

期刊级别: 省级期刊  


  《工程(Engineering)》创刊于2015年,由中国工程院创办的国际一流水平期刊。期刊封面用图取材于有关专题;邀请相关顶级专家撰写。以开放获取(Open Access)的方式出版;在期刊网站上提供英文和中文版。



  (1)News & Highlights(新闻和焦点):具有全球视野的工程科技新闻以及具有高关注度的工程科技问题的最新进展;

  (2)Views & Comments(观点与评论):与一些重大工程科技事件、文章和活动相关的阐述性和启发性的意见和评论;



  Engineering is an international j ournal dedicated to the latest advancements in engineering. rlhe goal of this j ournal is to provide a high-level platformwhere academic achievements of great importance in engineering science and technology can be disseminated and shared. Proceeding from scientificdiscoveries, the research achievements disseminated by this journal should be convertible through innovation into a new productive force so as to promote the development ofworld-class industries and engineering proj ects of great socio-economic significance.We are interested in:

  (1) News & Focus-Globalperspectives, news focus, and updates on centralissues;

  (2) Views & Comments-Expository and heuristic comments and reviews on majorissues, articles, and events; and

  (3) Research-Outstanding research results, in the form of research articles, reviews, perspectives, short communications regarding critical issues, and so on,

  All manuscripts must be prepared in English, and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Accepted papers will immediately appearonline, followed by a printed hard copy.

  The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:

  . Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology. Information and Communication Engineering

  . AgriculturalEngineering. Instrument Science and Technology

  . Architecture and Civil Engineering . Materials Saence and Engineering

  . Bioengineering. Mechanical Engineering

  . BiomedicalEngineering. Mechanics

  . Chemical Engineering and Technology . MetallurgicalEngineering

  . Communication and Transportation Engineering. MineraIEngineering

  . Computer Science and Technology. NavalArchitecture and Ocean Engineering

  . Electrical and Electronic Engineering . Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering

  . Engineering Education. Oil and Natural Gas Engineering

  . Engineering Management . OpticalEngineering

  . Environmental Science and Engineering. Power Engineering and Engineering rrhermophysics

  . Food Science and Engineering. Surveying and Mapping

  . Forestry Engineering. Systems and Control Engineering

  . Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. Textile Science and Engineering

  . Hydraulic Engineering. Lightlndustry Technology and Engineering



  • 刊名:工程Engineering(
  • 主办单位:中国工程院
  • ISSN:2095-8099
  • CN:10-1244/N
  • 周期:季刊
  • 语种:英文
  • 开本:大16开
  • 曾用名:《工程科学:英文版》;《中国工程科学:英文版》
  • 历史沿革: