illustrationsin color and free of charge. Unless necessary,however, black-and-white line-drawings and grayscaleimages are preferred.

  • Cover image: Submission of cover image and descriptionis encouraged but not required.

  (8) Tables

  All tables should be embedded in LaTeX processingdocuments. A table title is required for each table. Tablesshould always be ordered in text in consecutive numbers.Please identify the original source for any materialsfrom other publications at the end of the table heading.

  (9) Acknowledgements

  “Acknowledgements” of people, grants, funds, etc.,should be placed in a separate section before the appendices(if any) and the references list. The names offunds should be written in full.

  (10) Citations and references

  References to literature are cited by number in squarebrackets at appropriate locations in the text. In-text citationsshould be in line with the references in numbering.For example, “This method has been widely used[1–4, 6].”The references list should only include works that arecited in the text. For references with more than 3 authors,please list the full names of all authors.Each numbered reference should contain only one literature.

  Below are five examples:

  1. B. A. Bernevig and S. C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2006,96: 106802

  2. R. Diener and T. L. Ho, arXiv: cond-mat/0705174, 2011

  3. Y. S. Wu, G. D. Li, and H. Y. Guo, Chin. Sci. Bull. (KexueTongbao), 1974, 19: 509 (in Chinese)

  4. X. J. Liu, X. Liu, L. C. Kwek, and C. H. Oh, Front. Phys.,DOI: 10.1007/s11467-011-0226-8

  5. M. O. Scully and M. S. Zubairy, Quantum Optics, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1999

  3 After acceptance

  3.1 Copyright transfer

  Manuscripts submitted to this journal must be original.They must not be under simultaneous consideration byany other publishers and must not have been publishedelsewhere in similar form (self-plagiarism or plagiarism).The copyright transfer statement will be sent to theauthors together with this instruction. Please revert yoursigned copyrights form to the editorial office through email.

  3.2 Proofreading

  Once ready, the proofs will be sent to the authors, fora check for typos and the completeness and accuracy ofthe text, figures, and tables. New results and materialsare allowed upon the approval of the Editor-in-Chief.

  3.3 Online first

  The articles will be published online after receipt of thecorrected proofs. Readers may cite the articles with theDigital Object Identifier (DOI). After the release of thewhole issue, the articles can also be cited by issue andpage numbers.



  • 刊名:物理学前沿(英文
  • 主管单位:中华人民共和国教育部
  • 主办单位:高等教育出版社
  • ISSN:2095-0462
  • CN:11-5994/O4
  • 周期:双月刊
  • 语种:英文
  • 开本:16开
  • 该刊被以下数据库收录: